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Protecting Sensitive Data in Modern Multi-Component Systems @vixentael

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@vixentael product engineer in security and cryptography OSS maintainer: Themis, Acra cryptographic tools, security consulting, training

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Data protection tools to prevent leakage and comply with regulations.

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@vixentael Cryptography and data protection

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1. Architectures and data leaks. 2. Sensitive data lifecycle. 3. SSDLC – defining trust, threats and risks to data. 4. Typical trust patterns. 5. Security controls: tips, tricks, tools @vixentael Plan

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@vixentael Modern Applications are Multi-Component

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@vixentael AirBNB data infra

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@vixentael LinkedIn 2011-2015

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@vixentael Netflix simplified-complex-stuff-that-happens-every-time-you-hit-play-3a40c9be254b

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@vixentael Modern Applications are Multi-Component Different. Complex. Use-case oriented.

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– Operate sensitive data. @vixentael Modern Applications are Multi-Component Different. Complex. Use-case oriented.

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@vixentael So what?

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@vixentael mln records 0 360 720 1,080 1,440 1,800 February April June August October December February Million of records leaked per month 2018/2019

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@vixentael mln records 0 360 720 1,080 1,440 1,800 February April June August October December February Million of records leaked per month 2018/2019

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@vixentael credentials geo-locations health data financial data kids locations cars remote control sex toys remote control

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@vixentael Most large leaks are caused by poor architectural decisions.

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@vixentael wrong assumptions and trust models no tests / penetration tests lack of understanding the data life cycle GTD / speed Why?

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@vixentael Sensitive Data Life Cycle

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@vixentael is any kind of data, that will break business objectives or prosperity of those who use data, if leaked. Sensitive data –

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@vixentael Sensitive data depends on business personally identifiable information (PII) device logs and application data medical & finance data likes & preferences …

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@vixentael Secure development lifecycle methodology MS SDL OWASP S-SDLC OWASP_Secure_Software_Development_ Lifecycle_Project Risk evaluation Risk assessment Threat model Security plan Secure coding Security verification Secure operations Incident response

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@vixentael web frontend users & orders mobile frontend web admin prediction service 3rd party analytics items payment service orders processing logistics API user actions analytics layout

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@vixentael web frontend users & orders mobile frontend web admin prediction service 3rd party analytics items payment service orders processing logistics API user actions analytics flow

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@vixentael web frontend users & orders mobile frontend web admin prediction service 3rd party analytics items payment service orders processing logistics API user actions analytics actions i i o o p i p s s input processing storage output p

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@vixentael Data classification more sensitive / less sensitive valued for users / for business regulated / non-regulated at rest / in motion available for users / admins / support

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@vixentael data leakage, tampering, unauthorized access reputation risks legal responsibility financial damage Risks to data

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@vixentael Data classification users PII users payments items description sales schedule financial reports users preferences orders history conversion analytics TLS certs AWS access staff accounts login history db access company accounts

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@vixentael Data classification users PII users payments items description sales schedule financial reports users preferences orders history conversion analytics TLS certs AWS access staff accounts login history db access company accounts u p $ t u’ i

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@vixentael web frontend users & orders mobile frontend web admin prediction service 3rd party analytics items payment service orders processing logistics API user actions analytics kinds of data i i o o p i p s s u u p $ $ $ p u t $ u u’ i u p

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@vixentael Can we protect everything everywhere?

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@vixentael – No. Can we protect everything everywhere?

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@vixentael Can we protect everything everywhere? – No. – Risks impact – Trust and threats – Attack vectors prioritization

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@vixentael Trust model (per node) 1. What kind of data it operates?

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@vixentael Trust model (per node) 1. What kind of data it operates? 2. Do we trust/control this node?

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@vixentael Trust model (per node) 1. What kind of data it operates? 2. Do we trust/control this node? 3. If needs sensitive plaintext, who stores the keys?

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@vixentael Trust model (per node) 1. What kind of data it operates? 2. Do we trust/control this node? 3. If needs sensitive plaintext, who stores the keys? 4. What are security controls?

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@vixentael web frontend users & orders mobile frontend web admin prediction service 3rd party analytics items payment service orders processing logistics API user actions analytics trust model ☠ ☠ ☠ ⚠ ❇ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ ⚠

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@vixentael Trust model helps to understand where to implement proper security controls that prevent risks.

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@vixentael Security control – a practical implementation of risk prevention technique in your code and infrastructure. Reactive: 
 - detect incident
 - correct / limit damage Proactive: 
 - prevent risk

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@vixentael Proactive controls Data security encryption Access security authentication, firewalls, OS Node security firewalls, compartmentalization, OS

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@vixentael Reactive controls: detect Data security integrity checks, authenticated crypto Access security honeypots, access logging Node security IDS, monitoring

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@vixentael Reactive controls: limit damage Data security Access security Node security key management, backups credential management, jailbans infrastructural management

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@vixentael 1. Identify sensitive data, understand sensitive data lifecycle, classify data. 2. Identify risks to data. 3. Build trust model, understand risk impact. 4. Prioritize risk vectors. 5. Select and implement proper security controls for exploitable high risk vectors (to prevent risks and to identify leaks). Infrastructural data protection 101

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@vixentael Principle of least privilege (secure by default)

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No content

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@vixentael Patterns

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@vixentael “Everyone Knows Everything”

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@vixentael “Everyone Knows Everything” 1. Many components, everyone has access to database via same API. 2. API without auth (brute-force ID to get info about objects). 3. Storing plaintext data. 4. Transferring back and forth all data (aka large JSON). 5. Transfer data in plaintext inside infrastructure. 6. Storing all data in the same place. 7. Logging everything (including secrets). 8. No monitoring for non-legit access.

