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Offlinefähige Progressive Web Apps Immer & überall Thomas Hilzendegen @hilzendegent Consultant Manuel Rauber @ManuelRauber Consultant

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Thomas Hilzendegen Speakers Manuel Rauber [email protected] @hilzendegent [email protected] @manuelrauber Microsoft MVP

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Timetable Time Doing 09:00 - 10:30 Part I 10:30 - 11:00 ☕ 11:00 - 12:30 Part II 12:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 15:00 Part III 15:00 - 15:30 ☕ 15:30 - 17:00 Part IV

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• Progressive Web App • Offline availability • Offline synchronization • Change tracking • Security considerations • Pitfalls Agenda

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Offline… but why?

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• Just because the phone has a connection,
 e.g. Edge, it does not mean we are online • Depends on the use case which connection
 quality is required to determine, if the 
 app is reliable online • Connection quality could be measured
 by the time an exclusive request takes • Duration < 150 ms: online • Duration !>=150 ms: bad connection What does “offline” mean?

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• A lot of reasons to be offline • Traveling, Train, Flights (bad or no signal) • Server is not available • Routing problems • Roaming • Costs Motivation

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Demo Application

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• A little application to manage boardgames • Angular, .NET Core, MS SQL Server • Brownfield application, started as a pure online application • As typical for any good demo: no security • Available on Azure: • GitHub: Demo Application “Thinktecture Boardist”

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Demo Application Database Scheme

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Live Demo

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Now let’s go offline!

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Does it work in flight mode? NOPE!

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Progressive Web App

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• Motivation: Get rid of app stores! • Web App = App App • Support native features like: Push notifications, offline availability, installable • Backwards-compatibility: runs in non-PWA browsers, with a reduced feature set Progressive Web App

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PWA Technology Overview Progressive Web Apps HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 Service Worker API Web App Manifest HTTPS Fetch API Web Notifications Web Workers Push API

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PWA Platform Support 40 44 11.1 17 4.1 11.3

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Progressive Web App 
 is not a technology, 
 but a collection of features an application must/should support

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PWA Collection of Features Responsive Linkable Discoverable Installable App-Like Connectivity
 Independent Fresh Safe Re-engageable Progressive

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• A JavaScript running in its own thread • No access to the DOM • Communicates via postMessage-API • Acts as a controller/proxy/interceptor • Can perform background tasks • Has to be installed before usage • Runs whenever the browser is running PWA ServiceWorker

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PWA ServiceWorker Website Internet Cache Service Worker

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PWA ServiceWorker Lifecycle Parse Installing Error Activated Idle Terminated fetch/message

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PWA Connectivity Independent Website Internet Cache storage Server Remote storage ServiceWorker

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• Cache only • Network only • Cache falling back to network • Cache & network race • Network falling back to cache • Cache then network • Generic fallback • ServiceWorker-side templating PWA Caching Strategies

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PWA Cache Then Network Website Internet Cache storage Server Remote storage ServiceWorker HTTP 1. Lookup 2. fetch 1. Lookup

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• “One-size-fits-all” ServiceWorker implementation • Instrumented via ngsw-config.json • Restricted feature set (e.g. no communication between app and SW) • Initial caching of static content • Caching external content • Dynamic data caching • Push notifications PWA Angular ServiceWorker

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Live Demo

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Does it work offline now? STILL NOPE!

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Real offline availability

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• ServiceWorker is only able to take data offline which has been requested by the application • If all the URLs are known beforehand, the ServiceWorker could cache them all • Data which was not requested, is not available offline (no real offline synchronisation) • But what about … the Background Sync API? What’s the problem?

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• Name is misleading • Does not offer any data synchronisation possibilities • Just raises an event periodically or after a delay (optionally based on the network type) • It’s totally up to the developer what to do in the onsync event • Since the sync is done in the ServiceWorker, the page can be closed, the sync will be fulfilled anyway • It does not help anything with syncing your actual data! Background Sync API

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Background Sync API

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• Cookies (not meant for large data or binaries) • Web Storage like session storage or local storage (not meant for large data or binaries) • IndexedDB • Cache Storage (based on request/response) Storage capabilities

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User can clear anything at any time by “Remove temporary internet files” or “Clear website data”

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• Key-value database of the browser • Stores data permanently • ServiceWorker and Web App share access to the same IndexedDB • Possibility of scenarios, where the ServiceWorker (or Web App) stores synchronised data in the IndexedDB and the Web App reads the data • Like everything based on the origin IndexedDB

