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BtoB ͷސ٬ཧղ͕ḿΔ ϛχϦαʔν גࣜձࣾΤεɾΤϜɾΤε ΩϜɹμιϜ

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Product Management Product Discovery Initial Product Discovery Continuous Product Discovery Opportunity-Solution Tree Customer research User interviews Observation Surveys In-app feedback Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) Tools and techniques User Journey Mapping User Persona Opportunity Score by Dan Olsen Kano model Design thinking Experimentation Formulating hypotheses Identifying assumptions User Story Mapping Strategyzer Test Card Strategyzer Learning Card Market engagement MVP Prototypes Landing Page MVP Piecemeal MVP Email Campaign MVP Concierge MVP Crowdfounding MVP Paid Ads MVP Wizard of Oz MVP Pre-Order MVP Video Explainer MVP Pretotyping XYZ Hypothesis Skin-in-the-game Your Own Data User prototypes High-fidelity user prototypes Low fidelity user prototypes Experiments First-click testing Card sorting 5-Second test Task to accomplish Prototype A/B testing Thinking aloud Test automation Feasibility prototypes Spikes A/B Testing Multivariate Testing Product Marketing Go-to-market strategy Segmentation (related to Strategy) Positioning (related to Strategy) Pricing strategy (related to Business model) Messaging Storytelling Marketing channels Customer engagement strategy Launch plan Enabling sales and partners Marketing Product Growth Product-led growth (PLG) Product-led sales Product-led marketing Product-led onboarding Aha moment Bowling Alley Framework Time to Value Product-led support Product-qualified leads (PQLs) Optimizing the entire AARRR funnel Engagement Pricing models Freemium Free trial Reverse trial Usage-based pricing Value-based pricing Virality and network effects Viral coefficient Data Analytics Data Analytics Frameworks North Star Framework One Metric That Matters AARRR metrics Metrics and KPIs Acquisition Activation Engagement Retention Revenue Referrals Other techniques Customer Segmentation Funnel Analysis Heatmaps Session recordings Product analytics tools Data analytics tools Turning data into insights People Leadership Internal communication Building alignment 3 Leading with context Inspiring Storytelling Setting goals Culture 2 Management 4 Execution Goals Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) Outcomes vs. Output Types of outcomes Business outcomes Product outcomes Customer outcomes Desired outcomes (JTBD) Roadmaps 1 Project management Stakeholder management 1 Prioritization Decision making Release management Risk management Agile and Scrum Scrum Dual-track Agile Lean Kanban DevOps CI/CD Strategy and Business Vision Strategy Strategic models Product Strategy Canvas SWOT PESTLE Porter’s Five Forces Ansoff Matrix TAM, SAM, TOM Value proposition Market research SEO and SEM reporting Research associations Garther Forrester Statista Government data Public data and financial statements Competitive analysis Competitor benchmarking Value curve Business model Business Model Canvas Lean Model Canvas Startups VC Products portfolio A free skills assessment and more information: pm-competence-map-skills-assessment  Product Discovery Initial Product Discovery Continuous Product Discovery Opportunity-Solution Tree Customer research User interviews Observation Surveys In-app feedback Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) Tools and techniques User Journey Mapping User Persona Opportunity Score by Dan Olsen Kano model Design thinking Formulating hypotheses Identifying assumptions User Story Mapping Strategyzer Test Card Strategyzer Learning Card Market engagement MVP Prototypes Landing Page MVP Piecemeal MVP Email Campaign MVP Concierge MVP Crowdfounding MVP Paid Ads MVP Wizard of Oz MVP Pre-Order MVP Goals Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) Outcomes vs. Output Strategy and Business Vision Strategy Strategic models Product Strategy Canvas SWOT PESTLE Porter’s Five Forces Ansoff Matrix TAM, SAM, TOM Value proposition Market research SEO and SEM reporting Research associations Garther Forrester Statista Government data Public data and financial statements Competitive analysis Competitor benchmarking Value curve Business model Business Model Canvas Lean Model Canvas Startups VC Products portfolio ग़య: ຊ೔ͷςʔϚ͕ؔΘ͍ͬͯΔʮϓϩμΫτσΟεΧόϦʔʯྖҬ

