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THE PITFALLS of real ti me-i fi ca ti on Vladimir Dementyev Evil Martians

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palkan_tula palkan REACTIVE 4

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palkan_tula palkan Realtime-i fi cation of Rails 5 Action Cable (2015) Hotwire (2021) StimulusRe fl ex (2018)

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palkan_tula palkan RailsConf 2021 6

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palkan_tula palkan Going real-time with Rails is as easy as adding turbo-rails to the Gem fi le... or is it? 7

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The Paradigm Shift Have you heard about this new thing, cables? Neigh!

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Real-time Synchronous Discrete Win-or-lose One-One

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Real-time Async (Bi-directional) Continuous Delivery guarantees One-Many

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palkan_tula palkan Rails provides convenient APIs to build real-time features (Action Cable / Hotwire) You shouldn't worry about low-level stuff... or should you? 16

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Personalization Once and for all

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palkan_tula palkan Request-response 18 ?

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palkan_tula palkan Pub/sub 19

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palkan_tula palkan Personalization Mine vs theirs (e.g., chat messages) Permissions-related UI Localization (language, time zones, 5/19/2022 vs. 19.05.2022) 21

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palkan_tula palkan Attempt #1: Sync + Async Current user receives data in response to action (AJAX) Other users receive data via Cable 23

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<%# views/messages/create.turbo_stream.erb %> <%= turbo_stream.append "messages" do %> <%= render @message %> <% end %> <%# views/messages/_message.html.erb %> <%- klass = if current_user&.id = = message.user_id "mine" else "theirs" end -%>
<%= message.content %> div> # models/channel.rb class Message < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :channel, touch: true belongs_to :user after_commit on: :create do broadcast_append_to( channel, partial: "messages/message", locals: { message: self, current_user: nil }, target: "messages" ) end end Stub current user

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palkan_tula palkan Sync + Async: Cons Current user != current browser tab Cable vs AJAX race conditions 26

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palkan_tula palkan Attempt #2: Channel-per-User Each user streams from its personal channel Send broadcasts to all connected users 27

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palkan_tula palkan 28 The whole idea of pub/sub is that you have no knowledge of exact receivers

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<%# views/somewhere.html.erb %> <%= turbo_stream_from current_user %> # models/channel.rb class Message < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :channel, touch: true belongs_to :user after_commit on: :create do channel.subscribers.each do |user| broadcast_append_to( user, partial: "messages/message", locals: { message: self, current_user: user }, target: "messages" ) end end end

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palkan_tula palkan Channel-per-User: Cons Unacceptable overhead when online selectivity* is low 30 * Online selectivity is the number of online subscribers << the total number of subscribers (=broadcasts)

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palkan_tula palkan Off-topic: Channel-per-Group Group clients by traits (something that affects the UI: roles, locales, etc.) Send O(1) broadcasts for each update => low overhead 31

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palkan_tula palkan Localized Hotwire 32 # helper.rb module ApplicationHelper def turbo_stream_from( ... ) super(I18n.locale, ... ) end end # patch.rb Turbo :: StreamsChannel.singleton_class.prepend( do def broadcast_render_to( ... ) I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.with_locale(locale) { super(locale, .. . ) } end end def broadcast_action_to( ... ) I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| I18n.with_locale(locale) { super(locale, .. . ) } end end end)

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palkan_tula palkan Attempt #3: Signal + Fetch Broadcast an update event to clients (w/o any payload) Clients perform requests to obtain data 33

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<%# views/messages/_message_update.html.erb %> turbo - frame> # models/channel.rb class Message < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :channel, touch: true belongs_to :user after_commit on: :create do broadcast_append_to( channel, partial: "messages/message_update", locals: { message: self }, target: "messages" ) end end

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palkan_tula palkan Signal + Fetch: Cons Possible self-DDoS ๐Ÿ”ฅ 35

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What is the way? Or have you spoken?

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palkan_tula palkan CFB + CSE Broadcast common data to everyone (which could be a bit redundant for some clients) Personalize via client-side code 37 Context-free broadcasts and client-side enhancements

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palkan_tula palkan Personalization is hard 42 All of the above are ad-hoc Why there is no a universal way of dealing with this? How do others solve this problem?

