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Mynet Inc. 3928 Nov 12,2024 Company Overview

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01 Corporate Information 02 Q3 FY2024 Business Report 03 Q3 FY2024 Topics 2 Agenda

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Corporate Information 3 1

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4 About Us Company Name Mynet Inc. CEO Minoru Iwaki Location 2-11-3 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Establishment June 14, 2006 Business Secondary Business, etc Employee Count* 272 *As of the end of December 2023 (Group consolidated, excluding indirect employment)

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Business Overview 5 Business Expansion into New Businesses Based on the Strengths of Secondary Businesses New Business 4 Areas Sports DX BtoB solutions (game) BtoB solutions (Non-game) Development Secondary Business Cumulative Number of titles in operation 80 More than

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6 The domestic game market has grown to over 2 trillion yen Our target online platform is a core area of the game market Secondary Business|Market Environment Breakdown 70.5% 19.2% 10.3% Online Platform Home Software Home Hardware FY2022 Source:「ファミ通ゲーム白書2023」 Domestic Game Market (Unit: Trillion yen) 1.7 2.0 2019 2022 Source:「ファミ通ゲーム白書2023」

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Secondary Business| Business Model 7 Acquired titles through flexible schemes Long-term management with a team that specializes in title management スキーム 強み Scheme Strengths Game Maker User Long-term management Use of Services Transfer Consideration Title Transfer

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Secondary Business|Competitiveness 8 Operates more than 80 titles on the strength of sales, operation and development capabilities Network with companies in the gaming industry Extensive title acquisition and M&A experience Sales Development Operation S trengths Skills and know-how based on quantitative analysis Experience in long-term management of more than 80 titles Knowledge backed by title management experience Game software development knowledge

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New Business|Policy 9 Aim to re-grow sales by developing new businesses that leverage the strengths of secondary businesses Sports DX Development B to B Solution (game) B to B Solution (Non-game) Secondary Business New Business 1 2 3 4 Sales Development Operation Strengths

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New Business|Sports DX 10 Accelerate the speed of growth by adding more major sports and expanding monetization methods Strengths Business Development Sports A Sports B Monetization α Monetization β SCHEME Japan‘s first B-League sanctioned fantasy sports PRODUCT Japan's largest fantasy sports 「B.LEAGUE#LIVE」 MEMBER Members with expertise in the sports content business MEDIA Japan's largest basketball web media 「BASKET COUNT」 Strengths

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New Business|Group Company Profile 11 Company name Digon Inc. Location 2-11-3 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo CEO Minoru Iwaki Established February 6, 2018 Business Consulting Company Name GAMEDAY Interactive Inc. Location 2-11-3 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo CEO Minoru Iwaki Established April 1, 2024 Business Sports DX

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Q3 FY2024 Business Report 12 2

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Executive Summary 13 ・ Cumulative Q3 operating income up +374% YoY to 385 million yen ・ Forecast will be disclosed after the completion of a thorough review Strong performance in Q3 following 1H ・ Released new season version of B.LEAGUE#LIVE. Record number of new users ・ BtoB solutions (Non-Games) performed well Continued investment to monetize new businesses ・ Q3 operating income increased +232% YoY to 254 million yen ・ Trend toward larger projects due to changes in the game market conditions Secondary business continues to perform well

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FY2024 Q3 Financial Highlights 14 Operating income increase +374% YoY to 385 million yen Unit : million yen 2023 Q1-Q3 2024 Q1-Q3 YoY YoY% Revenue 6,630 6,693 +62 +0.9% Operating Income 81 385 +304 +374.4% Ordinary Income 37 350 +277 +378.8% Net Income 117 319 +202 +172.2%

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Progress toward the full-year forecast 15 Full-year forecast remains unchanged, despite the step-up in profit Revision will be disclosed upon confirmation of year-end results Unit : million yen Upwardly revised 2024 Q1-Q3 YoY YoY% Revenue 9,600 6,693 △2,907 △30.3% Operating Income 360 385 +25 +7.2% Ordinary Income 335 350 +15 +4.6% Net Income 290 319 +29 +10.2%

