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From sounds to histories in 8 steps using (mostly) off-the-shelf tools Gereon Kaiping (with Marian Klamer) NWO VICI Project: Languages of the Lesser Sunda Islands Leiden University, NL

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8 “Easy” Steps 1. Fieldwork & Transcription 2. Database 3. “Cognate” Autocoding 4. Manual Checking and Editing of classes 5. BEAST Configuration 6. Ancestral State Inference 7. Plotting Trees 8. Interpretation & Iteration Links to our components

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1. Fieldwork and Transcription • Fieldwork in East Indonesia: Audio and video recordings, notes, transcriptions • Different transcription conventions (y/j; ng/ŋ; aa/a:) • Goal: CLPA

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2. LexiRumah Database: CLLD • Cross-Linguistic Linked Database: Connected to Glottolog and Concepticon • Codebase: Lexibank (from the Glottobank project) • Cross-Linguistic Data Format (CLDF) for word lists, with automatic aggregation for LingPy

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Word lists from the Lesser Sunda islands in Eastern Indonesia LexiRumah: Content (i) Australia Papua New Guinea Indonesia

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• 124 lects from 2 families: 72 Austronesian 52 Timor-Alor-Pantar • 200–600 concepts • 40 000 lexical items • More to be added LexiRumah: Content (ii)

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LexiRumah: Challenges • Most data comes from fieldwork (2002–2017), only some from published sources (different data model) • Field data originally collected in Excel spreadsheets: Inconsistencies in transcription conventions and metadata • Some lects are not in Glottolog yet, some concepts not in Concepticon • Minor changes (map zoom etc.) • Todo: Web frontend improvements

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3. “Cognate” Auto-coding • LingPy LexStat for automatic coding to bootstrap “cognates” • Classes of sufficiently similar forms (loans & cognates, but possibly not distant cognates) lex.get_scorer( preprocessing=False, runs=10000, ratio=(2, 1), vscale=1.0) lex.cluster( cluster_method= 'upgma', method='lexstat', ref='auto_cogid', threshold=0.8)

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LingPy Assembly • LingPy version 2: Tries to be clever and provide full working steps – small variants can be hard, eg. merge automatic and manual coding • Similar but not identical format to CLDF • Runs out of memory when auto-aligning our data • Hacked together with a Python Script: LingPy interspersed with Pandas for minor modifications • Goal: LingPy 3 and iterative methods (CogDetect)

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4. Manual Checking & Editing of Cognate Classes Edit LingPy- suggested classes in Edictor

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Working with Edictor (i) • Crashes when working with a selection of ‘Doculects’ • Checking & coding 1 concept in 124 lects at the same time is challenging.

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5. BEAST configuration • BEAST for inference – but writing BEAST config files for linguistic inference is hard • BEASTling: a translator from CLDF to BEAST – scriptable with reasonable defaults and Glottolog support, …

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BEASTling model description # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- [admin] basename = sunda_lexicon_ratevar [MCMC] chainlength = 10000000 [languages] exclusions = p-aust1307-acd,... [model lexicon] model = covarion rate_variation = True data = cognates.tsv file_format = cldf reconstruct = meanings.txt Data file: Edictor (with CLDF column headers) List of 50 interesting meanings LexiRumah contains some protolanguages

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6. Ancestral State Inference • MCMC running in BEAST, with various packages: beast- classic, BEASTlabs, morph-models • Output: a 4.9 GiB Nexus file #NEXUS Begin taxa; Dimensions ntax=93; Taxlabels abui1241-fuime abui1241-petle ... wers1238-marit ; End; Begin trees; Translate 1 abui1241-fuime, 2 abui1241-petle, ... 93 wers1238-marit ; tree STATE_0 = (((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="00aa11a",recon_lexicon:above="00a001000000 tree STATE_1000 = (((((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000100",recon_lexicon:above="0 tree STATE_2000 = ((((((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="00000b0",recon_lexicon:above=" tree STATE_3000 = ((((((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000000",recon_lexicon:above=" tree STATE_4000 = ((((((((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000001",recon_lexicon:above tree STATE_5000 = (((((((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000011",recon_lexicon:above= tree STATE_6000 = (((((((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000000",recon_lexicon:above= tree STATE_7000 = (((((((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000001",recon_lexicon:above="000 tree STATE_8000 = (((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000010",recon_lexicon:above="0000000 tree STATE_9000 = (((((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000000",recon_lexicon:above="0000000 tree STATE_10000 = ((((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000001",recon_lexicon:above="000000000 tree STATE_11000 = (((((((((1[&recon_lexicon:1pl incl="0000001",recon_lexicon:above="0000000000

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7. Plotting trees: Apparent Solutions • TreeAnnotator + FigTree • “ape” R package • DensiTree • DendroPy • phyltr + ete3 • Can’t read whole file into memory and compute there • Beast’s Nexus format with [&pull="01ab00"] annotations inside Newick strings • Big lists: Automatic, scriptable Except none of this works for our case

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Aggregating trees to plot  Tree stream editor based on phyltr:  BEAST Nexus New Hampshire eXtension → [&&NHX:] annotated Newick tree stream  (Absolute) burnin and subsampling  Pruning languages  Aggregating consensus tree, aware of binary coding  This process is slow and memory or disk space hungry, but works  Better: Rework the rest of phyltr into treesed; try DendroPhy?

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Plotting trees • A small python script using ete3 for plotting the tree

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8. Interpretation & Iteration Iterative Improvement • Find bad codings • Find data gaps • Improve coding automatically: Guide trees (and explicit reconstructions?) Data visualizations for Hypothesis generation • Hypotheses about proto-forms and borrowings • Hypotheses about shared lexical innovations

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Proto-forms & Lexical Innovations ‘to stand’ *tas *diri *tide *hamari(k) • Proto TAP *tas; Innovation in Kula & Sawila group? • Proto MP (AN): Proto Flores *diri, Proto Timor *hamari(k) • Innovation in Alor?

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Borrowings ‘fishing hook’ Austronesian > TAP or vice versa? *kavila

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Find bad codings kis kisi *kavila

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Find data gaps ‘island’

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Conclusions • Most components easily available • Some “Duct Tape” required: Variations in data formats • Modifications and programming needed for actual Big Data • Easy to add dates and phylogeography Still open: • Manual work still required – How can we make doing and checking it easier and faster? • How to work with lots of language contact? • And how explicitly, results useable by historical linguists? (word forms, contact situations, etc.)

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“Thank You”s ● Marian Klamer ● George Saad, Francesca Moro ● Hannah Fricke, Jiang Wu, Emily Maas ● Mattis List, Luke Maurits, Johannes Dellert, Robert Forkel ● Funding: NWO ● and YOU!

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