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*1 ࢀߟ: ॻ੶ʰϓϩμΫτϚωδϝϯτ-ϏϧυτϥοϓΛආ͚ސ٬ʹՁ஋Λಧ͚Δʱ ط஌ ະ஌ ط஌ ະ஌ ࣄ࣮ ௚ײ ൃݟ ٙ໰ ࣭໰͢΂͖͜ͱ͕Θ͔͍ͬͯΔ৔߹ ʮϓϩμΫτσΟεΧόϦʔʯͱ͸ɼސ٬๊͕͑Δ໰୊ͷղ૾౓Λ্͛ͯࣄ࣮Λ໌Β͔ʹ͢Δϓϩηε *2 ࢀߟ: ༏ΕͨʮϓϩμΫτσΟεΧόϦʔʯ͸ɼͦͷϓϩηεશମΛ௨ͯ͡ސ٬Λר͖ࠐΉ*2 ਤ1: ະ஌ͱط஌ *1

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BtoB/BtoC BtoC BtoB (Horizontal SaaS) BtoB (Vertical SaaS) PdM גࣜձࣾεϚʔτΤσϡέʔγϣϯ UX Designer גࣜձࣾϑΥʔσδοτ PdM גࣜձࣾϚωʔϑΥϫʔυ PdM גࣜձࣾΤεɾΤϜɾΤε BtoCɼBtoB Λ྆ํܦݧͯ͠ݟ͖͑ͯͨʮސ٬ཧղʯͷֶͼΛڞ༗͠·͢ʂ

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BtoB BtoC Ͳ͕͜ҧ͏ ʁ ࠓճͷςʔϚɼʮސ٬ཧղʯΛ੾Γޱʹൺֱ͢Δͱ

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BtoB BtoC اۀ ফඅऀ ސ٬λʔήοτ Ϣʔβʔ ݶఆత ෆಛఆଟ਺ ཁٻཁ݅ ଟ͍ গͳ͍ ͕͜͜ҧ͏ ʂ ੍໿ ߗ͍ ॊΒ͔͍

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BtoB BtoC اۀ ফඅऀ ސ٬λʔήοτ Ϣʔβʔ ݶఆత ෆಛఆଟ਺ ཁٻཁ݅ ଟ͍ গͳ͍ ͕͜͜ҧ͏ ʂ ੍໿ ߗ͍ ॊΒ͔͍ ͜͜Λ஌Δ͜ͱ͕ BtoB ސ٬ཧղͷΩʔ

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ҩྍ ݐઃ ෆಈ࢈ ձܭ ܖ໿ ਓࣄ ۀք ۀ຿ ੡଄ հޢ Horizontal Vertical ۀքΛԣஅ͢Δ ۀքʹಛԽ͢Δ ސ٬ͷʮۀ຿ʯ͕ؔΘΔ

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ۀ຿ ๏ɾ੍౓ ࣾձɾ؀ڥ ސ٬ͷ೔ʑͷۀ຿͸ ؔ࿈๏཯ͱ੍౓ʹج͍͍ͮͯͯ ਖ਼͘͠ߦΘΕΔ͜ͱ͕ٻΊΒΕΔ ۀ຿ͷઌʹ͋Δ੍౓͸ɼࣾձ΍؀ڥͷঢ়ଶʹ߹Θͤͯ ҰఆظؒΛ΋ͬͯมԽରԠ͍ͯ͘͠ = ਺ʑͷཁٻཁ݅ͱߗ੍͍໿ʹ޲͖߹͏ඞཁ͕͋Δ

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ҩྍ ݐઃ ෆಈ࢈ ਓࣄ ܖ໿ ձܭ ۀք ۀ຿ ੡଄ հޢ հޢࣄۀऀ޲͚ܦӦࢧԉαʔϏε

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ग़యɿްੜ࿑ಇল ࿝݈ہʮެతհޢอݥ੍౓ͷݱঢ়ͱࠓޙͷ໾ׂʯ հޢαʔϏε͸ 26 छྨ 54 αʔϏε