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IndexedDB Availability

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• The standard API of IndexedDB is inconvenient to use (lots of callback) • Dexie.js is a minimalistic wrapper for IndexedDB • Operations are promise-based • Near native performance (even for bulk inserts) • Open Source @ GitHub: IndexedDB API

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Offline Sync

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• Offline Sync means to download all data available to client into a persistent offline storage, without the user having to explicitly request the data • Depending on the scenario, client can do CRUD on the offline data • Data will be synced back to the server, whenever a connection is possible Offline Sync Basics

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• Online/offline recognition • Conflict management • Binary data • Local changes • Deleting data • Update interval (incoming new data) • Error handling • Primary key generation Offline Sync Challenges

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• Having Edge may not mean that we are online • Being online could depend on several factors • Connection quality (Edge, 3G, 4G, 5G) • Connection speed (latency to your backend) • Reachability of backend systems (database, 3rd party system, storages) Offline Sync Challenges - Online/offline recognition

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• Client needs to be online for write operations • Locks the data, so no other client can overwrite it • Data stays locked, until the client either saves or discards changes • Last One (Write) Wins • Visual conflict management (diffing like in Git, SVN, etc.) Offline Sync Challenges - Conflict management

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• Downloading large binary data may not be possible on all platforms • A browser does not have a big enough storage for storing the data • Native apps (Cordova, Electron) could be a solution to directly access the platform’s file system • Uploading large binary data • Server needs to support chunk based upload with connection interruptions • Client needs permanent access to the binary file being uploaded, which could be hard in a browser-only scenario Offline Sync Challenges - Binary data

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• User opens an edit form and makes changes to data • Incoming sync from server would change the data the user is editing • Depending on your use-case, decide what to do • Inform the user about the data change? • Show a visual diff? • Override the local changed data? • “Do nothing” and override the server data on next sync Offline Sync Challenges - Local changes

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• Mark “deleted” data with a flag only • Use a trigger to keep the deleted ID in a separate table • Client needs some info about “deleted” data • Simple list of IDs “deleted” since the last sync Offline Sync Challenges - Deleting data

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• Decide when you need to sync which data • Not all data needs to be synced in the same interval • An additional real time connection (WebSocket) could be established • The server can send a signal when some data needs to be synchronised Offline Sync Challenges - Update interval

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• Show it, don’t hide them! • The user needs to know that something has occurred which shouldn’t • If you can’t sync to the client anymore, you may need to re-sync everything • Depending on your use case, you may want to write all data in one transaction on the server to not have partial data written into the database Offline Sync Challenges - Error handling

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Primary key generation

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• Inserted offline data needs to be available in the client immediately (e.g. the users reloads the application) • Behaves like “real synced data”, even if it was not written to server yet • Client is able to route to offline inserted data • Therefor it needs some kind of primary key/id to route to • Primary key can be generated on server-side and on client-side Primary key generation - challenge

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• Server is responsible for generating the primary key • Client will generate a temporary offline primary key • After syncing, the client needs to replace the temporary offline key with the server generated primary key • Allows to use sequential GUIDs on the server side (MSSQL) Primary key generation - server-side

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• Client is responsible for generating the primary key (GUIDs only) • Server inserts the client generated key into the database as the primary key • Server additionally needs to have a clustered key • Otherwise inserting a client non-sequential GUID will lead to a reclustering of the database, every time a client syncs new data Primary key generation - client-side

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Change Tracking

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• Possibilities to determine the client’s current state • Use highest rowversion within result • Determine by result set or additional query • Result of @@DBTS • Returns the last used rowversion of the database • Result of MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() • Returns the lowest (active) rowversion of the database Change Tracking - MS SQL Server’s ROWVERSION

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• If you do a million updates a second, every second, the timestamp will wrap around in about 585000 years • Could be used for concurrency checks as well (see Conflict Management) • Before writing data into a row, you could check if it still as the client’s saved row version • If yes: data was not modified, saving is easily possible • If no: data was modified, decide per use case what to do! Change Tracking - MS SQL Server’s ROWVERSION

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Change Tracking - Highest ROWVERSION within result Transaction #1 ID ROWVERSION 1 0x01 2 0x02 … … 41 0x41 Transaction #2 ID ROWVERSION 1 0x01 2 0x02 … … 41 0x41 42 0x42 43 0x43 SELECT MAX(ROWVERSION) FROM TABLE Client’s state Last known rowversion 41 43 NOT RELIABLE!

