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The Future Friendly Campus Dave Olsen, @dmolsen West Virginia University

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introduction about me

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30,000 ft From 30,000 ft.

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Why The Why of Future Friendly

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What The What of Future Friendly

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How How The How of Future Friendly

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Why The Why of Future Friendly

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History Lesson A History Lesson

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Why The Future Friendly Campus In the beginning...

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We Had Print

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defined container Strong Layout Constraints We Had Print

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defined container Strong Layout Constraints Content & Layout Are Tightly Coupled We Had Print

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defined container Strong Layout Constraints Content & Layout Are Tightly Coupled Primarily “Talk At” We Had Print

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Why The Future Friendly Campus In more recent times...

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Internet Flexible Layouts

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Internet Flexible Layouts Content & Layout Can Start To Be Decoupled

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Flexible Layouts Content & Layout Can Start To Be Decoupled Has Turned Into “Talk With” Internet

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Why False Sense of Security Which lead too a...

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24-7 access, two way Fixed Access

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24-7 access, two way Limited Resolutions

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24-7 access, two way Content Silos

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Why The Future Friendly Campus The present day...

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24-7 access, two way Mobile

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Highly Constrained Layouts Mobile

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Highly Constrained Layouts Rapidly Evolving Ecosystem Mobile

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Highly Constrained Layouts Rapidly Evolving Ecosystem Allows True “Anywhere, Anytime” Access Mobile

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Yes, Anywhere 75% of men admit to using their mobile on the toilet. Source:

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And Anytime 83% of young people sleep next to their phones. Source:

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The Wave is Coming 34% of high school students report owning an iPhone.

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The Hyper-Connected Society We’re entering... So what does it mean?

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24-7 access, two way Building New Content Silos?

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24-7 access, two way Learning New Skills?

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Trying to Keep Up?

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Why The Future Friendly Campus The near future... And then there’s...

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A Small Taste

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native apps standalone mobile sites mobile templates responsive designs APIs WVU’s Solutions

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Our Future?

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Scary It’s Scary!

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It’s Overwhelming!

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You’ll Want To Hide

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A Ray of Hope

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No content

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What The What of Future Friendly

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who founded it

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@grigs @adactio @brad_frost @lyzadanger @scottjehl @bryanrieger @stephanierieger @globalmoxie @lukew @scottjenson Twitter Handles

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What What The Truths aka “Our Reality”

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Text The Truths Disruption will only accelerate.

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Text The Truths Our existing standards, workflows, & infrastructure won’t hold up.

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Text The Truths Proprietary solutions will dominate at first.

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Text The Truths The standards process will be painfully slow.

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What What There is Hope Rejoice!

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Text A New Hope Acknowledge & embrace unpredictability.

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Text A New Hope Think & behave in a future-friendly way.

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Text A New Hope Help others do the same.

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“ Future Friendly is more the outcome of a Constitutional Convention than it is a practical set of laws. A “when you do stuff, do it with this in mind” mode of thinking. - Dave Mulder @muldster Summing It Up

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How How The How of Future Friendly

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Here There How Do We Get There?

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Text Future Friendly Tenet Acknowledge & embrace unpredictability. #1

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Don’t Overreact

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The Shiny

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technology doesn’t solve all ills (pencil photo) Tech Isn’t Always Best

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Be Friendly!

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Text Why not? 70% of prospective students are happy to browse your current websites on their mobile device. Source:

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So Breathe & Relax... A Little

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Text Future Friendly Tenet Think & behave in a future-friendly way. #2

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Text Next Steps Don’t worry about being known, worry about being useful.

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Boo, Politics!

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The University Home Page Content Delivery vs. Tangible Utility

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mobile first “ Mobile devices require software development teams to focus on only the most important data and actions in an application. Mobile First - Luke Wroblewski @lukew

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The Age of the Sensor

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Text Next Steps Data & content should be set free.

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API First APIs: The Plumbing Create Once, Publish Everywhere APIs are the infrastructure for your Future Friendly initiatives...

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Update once. Publishes to: iOS App, Mobile Website, Student Portal, Transportation Website, & Twitter PRT API Example

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API highway slide Recombinable Content

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Text Afternoon Talk Creating APIs for Mobile - Nick DeNardis @nickdenardis

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Text Next Steps Structure & store data with the future in mind.

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structured & self-aware content Structured & Self-Aware Content

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Text Next Steps Give your existing content a chance to adapt to the future.

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responsive web design...

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discovery + communication plan Discovery

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No content

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stat about browser usage “Not every mobile device will have your app on it but every mobile device will have a browser. - Jason Grigsby @grigs Discovery

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77% of smartphone users use search. Most visited type of website. from Google’s “The Mobile Movement” report, April 2011

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Existing Indexed Content

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stat about browser usage “Links don’t open apps. - Jason Grigsby @grigs Discovery

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55% of users with an internet-enabled phone use it to check personal email. from Merkle’s “View from the Digital Inbox” report, January 2011

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Getting social? Social Media

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Print Pieces

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Got the Skills to Pay the Bills

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links + skills + search responsive web design first Summing It Up

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Evolution of RWD RESS Responsive Web Design + Server Side Components

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Text Future Friendly Tenet Help others do the same. #3

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It’s a Starting Point

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Resources Resources

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Twitter & Stuff

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Many thanks to Mr. Robertson for the snazzy device & progressive strategy graphics.

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Thanks, Star Trek by jdhancock Student Recording Video by U. of Denver Silo by dawn_perry Road to Ribblesdale by Luc B Cat by pagedooley Toilet by beatkueng Highway Lights by Spreng Ben Ray by shutterrunner Bed by chaparral Wave by mikebaird Flickr by dsevilla Clouds by Francisco Martins Monitor by benadamson Google by manfrys Cyber Cafe by larskflem Lego Discovery by dunechaser Computer by x-ray_delta_one History Lesson by kalexanderson Beach by nattu Overwhelmed by pagedooley Jewels by pinksherbet Scary by jon_ovington Overreach by kwl Capitol by wbeem Pencil by ??? Dog by hippolytephotography Sensor by juanpg RWD by chasingdaisy Communicate by pagedooley Hamster by zebrapares FF Group by lyzadanger Tattoo by tantek

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The End