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৘ใ͕ଟ͗͢Δɾɾɾ খ͘͞ௐ΂͍͖ͯ·͠ΐ͏ʂ

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*1 ࢀߟ: ॻ੶ʰϓϩμΫτϚωδϝϯτ-ϏϧυτϥοϓΛආ͚ސ٬ʹՁ஋Λಧ͚Δʱ ط஌ ະ஌ ط஌ ະ஌ ࣄ࣮ ௚ײ ൃݟ ٙ໰ ࣭໰͢΂͖͜ͱ͕Θ͔͍ͬͯΔ৔߹ ٙ໰͔Βࣄ࣮΁ͷখ͞ͳม׵Λ׆ੑԽͤ͞Δ͜ͱͰࣄ࣮ͷ఺͕૿͑Δ ਤ1: ະ஌ͱط஌ *1

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ط஌ ະ஌ ط஌ ະ஌ ࣄ࣮ ௚ײ ൃݟ ٙ໰ ࣭໰͢΂͖͜ͱ͕Θ͔͍ͬͯΔ৔߹ ఺ͱ఺ͷؒʹٙ໰͕ੜ·Εɼ ม׵Λ܁Γฦ͢͜ͱͰ఺͸͍ͣΕઢͱ໘ʹ޿͕Γؾ͖ͮͷײ౓্͕͕͍ͬͯ͘ ਤ1: ະ஌ͱط஌ *1 *1 ࢀߟ: ॻ੶ʰϓϩμΫτϚωδϝϯτ-ϏϧυτϥοϓΛආ͚ސ٬ʹՁ஋Λಧ͚Δʱ

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υϝΠϯΤΩεύʔτͱ࿩͠ͳ͕Βۀ຿ͷྲྀΕͱͦΕͧΕͷۀ຿ʹؔ࿈͢Δ๏཯΍ாථྨΛ·ͱΊΔ υϝΠϯΤΩεύʔτͱ࿩Λͯ͠ख͕͔Γ͕௫ΊΔͱσεΫϦαʔν΍ϢʔβʔϦαʔν΋ḿΔ💪 ϛχϦαʔνᶃʮશମʯͱʮ෦෼ʯʹతΛม͑ͳ͕Βʮࣄ࣮ʯΛ஌Δ

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ࣄ࣮ʹ͸දΕ͍ͯͳ͍ݱ৔ͷࠔΓࣄΛ֬ೝɾ؍࡯͢Δ ϛχϦαʔνᶄ ݱ৔͔Βͷ৘ใΛ͜·Ίʹ࢓ೖΕΔ

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ࢀߟ: ॻ੶ʰੈք͸γεςϜͰಈ͘ ― ͍·ى͖͍ͯΔ͜ͱͷຊ࣭Λ͔ͭΉߟ͑ํʱ Πϕϯτ ύλʔϯ ߏ଄ ϝϯλϧ ϛχϦαʔνΛ܁Γฦ͠ͳ͕Βٙ໰Λࣄ࣮ʹม׵ͤͯ͞ ໰୊ͷࢹ఺ΛਂΊΔαΠΫϧΛૣΊΔ͜ͱͰ ސ٬ཧղͷղ૾౓ΛߴΊΔ

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ࣄ࣮ʹجͮ͘νʔϜ಺ͷΞ΢τϓοτͷ ස౓͕ૣ·Δ ٙ໰ɼ௚ײɼൃݟ͔Βࣄ࣮΁ͷม׵͕ νʔϜશମͰى͖Δ νʔϜͷ౰ͨΓલʹ໰͍Λ౤͛Δ ๲େͳ৘ใʹ࿭Θ͞ΕΔ͜ͱͳ͘ ސ٬Ձ஋ʹ޲͖߹͑Δ

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ʮސ٬ཧղͷղ૾౓ʯͷมԽ͸಄ͷதͷ࿩ େࣄͳͷ͸ɼ ࣄ࣮͔Βੜ·ΕͨΞΠσΞ΍ιϦϡʔγϣϯΛϦϑΝΠϯ͢Δ͜ͱ ʹސ٬΁ͷఏڙՁ஋Λৗʹຏ্͖͍͛ͯ͘͜ͱ

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