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© LY Corporation Media Handling for Animated Sticker in Sticker Maker LINEϠϑʔɹApp Dev෦ Sticker Maker App Dev νʔϜ Dev Lead ΆʔɹPo-Hao Chen

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© LY Corporation - Άʔ - Android Engineer - 2020.11 LINE Fukuoka - 2024.01 LINE Yahoo - LINE Client Dev -> LINE Sticker Maker Dev Lead - X: @kuramu1108 - ࠷ۙͷ೰Έ - ࣾһূ๨Ε͕ͪ - Xcode࢖͍ͮΒ͍ 2 Speaker

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© LY Corporation LINEελϯϓϝʔΧʔ 3

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© LY Corporation Ξχϝʔγϣϯελϯϓ 4 - Ϣʔβʔͷಈը͔Βελϯϓ࡞Δ - LINEΞϓϦ্ͰͰൢചͰ͖Δɺ࢖͑Δ

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© LY Corporation Timeline 5 July 2022 First Animated Sticker Proposal made Late 2022 Project Kick Off Early 2023 Android Prototype Jan 2024 Android Beta Release Mar 2024 iOS Beta Release Mid-Late 2023 Release Planning Development

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© LY Corporation Challenges and Improvement 6 - In-House APNG encoder to fulfill LINE Creators Market restriction - Video frame extraction - Customized Camera screen - Customized Gallery screen - Some other stuff - APNG in compose (Not included today) - etc

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© LY Corporation Animated Sticker Guidelines 7 • Loops: 1 – 4 loops per sticker whose combined length does not exceed 4 seconds. • Playback time: Up to 4 seconds per sticker. • PNG frame limits per APNG: Between 5 and 20 frames. • The maximum file size for each image is 300 KB. If submitting all images in a single ZIP file, make sure the ZIP file is 20 MB or less.

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© LY Corporation Solutions 8 - If Created APNG with full color info (RGBA) the file would be too big - Converting 4 second video to RGBA encode apng of 320 * 270 would over 1MB - Need to encode with indexed color and optimization color palette - Color space is limited -> Color info optimization

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© LY Corporation PNG Spec 9 -

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© LY Corporation PNG Spec 10 - - 90 pages in PDF

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© LY Corporation PNG Spec 11 - - 90 pages in PDF - In-House customized encoder - Kotlin Encoder - C++ Encoder with NDK - Color palette optimization with dynamic color palette and color quantization

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 12 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 13 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Color Palette Creation

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 14 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Extract Critical Video Frames (1/2 of frames) Color Palette Creation

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 15 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Extract Critical Video Frames (1/2 of frames) Color Palette Creation Apply Transform and decoration

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 16 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Extract Critical Video Frames (1/2 of frames) Color Palette Creation Apply Transform and decoration Calculate Color Palette

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 17 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Color Palette Creation

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 18 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Apply Transform and decoration to Each Frame Color Palette Creation

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 19 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Apply Transform and decoration to Each Frame Final Encoding with Optimized Palette Color Palette Creation

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© LY Corporation Video Frame Extraction and Encode APNG 20 Project Info (Video uri, decoration etc Apply Transform and decoration to Each Frame Final Encoding with Optimized Palette Color Palette Creation

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© LY Corporation Customized Camera 21 - CameraX - camerax - vs-camerax-a-comparison-of-android- camera-apis-5db2b5ff302e

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© LY Corporation Customized Photo Picker 22 - Android Photo Picker - Android 11 (API 30)+ - data-storage/shared/photopicker - MediaStore - Flexible apis - data-storage/shared/media

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© LY Corporation - Android Photo Picker - Android 11 (API 30)+ - data-storage/shared/photopicker - MediaStore - Flexible apis - data-storage/shared/media Customized Photo Picker 23

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© LY Corporation - Android Photo Picker - Android 11 (API 30)+ - data-storage/shared/photopicker - MediaStore - Flexible apis - data-storage/shared/media Customized Photo Picker 24

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© LY Corporation Next Steps 25 - ৽͍͠ػೳ௥Ճ͢Δ༧ఆ

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© LY Corporation ελϯϓΛ࡞Γ·͠ΐ͏ʂ Thank You!