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• A later started transaction but committed first results in a queryable rowversion higher than the pending ones • Data will be lost (never seen by the client’s delta request) Change Tracking - Highest ROWVERSION within result

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Change Tracking - Query @@DBTS Transaction #1 ID ROWVERSION 1 0x01 2 0x02 … … 41 0x41 Transaction #2 ID ROWVERSION 1 0x01 2 0x02 … … 41 0x41 42 0x42 43 0x43 SELECT @@DBTS Client’s state Last known rowversion 41 42 43 NOT RELIABLE!

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• Value is database global • Running transaction updates the value instantly (before commit or rollback) • Data will be lost (never seen by the client’s delta request) Change Tracking - Query @@DBTS

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Change Tracking - Query MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() Transaction #1 ID ROWVERSION 1 0x01 2 0x02 … … 41 0x41 Transaction #2 ID ROWVERSION 1 0x01 2 0x02 … … 41 0x41 42 0x42 43 0x43 SELECT MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() Client’s state Last known rowversion 41 42 44 RELIABLE!

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• Value is database global • Running transaction updates the value instantly (before commit or rollback) • Data will be safe • Needs to be compared with greater or equal • May query data multiple times Change Tracking - Query MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION()

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Backend Preparation

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• All syncable entities need to have rowversion column • rowversion is updated by MS SQL Server automatically whenever the row is changed (created & updated) • For deleted entities • Either set a IsDeleted flag to true (never delete any rows physically) • Or save the deleted IDs of the entities somewhere else (by trigger) Backend Preparation - MS SQL Server

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Backend Preparation - MS SQL Server public class Syncable : ISyncable { public Guid Id { get; set; } public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; } } public abstract class SyncableEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration where T : class, ISyncable { public virtual void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder builder) { builder.HasKey(p !=> p.Id); builder.Property(p !=> p.RowVersion).IsRowVersion(); } }

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Backend Preparation - MS SQL Server public async Task> SyncAsync(string timestamp) where TSource : Syncable where TResult : SyncableDto { var rowVersion = Convert.FromBase64String(timestamp !?? string.Empty); var baseQuery = _context.Set() .Where(p !=> (ulong)(object)p.RowVersion !>= (ulong)(object)rowVersion); var changed = await _mapper.ProjectTo(baseQuery.WithoutDeleted()).ToListAsync(); var deleted = await baseQuery.Where(p !=> p.IsDeleted).Select(p !=> p.Id).ToListAsync(); return new SyncDto() { Timestamp = await _context.GetMinActiveRowVersionAsync(), Changed = changed, Deleted = deleted }; }

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Backend Preparation - MS SQL Server public class Context : DbContext { private DbQuery DbQueryValue { get; set; } public async Task GetMinActiveRowVersionAsync() { return await DbQueryValue .FromSql("SELECT MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() AS Value") .Select(p !=> p.Value) .FirstAsync(); } }

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• Use equivalents of rowversion and triggers • Manual implement mechanism in business logic (error-prone!) • Update tracking column manually by incrementing a database global number (during one transaction!) • Will be very hard für multi-row updates/inserts • Manual implement mechanism in triggers (if available) Backend Preparation - Other Database Systems

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Frontend Preparation

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• Choose storage area for data (e.g. IndexedDB) • Write all the code • Periodic data synchronization • Binary synchronization when data changes • Tracking of timestamps Frontend Preparation

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• Implementation of the observable pattern in JavaScript • In our case used for observing a stream of synced data • Syncing is done in the background in periodic intervals • RxJS is helping to build a pipeline of actions for the sync process RxJS

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Typical token-based security Security - API level Browser Identity Provider Web API

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• User is only able to see data based on his security level • Permissions • Roles • Policies • What happens, if the user permission change is leading to different data visible to the user? • What about data, which he does not see due to rights, but is connected to other data? • Remove frontend data after logout Security - Data Level

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• De-normalize the relational data (document style) • Results in multiple rowversion for one entry (use most recent one) • Multiplies the data (more traffic) • Consistent data for one entry • Keep the relations up to the frontend • Explicit rowversion for each entry • Partial consistency (related data may not be synced yet) Relational Data

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• Keep some relational data and de-normalize some of it • De-normalize many-to-many relations • Needs trigger or business logic to change main entry’s rowversion when relation changes • Partial consistency (related data may not be synced yet) Relational Data

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• Native Cordova app out-of-the box possible • Native features could be used • Store restrictions apply • What about Electron? Native Packaging??

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• PWA helps taking offline the application, but not the data • Online != Edge is available • Offline data may be “temporary” (“Remove temporary internet files”) • Use MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION() and “greater or equal than” operator • RxJS helps building a sync engine, but a lot knowledge is needed • Think about data level security (permissions, roles, etc.) • Think about conflict management • Depends heavily on your use case Summary

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And… now? • Slides: • Repository: