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AnyCable Vladimir Dementyev, Evil Martians

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RailsConf 2016

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RailsConf 2016

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Preface • In my opinion, the idea of ActionCable is great; web sockets the Rails way. But I'm pretty sad about implementation • AnyCable is not an alternative; it's an enhancement (or re-design)

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Outline • What is ActionCable? • ActionCable: the good parts • ActionCable: the bad parts • How does AnyCable eliminate the bad parts without losing the good parts

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What is ActionCable?

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ActionCable RailsConf 2015 April, 21

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ActionCable RailsConf 2015

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TwitterCable jumping the shark – начало конца или прохождение пика/наивысшей точки (популярности)

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TutorialCable since 2015

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since 2012 TutorialCable since 2015

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since 2014 TutorialCable since 2015

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ActionCable in a Nutshell Server Client WebSocket Client WebSocket

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ActionCable in a Nutshell Server Client WebSocket Client WebSocket stream C Broadcaster stream B stream A stream B

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ActionCable in a Nutshell Server Client WebSocket Client WebSocket stream C Broadcaster stream B stream A stream B channel X channel Y channel Z

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ActionCable Channel

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ActionCable: the good parts

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ActionCable: Pros • Easy configuration

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Opt-In Cable

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Opt-In Cable

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ActionCable: Pros • Easy configuration • Application logic access through channels

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ActionCable: Pros • Easy configuration • Application logic access through channels • JavaScript client that just works

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ActionCable: Pros • Easy configuration • Application logic access through channels • JavaScript client that just works

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ActionCable: Pros • Easy configuration • Application logic access through channels • JavaScript client that just works

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ActionCable: the bad parts

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MemoryCable 20k connections MB 0 375 750 1 125 1 500 1 875 2 250 2 625 3 000 Go Erlang ActionCable (2x) ActionCable (16x)

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WebSocket Shootout

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WebSocket Shootout Client Server broadcast to all message send message back

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WebSocket Shootout Broadcast RTT 0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 10s Number of connections 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Go Erlang ActionCable Running on AWS EC2 c3.4xlarge (16 vCPU, 30 GiB RAM)

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WebSocket Shootout

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Server Channels Streams Client (Protocol) ActionCable AnyCable

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Server Channels Streams Client (Protocol) ActionCable AnyCable

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Server Channels Streams Client (Protocol) Separation of Concerns ActionCable AnyCable

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Application AnyCable Client WebSocket DB

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Application AnyCable Client WebSocket Nginx HTTP DB

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Application AnyCable Client WebSocket Nginx HTTP DB ?

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gRPC = Google RPC

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gRPC = Universal RPC Framework

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gRPC = protobuf + HTTP/2

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AnyCable gRPC

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Application WS Client WebSocket DB HTTP/2 RPC

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Application WS Client WebSocket DB HTTP/2 RPC Rails App + gRPC Server

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Application WS Client WebSocket DB HTTP/2 RPC Redis Rails App + gRPC Server

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AnyCable Server anycable-go erlycable

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HowTo # Gemfile gem 'anycable', group: :production

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HowTo # Gemfile gem 'anycable', group: :production # generate server script rails generate anycable

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HowTo # Gemfile gem 'anycable', group: :production # generate server script rails generate anycable # run gRPC server ./bin/anycable

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HowTo # Gemfile gem 'anycable', group: :production # generate server script rails generate anycable # run gRPC server ./bin/anycable # run websocket server anycable-go -addr=

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HowTo # Gemfile gem 'anycable', group: :production # generate server script rails generate anycable # run gRPC server ./bin/anycable # run websocket server anycable-go -addr= # config/application.rb config.action_cable.url = 'ws://'

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Compatibility Feature Status Connection Identifiers + Connection Request (cookies, params) + Disconnect Handling coming soon Subscribe to channels + Parameterized subscriptions + Unsubscribe from channels + Subscription Instance Variables - Performing Channel Actions + Streaming + Custom stream callbacks - Broadcasting +

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Compatibility Feature Status Connection Identifiers + Connection Request (cookies, params) + Disconnect Handling coming soon Subscribe to channels + Parameterized subscriptions + Unsubscribe from channels + Subscription Instance Variables - Performing Channel Actions + Streaming + Custom stream callbacks - Broadcasting +

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ActionCable Channel

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WebSocket Shootout Broadcast RTT 0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 10s Number of connections 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 ActionCable Patch 1 Running on AWS EC2 c3.4xlarge (16 vCPU, 30 GiB RAM)

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DisclaimerCable AnyCable have not been used in production yet…

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DisclaimerCable AnyCable have not been used in production yet… …because I have not been working with Rails 5 in production at all

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MemoryCable 20k connections MB 0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 000 Go Erlang anycable-go erlycable ActionCable

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ActionCable CPU

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ActionCable CPU

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anycable-go CPU

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anycable-go CPU

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erlycable CPU

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erlycable CPU

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WebSocket Shootout Broadcast RTT 0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9s 10s Number of connections 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Go Erlang ActionCable anycable-go erlycable Running on AWS EC2 c3.4xlarge (16 vCPU, 30 GiB RAM)

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FutureCable - Shared Socket Server

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Shared Server Application A AnyCable Client WebSocket Application B Client WebSocket

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FutureCable - Shared Socket Server - Transport Support (Fallbacks)

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FutureCable - Shared Socket Server - Transport Support (Fallbacks) - Enhanced Analytics

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FutureCable - Shared Socket Server - Transport Support (Fallbacks) - Enhanced Analytics - ActionCable PaaS

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cult of

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Let's make ActionCable suck less! Vladimir Dementyev @palkan @palkan_tula