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Big Data Analytics to the masses Why it has failed and how we can fix it Jose Luis Lopez Pino

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Who am I? BI Consultant Large-Scale & Distributed Founding Data Engineer

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Big Data is like Tourism But if you aren’t an expert, you can’t make the most of it It seems easy to do

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Struggle to analyze Big Data Harlan Harris, Sean Murphy, and Marck Vaisman. Analyzing the Analyzers: An Introspective Survey of Data Scientists and Their Work. O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2013 Also: Sean Kandel, Andreas Paepcke, Joseph M Hellerstein, and Jeffrey Heer. Enterprise data analysis and visualization: An interview study. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions

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Tools Volker Markl. Breaking the chains: On declarative data analysis and data independence in the big data era. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7(13), 2014

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Tools (October 2014) Original: Volker Markl. Breaking the chains: On declarative data analysis and data independence in the big data era. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 7(13), 2014

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Deep analytics

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Libraries! We need libraries... Query languages Write your own MR/RDD/Transformations

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… comprehensive ones!

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Say it with memes! When you do Deep analytics in small data using R and CRAN packages When you do deep analytics in BIG data using R and CRAN packages

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When you try to program it using MapReduce When you try to program it using Apache Spark / Apache Flink When you try to use a library scalable to large data sets

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Can’t we do it better? - Make it similar to normal R programs. - Hide complexity. - Make file manipulation easier. - Part of the computing in the cluster and part of the computer in the client.

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Our approach

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Our approach

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Behind the scenes: Before

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Behind the scenes: After

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Without writing significantly different code

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Competitive or even faster than R native code in small data

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And it scales

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Some relevant findings - Transmission time was not significant. - Stratosphere/Flink was competitive in highly iterative programs. - We were not able to do it keeping the code 100% the same. - Ensemble scenarios are the most exciting ones.

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4 Takeaways from this talk - We still need to bring Big Data to the right people in the right place. - We need comprehensive libraries. - We need to move data back and forth. - Use a syntax that the users are familiar with.

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That’s all! - Have you found this talk interesting? - Follow me: @jllopezpino - Interested in a job as SEM Data Analyst (Berlin)? - Ask me for the details: - Are you interested in Data + Energy? - Keep in touch:

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17TH ~ 18th NOV 2014 MADRID (SPAIN)