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Mynet Inc. 3928 May 15, 2024 Company Overview

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© Mynet Inc. All rights reserved. 2 01 Corporate Information 02 Q1 FY2024 Business Report 03 Q1 FY2024 Topics Agenda

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© Mynet Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Corporate Information 1

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4 About Us Company Name Mynet Inc. Representative Minoru Iwaki Location 2-11-3 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Establishment June 14, 2006 Business Secondary Business, New Business Number of Employees* 272 *As of the end of December 2023 (Group consolidated, excluding indirect employment)

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Business Overview 5 Focused on the purchase and long-term management of game titles Aiming to establish a fantasy sports based on the secondary business Secondary Business Fantasy Sports Number of titles in operation 80 「B.LEAGUE#LIVE2023」 More than

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6 Game market has grown to over 2 trillion yen Sports market is expected to expand, due to government support Source:「ファミ通ゲーム白書2023」 Source:Cabinet Office「日本再興戦略2016」 Market Environment The domestic game market continues to expand. The size of our target market is also expanding steadily Domestic Game Market Domestic Sports Market The sports industry is expected to Market size is expected to grow to 15 trillion yen by 2025 (Unit: trillion yen) (Unit: trillion yen) 5.5 10.0 15.0 2015 2020 2025 1.7 2.0 2019 2022

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Secondary Business|Competitiveness 7 Ability to procure game titles from various companies in the gaming industry Long-term operation through software planning and development Network with companies in the gaming industry Extensive title acquisition and M&A experience Sales Development Operation S trengths Skills and know-how based on quantitative analysis Experience in long-term management of more than 80 titles Knowledge backed by title management experience Game software development knowledge

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Secondary Business|Strategy 8 Resource shift from Secondary Business to the New Domain Focus on business expansion into New Domain FY2022 0% FY2023 8% FY2024 28% Occupancy rate of New Domain New Domain Secondary Business Partial Outsourcing Development Outsourcing New Development

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MEDIA Japan's largest basketball media 「BASKET COUNT」 MEMBER Experienced members with expertise in the sports content business SCHEME First in Japan B-League-approved fantasy sports PRODUCT Japan's largest fantasy sports 「B.LEAGUE#LIVE2023」 Fantasy Sports|Competitiveness 9 Aiming to evolve fan engagement with members with expertise in sports content and business S trengths

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Fantasy Sports|Strategy Work on “adding more competitions” ✕ "expanding of monetization” Accelerate the speed of growth by consolidating business resources Business Development Reinforcement Major Sports A Major Sports B monetization α monetization β 100% Group Company GAMEDAY Interactive Aim to become a content development studio that advances sports and fan engagement Sports Fan Engagement 10

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© Mynet Inc. All rights reserved. 11 Q1 FY2024 Business Report 2

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FY2024 Q1Financial Highlights 12 Revenue slightly Decreased YoY, but Profit Increased Significantly Operating income increased 112% YoY to 149 million yen Unit : million yen 2023 Q1 2024 Q1 YoY YoY% Revenue 2,658 2,454 △203 △7.7% Operating Income 70 149 +79 +112.4% Ordinary Income 59 148 +89 +150.3% Net Income 168 155 △12 △7.5%

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Progress of Forecasts 13 Quarterly sales recovered to 2.5 billion Yen level Operating income progressed faster than expected for the full year Revenue Operating Income Net Income Ordinary Income 2,454 149 155 148 25.6% 68.0% 87.6% 94.3% Full Year Forecast:9,600 Full Year Forecast:220 Full Year Forecast:170 Full Year Forecast:165 Q1 25% (Unit:Million yen)

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2,658 2,118 1,853 2,087 2,454 Revenue|Operating Income 14 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 Revenue base up and recovers due to revenue regrowth measures Strong operating income due to the addition of Digon's performance (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen) Operating Income Revenue 3 7 87 149 23/Q1 23/Q2 23/Q3 23/Q4 24/Q1 70 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 Revenue Regrowth Measures

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Balance Sheet 15 △132 △23 19 60 1 28.7 33.1 32.2 30.7 34.1 7.0 12.0 17.0 22.0 27.0 32.0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Net Cash Equity Ratio Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Balance Sheet (Unit:Million yen) Net Cash / Equity Ratio Net assets increased due to strong performance Net cash decreased due to additional consumption tax payment 2023 23/Q1 24/Q1 2024 (Unit:Million yen, %) Assets 4,060 Liabilities 2,889 Net assets 1,171 Assets 3,844 Liabilities 2,429 Net assets 1,415

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© Mynet Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Q1 FY2024 Topics 3

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Actions for sustainable growth 17 Sports DX Initial Development BtoB Solutions (Different Industries) BtoB Solutions (Game) Continue to achieve increased revenues and sustainable growth Control new business investment within secondary business earnings New Business Secondary Business (Unit:Million yen) Business earnings and Operating income Business Strategy Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 251 356 432 604 300 △ 181 △ 281 △ 351 △ 435 △ 151 70 74 81 168 149 △ 900 △ 700 △ 500 △ 300 △ 100 100 △ 600 △ 400 △ 200 0 200 400 600 800 secondary business earnings new business earnings operating income

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Revenue|Operating Income 18 (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen) Operating Income Revenue Secondary Business Operating income improved due to solid operations of existing titles and the acquisition of new titles at the end of the fiscal year. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 251 104 76 171 300 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 2,417 2,101 1,826 1,792 2,192

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Existing titles and New titles 19 Operations of existing titles and sourcing activities are steady Operations of existing titles Purchased Outsourced Other Revenue increased 35.2% compared to the internal target Revenue remained steady at 99.4% YoY Acquired titles contributed to revenue from Q1 In order to promote resource shift, Switching resources from in-house management to outsourcing since Q4 of the previous year Purchase of new titles 2023Q1 2024Q1 94 91 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Sourcing Pipelines Revenue were 106% YoY Aiming for expansion as a stable revenue source Secondary Business

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Revenue|Operating Income 20 Steady progress in expansion into new businesses started in 2H of last year Contribution from Digon's participation in the Group (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen) Operating Income Revenue Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 240 16 27 294 262 New Business Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2023 2024 △ 181 △ 100 △ 69 △ 84 △ 151

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BtoB Solutions (Different Industries) 21 Steadiest performance among new business expansion measures Strengthened project sourcing and content development capabilities Current Scope of Business Strategy DX BPR Start-Up PMO New Tech Provide consulting services as a professional business development group Future Business Development Existing Clients Content development Project Sourcing Expansion of business partners New Business

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Sports DX 22 Fantasy Sports Achieves Highest Average Revenue and PUs in History Expanding business by releasing new services this fiscal year and next Average PU Jan-Mar Apr-May Oct-Dec Jan-Mar 23-24 Season 24-25 Season Record high YoY 3.45X Average Revenue Jan-Mar Apr-May Oct-Dec Jan-May 23-24 Season 24-25 Season YoY 3.47X Record high ※PU(Paid User): Number of users charged New Business

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In-house publishing✕ 2 Contracted Development Other 23 Added two new development lines, bringing the pipeline to three Expanded the HR dispatching domain through the alliance with GCG BtoB Solutions (Game) Initial development Pipeline 3 Lines 2023 2024 Dispatch of human resources to game companies for PJT Capable of supporting a wider variety of PJT than before Game Companies Strengthen sourcing capabilities Temporary staffing PJT support PJT orders New Business Improvement in number of projects and utilization ratio

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Disclaimer 24 The information provided in this material includes so-called “forward-looking statements”. They are based on current estimates, forecasts, and assumptions that involve risks and involve uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those in the statements. These risks and uncertainties include general industry and market conditions, and general national and international economic conditions such as interest rate and currency exchange fluctuations. We are under no obligation to update or revise the "forward-looking information" contained in this document, even if new information or future events occur.

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© Mynet Inc. All rights reserved. 25