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palkan_tula palkan Signal + Transmit Channels (server) intercept broadcasts and generate the fi nal data (for each subscription) 44 stream_for room do |event| message = channel.messages.find(event["message_id"]) transmit_append target: "message", partial: "messages/message", locals: {message:, current_user:} end

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palkan_tula palkan stream_from + intercept (Potentially) signi fi cant performance overhead 45

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palkan_tula palkan stream_from + intercept (Potentially) signi fi cant performance overhead Not supported by AnyCable ๐Ÿ™ƒ 46

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Consistency Deliver it or not

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palkan_tula palkan โ€“Rails Guides โ€œAnything transmitted by the broadcaster is sent directly to the channel subscribers.โ€ 48

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palkan_tula palkan Network is unreliable Action Cable provides the at-most-once delivery guarantee Network is (still) unreliable 49 Sent != Delivered

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palkan_tula palkan 51 connect welcome subscribe con fi rm broadcast broadcast FRAMEWORK USER USER connect welcome subscribe con fi rm broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcast

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palkan_tula palkan How to catch-up? Use a source of truth (usually, a database) Request recent data after reconnecting 52

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palkan_tula palkan How to catch-up? Use a source of truth (usually, a database) Request recent data after reconnecting connecting 53

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Late to the party

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palkan_tula palkan 55 FRAMEWORK USER USER connect welcome subscribe con fi rm broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcast GET HTML/JSON

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palkan_tula palkan 57 Even a stable network connection doesn't guarantee consistency

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palkan_tula palkan How to catch-up? Use a source of truth (usually, a database) Request recent data after connecting 58

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palkan_tula palkan broadcast transmit 59 FRAMEWORK USER USER connect welcome history con fi rm subscribe

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palkan_tula palkan 60 // channel.js consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: "ChatChannel", room_id: "2022" }, { received(data) { this.appendMessage(data) }, connected() { this.perform( "history", { last_id: getLastMessageId() } ) } }) # chat_channel.rb class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable : : Channel def history(data) last_id = data.fetch("last_id") room = Room.find(params["room_id"]) room.messages .where("id > ?", last_id) .order(id: :asc) .each do transmit serialize(_1) end end end Problem Solved

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palkan_tula palkan broadcast transmit 61 FRAMEWORK USER USER connect welcome history con fi rm broadcast subscribe broadcast

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palkan_tula palkan 62 // channel.js consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: "ChatChannel", room_id: "2022" }, { received(data) { if (data.type === "history_ack") { this.pending = false while(this.pendingMessages.length > 0){ this.received(this.pendingMessages.shift()) } return } if (this.pending) { return this.pendingMessages.push(data) } this.appendMessage(data) }, / / ... }) # chat_channel.rb class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable : : Channel def history(data) last_id = data.fetch("last_id") room = Room.find(params["room_id"]) room.messages .where("id > ?", last_id) .order(id: :asc) .each do transmit serialize(_1) end transmit(type: "history_ack") end end Using a buffer to resolve race conditions Action Cable doesn't support call acknowledgements, we have to DIY

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Idempotence From at-least-once to exactly-once

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palkan_tula palkan 64 // channel.js consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: "ChatChannel", room_id: "2022" }, { received(data) { if (data.type === "history_ack") { this.pending = false while(this.pendingMessages.length > 0){ this.received(this.pendingMessages.shift()) } return } if (this.pending) { return this.pendingMessages.push(data) } if (!hasMessageId( { this.appendMessage(data) } }, / / ... }) # chat_channel.rb class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable : : Channel def history(data) last_id = data.fetch("last_id") room = Room.find(params["room_id"]) room.messages .where("id > ?", last_id) .order(id: :asc) .each do transmit serialize(_1) end transmit(type: "history_ack") end end Handling duplicates => idempotence

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palkan_tula palkan Solution? Ad-hoc 65

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palkan_tula palkan 66 consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: "ChatChannel", room_id: "2022" }, { received(data) { this.appendMessage(data) } }) consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: "ChatChannel", room_id: "2022" }, { initialized() { this.pending = true this.pendingMessages = [] }, disconnected() { this.pending = true }, received(data) { if (data.type = == "history_ack") { this.pending = false while(this.pendingMessages.length > 0){ this.received(this.pendingMessages.shift()) } return } if (this.pending) { return this.pendingMessages.push(data) } if (!hasMessageId( { this.appendMessage(data) } }, connected() { this.perform( "history", { last_id: getLastMessageId() } ) } }) + Ruby code

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palkan_tula palkan Solution? Ad-hoc What about Hotwire? 67

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palkan_tula palkan Hotwire Demysti fi ed 68 @jamie_gaskings (RailsConf 2021)

