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para//el 2016 Erfahrungen mit Queues von ActiveMQ über Hazelcast zu Disque Philipp Krenn̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴@xeraa

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ViennaDB Papers We Love Vienna

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Elastic Infrastructure | Developer Advocate

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Electronic Data Interchange EDI

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Einzelhandel Automotive

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Übertragungsprotokolle AS2, X.400, OFTP, FTP, SMTP, IMAP, Web Services,... Dokumentenformate EDIFACT, X12, ODETTE, VDA,...

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Architektur +--------+ | | +----+ | +--------+ | | | | | | | | | | +--------+ v + | | | | | | +------------> Verarbeitung +-|-|----+ | | + | | | | | +-|------+ | | | | <--------------+ +--------+ Schnittstellen

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Datenfluss Camel Komponente / Protokoll-Implementierung + ^ | | | | v + Camel Routing + ^ | | | | v + Queue + ^ | | | | v + Verarbeitung

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Queues Entkoppeln Erstellung und Verarbeitung

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Networked message queues like ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, and a host of other Java inspired software tumors are crutches of systems design. — Ted Dziuba, against-queues.html

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"The Blocking Consumer"

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"Collecting Data for Offline Processing"

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"Everybody Loves System Complexity"

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There are only two hard problems in distributed systems: 2. Exactly-once delivery 1. Guaranteed order of messages 2. Exactly-once delivery — Mathias Verraes, 632260618599403520

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Order Als wäre nur eine Instanz involviert

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Exactly-Once Das gewünschte Verhalten

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Bestätigung / ACK Vor der Verarbeitung: At-Most-Once Nach der Verarbeitung: At-Least-Once

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At-Most-Once Strikte Konsistenz, die Kommunikations-Overhead erzeugt Netzwerk-Split — Mehrheit

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At-Least-Once Leichter zu verteilen Idempotente Konsumation Timeouts anpassen

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Queues and databases antirez 632 days ago

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Schummeln Order

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Schummeln 1. Empfangen 2a. In RDS speichern (MySQL) 2b. Camel Routing + Queue 3. Acknowledge

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Ziele Verfügbarkeit Liveness At-Most-Once

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Maschinen Warten Versuchen es später erneut

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Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Schnell, zuverlässig, skalierbar und von AWS verwaltet

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Aber... At-Least-Once 64KB (mittlerweile 256KB) Payload

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Master Slave Gemeinsames Dateisystem JDBC Replizierte LevelDB + ZooKeeper

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true 10000 10000 true

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RDS down !

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In-memory data grid Sets, Listen, Maps, Queues, Topics, Locks, Atomic Long,... Query, Aggregate, MapReduce Hibernate 2nd Level Cache, Session Replication

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Eierlegende Wollmilchsau

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Gut Löst alle Probleme für Java Apps Multi-Master HA Schnell

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Weniger gut Wenige Anwender der Queue- Komponente Bugs bei IP / DNS Änderungen Stop-the-World Upgrades

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Currently our action is to create bug for these scenarios and try to ensure exactly-once. — Enes Akar,!msg/hazelcast/ u_KLHVnvT_U/Qx5Km8COk_oJ

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Kafka Echtzeit Fokus At-Least-Once +Producer

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Kestrel Tot !

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RabbitMQ Zu viel Middleware

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In the event of network failure (or a node crashing), messages can be duplicated, and consumers must be prepared to handle them. —

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[...] no one try to use N Redis independent nodes and the offered primitives as a building block for a distributed system [...] — Salvatore Sanfilippo,

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Disque is a distributed message broker —

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Gut Dokumentation Fokus auf Queue Multi-Master HA Konfigurierbare ACK Ähnlich Redis

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Client: Spinach "A scalable Java Disque client" basierend auf Lettuce: "A scalable Java Redis client"

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Mark Paluch

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! Kinderkrankheiten

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Aktuelle Konfiguration Pro Nachricht Replikations-Faktor: 1 Retry-Time: 0 Keine Persistenz

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Aktuelle Verwendung Verrechnung seit 07/2015 Bald voller Ersatz für ActiveMQ?

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WARNING: This is beta code and may not be suitable for production usage. —

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Oder doch Redis?

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Optionen Disque (Redis) ActiveMQ Kafka RabbitMQ Hazelcast SQS

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PS: Elastic

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Danke! Fragen?! @xeraa

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Bilder · Schnitzel · Architektur · Conchita · Papier · Lu!brücke File:C-54landingattemplehof.jpg · Bier · Eierlegende Wollmilchsau · Li!