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@vixentael “Narrowing and controlling trust”

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@vixentael “Narrowing and controlling trust” 1. Echelonization. 2. Compartmentalization. 3. Verify trust (PKI). $ Limit trust:

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@vixentael 1. Pseudonymization. 2. Anonymization. 3. Minimize lifecycle and scope. “Narrowing and controlling trust” % Limit data:

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@vixentael 4. Don’t store all data in one place. 5. Don’t send all data if only some piece needed. “Narrowing and controlling trust” % Limit data:

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@vixentael 1. Encrypt data for exact use-case (to be accessible by specific users/systems). 2. Store keys in trusted zone (KMS, Vault). 3. Proper key management: rotate, revoke, backup. “Narrowing and controlling trust” & Encrypt data:

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@vixentael 1. Separate API for each app. 2. Session handling, session expiration. 3. Encrypt transport inside network. “Narrowing and controlling trust” ' Protect transport:

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@vixentael 1. Access to critical data. 2. Access to keys. 3. Unusual behavior. 4. Honey pots / honey tokens. “Narrowing and controlling trust” ( Monitor everything:

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@vixentael “Narrowing and controlling trust” $ Limit trust. ( Monitor everything. ' Protect transport. % Limit data. & Encrypt data.

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@vixentael “Zero Knowledge / No Knowledge”

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@vixentael ZKA is a design principle that enables software to provide services over protected client data without having an unencrypted access to it. “Zero Knowledge Architecture”

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@vixentael $ E2EE clients “Zero Knowledge Architecture”

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@vixentael % all operations on encrypted data: – CRUD – control access to data from different users – search (in encrypted data) “Zero Knowledge Architecture” $ E2EE clients

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@vixentael authentication “Zero Knowledge Architecture” data collaboration messaging

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@vixentael Zero Knowledge Architecture Narrowing and Controlling Trust Everyone Knows Everything

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@vixentael Tips, tricks, tools

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@vixentael Cover maximum risks using minimum tools and processes. Add details when system evolves.

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@vixentael Control and monitor perimeter. Control and monitor intranet: between networks, between hosts. IDS & HIDS. Firewalls / IDS

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@vixentael WAF database firewalls SQL firewalls Data firewalls

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@vixentael Acra Green SQL Hexatier Oracle database firewall / TDE Data firewalls

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@vixentael Acra – Oracle for Postgres/MySQL

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@vixentael SIEM Aggregate logs into single point for further analysis: Triggers on leaking assets. Triggers on typical attacks. Correlation analysis.

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@vixentael Audit logs On every access to sensitive data. Non-falsiable. Easy-to-analyze.

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@vixentael At rest encryption. Separated encryption and decryption. Use different keys for different clients. Data encryption

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@vixentael Encryption libraries should ★ use strong & audited crypto ★ work everywhere ★ hide cryptographic details ★ be hard to mis-use ★ have integration with key storage

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@vixentael Encryption libraries libsodium themis keyczar tink

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@vixentael Data in motion protection Well-configured TLS and suitable per-usecase protocols.

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@vixentael Data in motion protection / TLS private keys RSA-2048, ECDSA-256 obtain certificate from reliable CA TLS v1.3-v1.2 use secure cipher suites TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_2 56_GCM_SHA384 ✅ enable Forward Secrecy ✅ enable HSTS (web) Deployment-Best-Practices Rotate certificates often

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@vixentael Data in motion protection / protocols axolotl themis noise

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@vixentael Hermes ZeroKit E2EE for data collaboration

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@vixentael Honey pots fake sensitive data records fake accounts vulnerable nodes with open ports fake API calls / API tokens / keys + triggers }

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@vixentael Web Application Security Guidance Secure Coding Cheat Sheet Secure Coding Practices OWASP guidelines Password Storage Cheat Sheet

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@vixentael Summary

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@vixentael 1. Identify sensitive data, understand sensitive data lifecycle, classify data. 2. Identify risks to data. 3. Build trust model, understand risk impact. 4. Prioritize risk vectors. 5. Select and implement proper security controls for exploitable high risk vectors (to prevent risks and to identify leaks). Infrastructural data protection 101

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@vixentael It is secure. It’s not broken yet.

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Home reading :) Security as a Product Insecure Transit - Microservice Security 12 and 1 ideas how to enhance backend data security How to prevent database leaks and injections

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My other security slides my-talks

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@vixentael product engineer in security and cryptography OSS maintainer: Themis, Acra cryptographic tools, security consulting, training

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