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Adopting Kafka for the #1 job site* in the world Yusuke Miyazaki Staff Site Reliability Engineer, Indeed * ComScore, Total Visits, September 2021

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Who am I? ● 宮﨑 勇輔 / @ymyzk ● SRE at Indeed since 2018 ○ Embedded into Job Search Backend team ○ SRE lead ○ Python Guild ● Indeed is a bronze sponsor of SRE NEXT 2022

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Agenda ● Background of the problem ● Problem we solved ● Why and how we adopted Kafka ● Conclusion

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Indeed provides job search in 60+ countries We have data centers in multiple countries in multiple continents to serve traffic from users.

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We need to distribute job data between DCs quickly and reliably Aggregate Enrich job data Distribute data to all DCs Store and provide job data Job search apps and websites How Job Search Works?

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Old Way: Record Log Indeed had been using “record log” to store and distribute streams of jobs. ● “Append-only” data structure ● Record log is a set of segment files ● Each segment file contains multiple job data ● We can “rsync” files from producer to consumers to distribute jobs within DC and between DCs Please see a blog post in 2013 and implementation on GitHub for more details. 0101.seg 0102.seg 0103.seg ● Job A in JP ● Job B in US ● Job C in IE ⋮ ⋮ -with-docstore-v2/

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Record log had been working well for many years

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As the product grows, we started to see different issues

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Reliability Challenges ● Difficulty to “containerize” apps depending on record log stored in persistent storage ● Extra storage capacity on each consumer to store more data ● Difficulty to failover the producer without complex human intervention ● Replication instability with “rsync” caused by cross-DC network instability and bandwidth

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Product Requirements Product side was also looking into scaling the product further ● Process more job updates ○ Process more number of jobs ○ Update jobs more frequently ● Store more metadata for each job We need to handle more data in record log

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Difficulties in Meeting Requirements It was getting difficult to store and distribute more data using record log ● Each consumer needs TBs of storage to store a stream of jobs ● Replication between DCs becomes more unstable and cause more alerts

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As a cross-functional team, we decided to replace the record log to solve both reliability and product challenges.

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New Way: Apache Kafka

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“ Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. Apache Kafka

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Producers and consumers are fully decoupled and agnostic of each other Kafka at a Glance Producers Brokers Consumers Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3

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Why we used Kafka? Kafka met our requirements well compared to other data stores such as RDBMS, message queue, Pub/Sub, etc. ● Streaming data ● Flexible consumption from topic ○ Run multiple consumers for different purposes ○ Replay data ● Configurable retention ● Scalability ● Delivery semantics and ordering

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How we migrated to Kafka? ● Migrated to Kafka gradually ○ Make each migration simpler ○ Minimize downtime ○ Control risk when something goes wrong ● Verified the migration carefully by writing a few tools to make sure we will not lose jobs

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Architecture using Record Log rsync between DCs Consumers Record Log (RL) Producer RL RL RL

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Populate Kafka using Record Log and Verify rsync between DCs Consumers Record Log (RL) Kafka Producer Producer to populate Kafka Consumer to verify ordering of messages in Kafka and performance RL RL RL

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Replicate Kafka Topics between DCs rsync between DCs Consumers Record Log (RL) Producer MirrorMaker to replicate topics between DCs RL RL RL Kafka Kafka Each DC have own Kafka brokers

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Verify Kafka topic again rsync between DCs Consumers Record Log (RL) Producer Compare Record Log and Kafka RL RL RL Kafka Kafka

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Migrate Consumers One by One rsync between DCs Record Log (RL) Kafka Producer RL RL Kafka Consumers Migrate one by one

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After Migrating All Consumers Record Log (RL) Kafka Producer Kafka Consumers

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Decommission Record Log Kafka Producer Kafka Consumers

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After the migration to Kafka ● Freed up persistent storage on each consumer to store record log (hundreds of TB in total) ● Consumers are “containerized” and migrated to Kubernetes ● Producer can failover with minimum intervention

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After the migration to Kafka (cont’d) ● Better compression using zstd provided by Kafka instead of Snappy (20–50% reduction) ● Saved network bandwidth for replication between DCs (~65% reduction) ● Limited performance degradation compared to record log (~20% slow down on one consumer)

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Conclusion ● Identified and solved the problem from both reliability and product perspectives ● Adopted Kafka to store and distribute job updates for Indeed job search ● Kafka can be a powerful solution if a use case is well-suited ● Working on the project as one cross-functional team not just SRE was a key to success

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We’re hiring!! ● We have many interesting reliability and product problems to solve ● Open positions in SRE, SWE, TDM, PdM, etc. ● ● Feel free to reach out to me for questions! Thank you for listening!