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palkan_tula palkan Hotwire Cable 69 class TurboCableStreamSourceElement extends HTMLElement { async connectedCallback() { connectStreamSource(this) this.subscription = await subscribeTo(, { received: this.dispatchMessageEvent.bind(this) } ) } / /... }

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palkan_tula palkan PoC: turbo_history 70
<%= turbo_history_stream_from channel, params: {channel_id:, model: Channel}, cursor: "#messages .message:last - child" %> <%= render messages %> div>
<%= message.content %> div>

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palkan_tula palkan PoC: turbo_history 71 class Channel < ApplicationRecord def self.turbo_history(turbo_channel, last_id, params) channel = Channel.find(params[:channel_id]) channel.messages .where("id > ?", last_id) .order(id: :asc).each do |message| turbo_channel.transmit_append target: "messages", partial: "messages/message", locals: {message:} end end end

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palkan_tula palkan PoC: turbo_history Custom HTMLElement with a history-aware subscription implementation Turbo StreamChannel extensions to transmit streams and handle history calls A model-level .turbo_history API 72

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palkan_tula palkan Hotwire vs idempotence 73 turbo/src/core/streams/stream_actions.ts

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palkan_tula palkan 74 We level-up Action Cable delivery guarantees by writing custom application-level code. Something's not right here ๐Ÿค”

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palkan_tula palkan AnyCable v1.5 Extended Action Cable protocol Hot cache for streams history Session recovery mechanism (no need to resubscribe on reconnect) 75 Coming soon

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palkan_tula palkan Protocol extensions 77 Each broadcasted message contains a metadata on its position within the stream

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palkan_tula palkan Protocol extensions 78 Client automatically requests performs a history request containing last consumed stream positions

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palkan_tula palkan AnyCable v1.5 Extended Action Cable protocol Hot cache for streams history Session recovery mechanism (no need to resubscribe on reconnect) Zero application-level changes 79 Coming soon

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Presence isn't perfect Or yet another consistency story

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palkan_tula palkan OnlineChannel? 81 # channels/online_channel.rb class OnlineChannel < ApplicationCable : : Channel def subscribed current_user.update!(is_online: true) end def unsubscribed current_user.update!(is_online: false) end end

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palkan_tula palkan OnlineChannel 82 # channels/online_channel.rb class OnlineChannel < ApplicationCable : : Channel def subscribed current_user.update!(is_online: true) end def unsubscribed current_user.update!(is_online: false) end end ๐Ÿ™‚

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palkan_tula palkan 83 # models/user.rb class User < ApplicationRecord kredis_counter :active_sessions def online? active_sessions.positive? end end # channels/online_channel.rb class OnlineChannel < ApplicationCable : : Channel def subscribed current_user.active_sessions.increment end def unsubscribed current_user.active_sessions.decrement end end

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palkan_tula palkan 84 Action Cable Presence

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palkan_tula palkan Disconnect reliability How quickly server detects abnormally disconnected clients? What happens when server crashes? ...or when is terminated forcefully? (And we had thousands of connections to invoke #disconnect) 85

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palkan_tula palkan Additional heartbeat could make it 100% Timestamps are better than fl ags and counters (last_pinged_at) Redis ordered sets with score are awesome! 86 Disconnect reliability < 100%

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palkan_tula palkan PoC: turbo_presence 88
<%= render "channels/presence", channel: %> <%= turbo_presence_stream_from channel, params: {channel_id:, model: Channel}, presence: %> <%= render messages %> div>
๐Ÿ‘€ <%= channel.online_users.size %> div>

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palkan_tula palkan PoC: turbo_presence 89 class Channel < ApplicationRecord def self.turbo_broadcast_presence(params) channel = Channel.find(params[:channel_id]) channel.broadcast_replace_to channel, partial: "channels/presence", locals: {channel:}, target: "presence" end def online_users User.where(id: Turbo :: Presence.for( end end

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palkan_tula palkan PoC: turbo_presence Presence tracking engine (Redis ordered sets) Custom HTMLElement with keep-alive Turbo channel extensions (#after_subscribe, #after_unsubscribe) A model-level .turbo_broadcast_presence API 90

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palkan_tula palkan AnyCable vX.Y Built-in presence keep-alive and expiration Robust presence engine implementation(-s) Protocol-level presence support A simple presence reading API via Redis Functions 91 Coming someday

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palkan_tula palkan Other pitfalls 92 Transport Performance

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palkan_tula palkan 93 Real-time is different but not dif fi cult Don't be tricked by cozy abstractions; know your tools, avoid pitfalls

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@palkan @palkan_tula @evilmartians Thanks!