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php CLI, the other SAPI By Thijs Feryn

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Hi, I’m Thijs

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I’m an at Evangelist

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I’m a at board member

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I’m @ThijsFeryn on Twitter

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The way you interact with PHP

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• mod_php • FastCGI • PHP-FPM • CLI • ISAPI • GTK

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CLI SAPI? PHP script execution via the command line interface

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When to use

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• In crons • For batch tasks • For worker processes • Daemons • Process control • Interaction with other binaries

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CLI 101

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• The PHP binary • Passing arguments • Reading from STDIN • I/O with pipes

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php  file.php Invoking a script with the PHP binary

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php  file.php  arg1  arg2 Passing arguments

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Interpreting arguments $argument){! echo "Argument # {$key}: {$argument} \n"; ! }

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Interpreting arguments $argument){! echo "Argument # {$key}: {$argument} \n"; ! } Argument   count Argument   array

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Interpreting arguments $  php  args.php  arg1  arg2   Number  of  arguments  3   Argument  #  0:  args.php   Argument  #  1:  arg1   Argument  #  2:  arg2   $   The   PHP  file  is  an   argument  too

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$_SERVER[’argc’] $_SERVER[’argv’] $argc $argv Interpreting arguments register_argc_argv

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GETOPT php  getopt.php  -­‐a  -­‐b  2  -­‐c3   array(3)  {      ["a"]=>      bool(false)      ["b"]=>      string(1)  "2"      ["c"]=>      string(1)  "3"   }   No   spacing  for   op8onal   arguments

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GETOPT Long options

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GETOPT Long options php  getopt2.php  -­‐-­‐arg1  -­‐-­‐arg2  123  -­‐-­‐arg3=x   array(3)  {      ["arg1"]=>      bool(false)      ["arg2"]=>      string(3)  "123"      ["arg3"]=>      string(1)  "x"   }   Mind   the  “=”  

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Reading from STDIN

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Reading from STDIN 0){! echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;! }! }! fclose($handle);

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Reading from STDIN $  cat  test.txt  |  php  stdin.php     enO   owT   eerhT   $

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Reading from STDIN $  cat  test.txt  |  php  stdin.php     enO   owT   eerhT   $ Output   file Convert   output  to   input  with   pipes

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Web vs CLI Web! CLI HTTP is a stateless protocol Controlable state Request/response based Controllable script execution Limited interaction Continuous interaction Execution timeouts No sessions required GET/POST/COOKIE/SESSION Arguments, STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, exit codes

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The PHP binary

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Usage:  php  [options]  [-­‐f]    [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]                php  [options]  -­‐r    [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]                php  [options]  [-­‐B  ]  -­‐R     [-­‐E  ]  [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]                php  [options]  [-­‐B  ]  -­‐F     [-­‐E  ]  [-­‐-­‐]  [args...]                php  [options]  -­‐-­‐  [args...]                php  [options]  -­‐a The PHP binary

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Interactive mode $  php  -­‐a   Interactive  shell   ! php  >  echo  5+8;   13   php  >  function  addTwo($n)   php  >  {   php  {  return  $n  +  2;   php  {  }   php  >  var_dump(addtwo(2));   int(4)   php  >  

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Interactive mode $  php  -­‐a   Interactive  shell   ! php  >  stri[TAB][TAB]   strip_tags          stripcslashes     stripslashes      stristr                 stripos                   php  >  stri   ! Tab   comple8on

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Run code $  php  -­‐r  "echo  date('Y-­‐m-­‐d  H:i:s');"   2011-­‐03-­‐02  22:04:45   $

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Config directory $  php  -­‐c  /custom/dir/php.ini  script.php

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Custom ini settings $  php  -­‐d  max_execution_time=20  -­‐r  '$foo  =   ini_get("max_execution_time");   var_dump($foo);'   string(2)  "20"   $

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Get ini settings $  php  -­‐i  |  grep  “log_”   define_syslog_variables  =>  Off  =>  Off   log_errors  =>  On  =>  On   log_errors_max_len  =>  1024  =>  1024   $ Filtering   items

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Lint checking $  php  -­‐l  myFile.php   No  syntax  errors  detected  in  myFile.php   $ Only   checks  parse   errors

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List modules $  php  -­‐m   [PHP  Modules]   bcmath   bz2   calendar   Core   ctype   curl   date   dba   $

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Syntax highlighting $  php  -­‐s  helloworld.php  >  helloworld.html   $

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Syntax highlighting ! <?php
echo "Hello world";!

