Slide 86
Slide 86 text
Beyond Benchmarks Semantic Change
Semantic Change
It is beyond question that hypotheses in historical linguistics stand and fall with
a proper treatment of semantic change. So far, however, we lack the
cross-linguistic data to assess the plausibility of proposed patterns of semantic
shift. There is, however, hope for improvement:
The Database of Semantic Shifts (DatSemShifs, Burlak et al. offers a constantly increasing amount
of patterns of semantic shifts, drawn from the linguistic literature. Shifts are
categorized, tagged for meanings, and – where accessible – directions. In the
future, this may turn into a very valuable resource for those interested in semantic
The Database of Cross-Linguistic Collexifications (CLICS, List et al., offers collections of colexifications (“polysemy”)
patterns in some 200 languages. The data has been crawled semi-automatically
from existing sources like the Intercontinental Dictionary Series (IDS, Key &
Comrie 2007, and automatically
cleaned and tagged for colexification. The automatic handling without proper
checking of the data are a drawback which needs to be handled in the future. A
strong aspect of the database are the visualizations of colexifications using
up-to-date JavaScript libraries.
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