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CLI,%the%other%SAPI Thijs%Feryn Evangelist +32%(0)9%218%79%06 [email protected] php

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About%me I’m%an%Evangelist%at%Combell

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About%me I’m%a%board%member%at%PHPBenelux

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Follow%me%on%Twi+er:%@ThijsFeryn Give%me%feedback:%h+p://

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No content

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SAPI? The%way%you%interact%with%PHP

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Common%SAPIs • Apache/Apache%2 • FPM • FastCGI • ISAPI • CLI • GTK

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The%CLI%SAPI PHP%script%execuWon%via%the%command%line%interface

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When%to%use • In%crons • For%batch%tasks • For%worker%processes • Daemons • Process%control • InteracWon%with%other%binaries

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CLI 101

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CLI 101 The PHP binary Passing arguments Reading from STDIN I/O with pipes

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CLI 101 Invoking a script with the PHP binary php#file.php

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CLI 101 Passing arguments php#file.php#arg1#arg2

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CLI 101 interpreting arguments $argument){ echo "Argument # {$key}: {$argument}\n"; }

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CLI 101 interpreting arguments $argument){ echo "Argument # {$key}: {$argument}\n"; } Argument% count Argument% array

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CLI 101 interpreting arguments $"php"args.php"arg1"arg2 Number"of"arguments"3 Argument"#"0:"args.php Argument"#"1:"arg1 Argument"#"2:"arg2 $ The% PHP%file%is%an% argument%too

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CLI 101 interpreting arguments $argc $argv $_SERVER[‘argc’] $_SERVER[‘argv’] !!! register_argc_argv !!!

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CLI 101 getopt

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CLI 101 getopt

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CLI 101 php"getopt.php":a":b"2":c3 array(3)"{ ""["a"]=> ""bool(false) ""["b"]=> ""string(1)""2" ""["c"]=> ""string(1)""3" } No% spacing%for% opWonal% arguments

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CLI 101 getopt: longopts

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CLI 101 php"getopt2.php"::arg1"::arg2"123"::arg3=x array(3)"{ ""["arg1"]=> ""bool(false) ""["arg2"]=> ""string(3)""123" ""["arg3"]=> ""string(1)""x" } Mind% the%“=”%sign

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CLI 101 REading From STDIN 0){ echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL; } } fclose($handle);

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CLI 101 $"cat"test.txt"|"php"stdin.php" enO owT eerhT $

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CLI 101 $"cat"test.txt"|"php"stdin.php" enO owT eerhT $ Output% file Convert% output%to% input%with% pipes

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Comparing%the%Apache%&%CLI%SAPI Web%based%SAPI’s • HTTP%is%a%stateless%protocol • Request/response%based • Limited%interacWon • Sessions%&%cookies%as%workaround • ExecuWon%Wmeouts • Limited%request/response%size

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Comparing%the%Apache%&%CLI%SAPI CLI%SAPI • Controlable%state • Controlable%script%execuWon • ConWnuous%interacWon • No%need%for%sessions • No%execuWon%Wmeouts

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The%PHP%binary php

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The%PHP%binary Usage:"php"[options]"[:f]""[::]"[args...] """""""php"[options]":r""[::]"[args...] """""""php"[options]"[:B"]":R"" [:E"]"[::]"[args...] """""""php"[options]"[:B"]":F"" [:E"]"[::]"[args...] """""""php"[options]"::"[args...] """""""php"[options]":a

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InteracLve%mode%("a) $"php":a Interactive"shell php">"echo"5+8; 13 php">"function"addTwo($n) php">"{ php"{"return"$n"+"2; php"{"} php">"var_dump(addtwo(2)); int(4) php">

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InteracLve%mode%("a) $"php":a Interactive"shell php">"stri[TAB][TAB] strip_tags"""""stripcslashes"" stripslashes"""stristr"""""""" stripos"""""""" php">"stri Tab% compleWon

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Run%code%("r) $"php":r""echo"date('Y:m:d"H:i:s');" 2011:03:02"22:04:45 $

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Config%directory%("c) $"php":c"/custom/dir/php.ini"script.php

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Define%custom%INI%seRng%("d) $"php":d"max_execution_time=20":r"'$foo"=" ini_get("max_execution_time");" var_dump($foo);' string(2)""20" $

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Get%INI%informaLon%("i) $"php":i"|"grep"“log_” define_syslog_variables"=>"Off"=>"Off log_errors"=>"On"=>"On log_errors_max_len"=>"1024"=>"1024 $ Filtering% items

