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Mind over Matter Stéphanie Walter - @walterstephanie Optimize Performance Without Code

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Psychological time (perception of time in my brain) Objective time (the clock)

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Speed perception impacts user satisfaction.

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Interface visual time response

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0 - 300ms Instant UI visual response

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Instant visual feedback micro-interactions

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Micro-interactions documented in the style guide

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300ms - 1 second Delay can be noticed but it’s tolerable, no special feedback is necessary.

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2 - 5 seconds Indeterminate loaders to show that the system is still working

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“Everything is fine, the system is currently working”

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It’s time to get creative

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Show some brand personality ๏ training + le chat

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More than 5 seconds Determinate progress indicators to keep user focused

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๏ Explain what will take time and why

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๏ Explain what will take time and why ๏ Show advanced dynamic progress indicator with current progression (% or steps)

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๏ Explain what will take time and why ๏ Show advanced dynamic progress indicator with current progression (% or steps) ๏ If possible, don’t block users

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The Seagull Loader

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“We optimized every piece of code possible but users with big queries are still complaining”

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It looks fast… Clever transitions and animations

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It’s more satisfying to see the bar speed up towards the end. (Harrison, Amento, Kuznetsov et Bell - 2007 ) demo by Geoffrey C.

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Backwards decelerating ribbing significantly increased perceived performance (Harrison, Yeo et Hudson - 2010 ) demo by Geoffrey C.

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Canvas animated page transitions

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JS & CSS animated arrivals and departures via Val Head

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The two things the browser can “cheaply” animate (no repaint) CSS opacity & transform = ❤

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Animations might may some people sick

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On Demand Surveillance Video Loading

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Discussing with the development team to understand technical requirements. 1.

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How this works Camera takes the video and sends it to the server Server reencodes the video and sends it to the app The app displays the video and users can play it

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Deconstructing the waiting timeline millisecond by millisecond. 2.

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Interface Transition 300ms 2s 3 - 8s Video player components load on the screen with a fade in transition Indeterminate waiting indicator Video plays as soon as loaded

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Communicating and sharing the specifications with the development team. 3.

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Static step by step states in design tool.

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Specifications document for the developers

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Faking it Building Optimistic UIs

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Optimistic likes

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Optimistic Home Alarm Status Switching

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Optimistic instant visual response

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Identifying possible failure cases and acting accordingly.

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In case of failure we notify the user and switch back to previous state

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Smart User Distractions

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GVBeestje crocodiles by Daniel Disselkoen in Amsterdam’s metro

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upload starts here

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Lazy loading + placeholders

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Display text fast, color placeholder for images

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Skeleton technique has its limits!

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Car Repair Image Gallery Loading

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Mechanics take pictures and record small videos to inform customers about additional repairs Vidéo Privé Frontal 00:35 00:35 Nouvelle Image Nouvelle Video Medias Précédent Suivant 00:35

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Understanding the user context and user flow to enhance experience. 1.

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๏ Slow data connexion, bad wifi ๏ Mechanics share the same device

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Discussing and understanding technical scope and requirements. 2.

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๏ Medias are deleted from the device once received by our service —> we need to load them again to build the gallery ๏ Thumbnails are loaded from Amazon S3 ๏ Size, media type, number of medias is sent in a JSON file, 00:35 00:35 Nouvelle Image Nouvelle Video Medias Précédent Suivant 00:35

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Building the gallery step by step 3.

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A Skeleton Grid Media type thumbnails Pulsing animation as loader Progressively displaying medias content as they load Information from JSON file

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The final result

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Communicating what is expected with developers 4.

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Invision prototype for the developers

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Wait, let’s slow down a little bit…

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Eye-scan based log-in was too fast for users

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The Kayak Effect “Labour illusion”

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More natural chatbot conversations Image via Shan Shen

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With great powers…

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Everything in this talk is to enhance user perceived performance IN ADDITION 
 to your effort to actually speed your performance!

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Building ethical products is part of our job

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We design and develop in privileged environments and sometimes need a “what is it like for our user” reality check.

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Performance is a team and communication effort!

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Perceived performance might not be the top priority on the roadmap. Be patient, start small, one step at a time.

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We can’t all be Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest… And it’s okay.

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UX & Product Designer Mobile expert. Pixel & CSS Lover @WalterStephanie