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Version $  php  -­‐v   PHP  5.4.17  (cli)  (built:  Aug  25  2013   02:03:38)   Copyright  (c)  1997-­‐2013  The  PHP  Group   Zend  Engine  v2.4.0,  Copyright  (c)  1998-­‐2013   Zend  Technologies   $

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Function reflection $  php  -­‐-­‐rf  json_encode   Function  [    function   json_encode  ]  {   !    -­‐  Parameters  [2]  {          Parameter  #0  [    $value  ]          Parameter  #1  [    $options  ]      }   }   $

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Class reflection $  php  -­‐-­‐rc  stdclass   Class  [    class  stdClass  ]  {      -­‐  Constants  [0]  {      }      -­‐  Static  properties  [0]  {      }      -­‐  Static  methods  [0]  {      }      -­‐  Properties  [0]  {      }      -­‐  Methods  [0]  {      }   }   $

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Extension reflection $  php  -­‐-­‐re  json   Extension  [    extension  #20  json  version   1.2.1  ]  {   ...      -­‐  Functions  {          Function  [    function  json_encode  ]  {   !            -­‐  Parameters  [2]  {                  Parameter  #0  [    $value  ]                  Parameter  #1  [    $options  ]              }          }   ...   }  

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Extension information $  php  -­‐-­‐ri  pdo   ! PDO   ! PDO  support  =>  enabled   PDO  drivers  =>  mysql,  sqlite,  sqlite2   $

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Built-in webserver $  php  -­‐S  0:8080  -­‐t  /var/www  /var/www/index.php   $   PHP  5.4.17  Development  Server  started  at  Mon   Jan  13  15:35:03  2014   Listening  on  http://0:8080   Document  root  is  /var/www   Press  Ctrl-­‐C  to  quit.

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Built-in webserver $  php  -­‐S  0:8080  -­‐t  /var/www  /var/www/index.php   $   PHP  5.4.17  Development  Server  started  at  Mon   Jan  13  15:35:03  2014   Listening  on  http://0:8080   Document  root  is  /var/www   Press  Ctrl-­‐C  to  quit. Docroot Router IP   &  port

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Change your mindset

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Don’t use sessions & cookies. ! Just use local variables

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Don’t use HTTP calls in crons

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Current directory !== webroot • Use dirname(__FILE__) • Use chdir() • Use getcwd() CLI   scripts  are   executable   everywhere

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STDIN 0){! echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;! }! }! fclose($handle);

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STDIN 0){! echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;! }! }! fclose($handle);

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STDIN 0){! echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;! }! }!

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STDIN 0){! echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL;! }! }! Stream   that  is  opened   by  default

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The proof $  php  -­‐r  "var_dump(STDIN);"   resource(1)  of  type  (stream)   $

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Mixing STDOUT & STDERR $  php  stdmix.php  >  /dev/null     STDERR  output   $ $  php  stdmix.php  &>    /dev/null   $

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Alternative output

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Piping $  php  -­‐r  'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)  echo  $i.PHP_EOL;'   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   $  php  -­‐r  'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)  echo  $i.PHP_EOL;'  |  wc  -­‐l              10   $

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Symfony console component addCommands(array(! new Thijs\Console\Command\TestCommand()! ));! $app->run();

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namespace Thijs\Console\Command;! ! use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;! use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;! use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;! use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;! use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;! use Symfony\Component\Console\Formatter\OutputFormatterStyle;! ! class TestCommand extends Command {! } The command class

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protected function configure() {! $this->setName("hello")! ->setDescription("Saying hello to the world")! ->addArgument('name',InputArgument::REQUIRED,'Your name')! ->addOption(! 'yell',! null,! InputOption::VALUE_NONE,! 'If set, the task will yell in uppercase letters'! )! ->setHelp('The '.$this- >getName().' command says hello to the world');! } Configure the command

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protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {! $text = 'Hello '.$input->getArgument('name');! if($input->getOption('yell')){! $text = strtoupper($text);! }! $output->writeln($text);! } Execute the command

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$dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');! while($dialog->askConfirmation(! $output,! ’Continue with this action? [y/n]: ’,! false)){! $text = 'Hello ‚.$dialog->ask($output,! ! ! ! ! ! ! 'Who do you want to say hello to ?: ', 'world');! if($input->getOption('yell')){! $text = strtoupper($text);! }! $this->_hello[] = array($text);! } Adding dialogs

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$output->writeln('Processing input');! $output->writeln('Please wait'); Adding color

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$progress = $this->getHelperSet()->get('progress');! $progress->start($output, 50);! $i = 0;! while ($i++ < 50) {! ! $progress->advance();! usleep(50000);! }! $progress->finish(); Adding progress

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$table = $this->getHelperSet()->get('table');! $table! ->setHeaders(array('Hello'))! ->setRows($this->_hello);! $table->render($output); Adding table output

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Adding table output bin/console.php  hello  Thijs   Continue  with  this  action?  [y/n]:  y   Who  do  you  want  to  say  hello  to  ?:  PHP   Continue  with  this  action?  [y/n]:  y   Who  do  you  want  to  say  hello  to  ?:  ElePHPants   Continue  with  this  action?  [y/n]:  n   Processing  input   Please  wait    50/50  [============================]  100%   +-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐+   |  Hello                        |   +-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐+   |  Hello  Thijs            |   |  Hello  PHP                |   |  Hello  ElePHPants  |   +-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐+

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Process Control should not be enabled within a web server environment and unexpected results may happen if any Process Control functions are used within a web server environment.

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POSIX process control functions

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