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16 Earnings largely exceeded the initial forecast Net sales were firm despite some delays Revenue Operating Income Net Income Ordinary Income 6,693 Million yen 385 Million yen 319 Million yen 350 Million yen 69.7% 175.3% 206.0% 193.8% Progress against initial forecasts Initial Forecast:165Million yen Initial Forecast:170Million yen Initial Forecast :220Million yen Initial Forecast:9,600Million yen Initial Forecast 100%

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1,853 2,087 2,454 2,222 2,015 Revenue and Operating Income by Quarter 17 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 Both secondary and new businesses increased YoY Operating income decreased from Q2, but improved significantly YoY Operating Income Revenue 7 87 149 159 76 23/Q3 23/Q4 24/Q1 24/Q2 24/Q3 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen)

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Balance Sheet 18 19 60 1 28 -94 32.2 30.7 34.1 30.7 32.2 7.0 12.0 17.0 22.0 27.0 32.0 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 Net Cash Equity Ratio Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Balance Sheet Net Cash / Equity ratio Net assets increased 41% YoY to 1,589 million yen Equity ratio remained in the 30% range despite new bank loans 2023 2023/Q3 2024/Q3 2024 Assets 3,463 Liabilities 2,342 Net assets 1,120 Assets 4,572 Liabilities 2,982 Net assets 1,589 (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen)

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Q3 FY2024 Topics 19 3

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Business Policy 20 Stable operating income due to investment control Continued to invest in new businesses while steadily generating earnings Business earnings and Operating income Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 432 604 300 602 856 △ 351 △ 435 △ 151 △ 293 △ 471 81 168 149 309 385 △ 900 △ 700 △ 500 △ 300 △ 100 100 300 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 Secondary Business New Business Operating Income Business Strategy Sports DX Development BtoB Solutions (Non-game) BtoB Solutions (Game) New Business Secondary Business (Unit:Million yen)

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Revenue|Operating Income 21 Operating Income Revenue Both sales and profit in Q3 were up YoY Operating income increased 232% YoY to 254 million yen Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 76 171 300 302 254 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 1,826 1,792 2,192 1,935 1,849 YoY +232% Secondary Business (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen)

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Existing titles and New titles 22 Titles performed well, creating upside Careful consideration as projects are becoming larger in scale Operations of existing titles Acquisitions of new titles 96 100 9 14 -8 -3 2 7 12 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 ⚫ Operating income up 17.7% from internal target ⚫ Strong contribution from events of major titles Outsourced Purchased ⚫ Operating income up 13.4% from internal target 2023/Q3 2024/Q3 Secondary Business Line graph : Number of pipelines Bar graph : Number of sourcing

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Revenue|Operating Income 23 Steady growth in sales of BtoB solutions and new development Expanded new development line in Sports DX Operating Income Revenue Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 27 294 262 287 166 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2023 2024 △ 69 △ 84 △ 151 △ 142 △ 178 New Business (Unit:Million yen) (Unit:Million yen)

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Sports DX 24 Significant increase in users with the release of “B.LEAGUE#LIVE” Started new development line with new monetization model New registered users 2023年1月 2024年1月 FY2023 Oct FY2024 Oct Record high YoY 14.3x New product releases B.LEAGUE#LIVE New Business

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BtoB Solution (Non-Game) 25 Sales and operating income both remained steady Improved development system and promoted development of AI chat Recent Initiatives Revenue|Operating Income 117 120 103 27 31 14 Revenue Operating Income Q1 Q2 Q3 2024 Accelerated development of AI chat beta version New Business

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Other 26 Steady progress in other new business areas ⚫ Steady increase in sales at our capital partner, Game Creators Guild, In ⚫ Team-up type development support is being expanded both within and outside of the industry ⚫ Improving business infrastructure to expand business by taking advantage of the alliance Development BtoB Solution (Game) ⚫ Outsourced development is on track for release by the end of the year ⚫ Other development lines also specializing in sports genres New Business

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Disclaimer 27 The information provided in this material includes so-called “forward-looking statements”. They are based on current estimates, forecasts, and assumptions that involve risks and involve uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those in the statements. These risks and uncertainties include general industry and market conditions, and general national and international economic conditions such as interest rate and currency exchange fluctuations. We are under no obligation to update or revise the "forward-looking information" contained in this document, even if new information or future events occur.

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© Mynet Inc. All rights reserved. 28