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Syntax/lint%check%("l) $"php":l"myFile.php No"syntax"errors"detected"in"myFile.php $ Only% checks%parse% errors

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Module%list%("m) $"php":m [PHP"Modules] bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype curl date dba $

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Syntax%highlighLng%("s) $"php":s"helloworld.php">"helloworld.html $

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Syntax%highlighLng%("s) <?php
echo "Hello world";

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Version%info%("v) $"php":v PHP"5.3.3:1ubuntu9.3"with"Suhosin:Patch" (cli)"(built:"Jan"12"2011"16:07:38)" Copyright"(c)"1997:2009"The"PHP"Group Zend"Engine"v2.3.0,"Copyright"(c)"1998:2010" Zend"Technologies $

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FuncLon%reflecLon%(""rf) $"php"::rf"json_encode Function"[""function" json_encode"]"{ "":"Parameters"[2]"{ """"Parameter"#0"[""$value"] """"Parameter"#1"[""$options"] ""} } $

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Class%reflecLon%(""rc) $"php"::rc"stdclass Class"[""class"stdClass"]"{ "":"Constants"[0]"{ ""} "":"Static"properties"[0]"{ ""} "":"Static"methods"[0]"{ ""} "":"Properties"[0]"{ ""} "":"Methods"[0]"{ ""} } $

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Extension%reflecLon%(""re) $"php"::re"json Extension"[""extension"#20"json"version"1.2.1"]"{ ... "":"Functions"{ """"Function"[""function"json_encode"]"{ """""":"Parameters"[2]"{ """"""""Parameter"#0"[""$value"] """"""""Parameter"#1"[""$options"] """"""} """"} ... }

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Extension%INI%informaLon%(""ri) $"php"::ri"pdo PDO PDO"support"=>"enabled PDO"drivers"=>"mysql,"sqlite,"sqlite2 $

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BuiltYin%webserver%("S) $"php":S"localhost:1234 PHP"5.4.0"Development"Server"started"at"Mon"May" 14"09:43:28"2012 Listening"on"localhost:1234 Document"root"is"/var/www/ Press"Ctrl:C"to"quit. $ PHP% 5.4

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BuiltYin%webserver%("S) [Mon"May"14"09:44:42"2012]"" [200]:"/ [Mon"May"14"09:44:42"2012]"" [200]:"/?=PHPE9568F34:D428:11d2:A769:00AA001ACF42 [Mon"May"14"09:44:42"2012]"" [200]:"/?=PHPE9568F35:D428:11d2:A769:00AA001ACF42

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BuiltYin%webserver%("S) $"php":S"localhost:1234"router.php PHP"5.4.0"Development"Server"started"at"Mon"May" 14"09:43:28"2012 Listening"on"localhost:1234 Document"root"is"/path/to/docroot Press"Ctrl:C"to"quit. $ Router

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BuiltYin%webserver%("t) $"php":S"localhost:1234":t"/path/to/docroot PHP"5.4.0"Development"Server"started"at"Mon"May" 14"09:43:28"2012 Listening"on"localhost:1234 Document"root"is"/path/to/docroot Press"Ctrl:C"to"quit. $ Custom% docroot

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Input%&%output Web • $_SERVER • $_GET • $_POST • $_COOKIE • $_SESSION • $_ENV CLI • $_SERVER • $argc/$argv • $_ENV • getopt() • STDIN/STDOUT/ STDERR

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Change%your%mindset Don’t%use%sessions%&%cookies Just%use%local%variables

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Change%your%mindset If%you%don’t%need%HTTP,%use%CLI Avoid%overhead E.g.% cronjobs

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Change%your%mindset Current%directory%!=%webroot ➡Use%dirname(__FILE__) ➡Use%chdir() ➡Use%getcwd() CLI% scripts%are% executable% everywhere

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STDIN 0){ echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL; } } fclose($handle);

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STDIN 0){ echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL; } } fclose($handle);

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STDIN 0){ echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL; } }

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STDIN 0){ echo strrev($line).PHP_EOL; } } Stream% that%is%opened% by%default

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STDIN $"php":r""var_dump(STDIN);" resource(1)"of"type"(stream) $ The% proof%! Stream% that%is%opened% by%default

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Wordcount%example 0){ foreach(preg_split('/[\s]+/',$line) as $word){ if(!array_key_exists($word,$wordArray)){ $wordArray[$word] = 0; } $wordArray[$word]++; } } } ksort($wordArray); foreach($wordArray as $word=>$count){ echo "$word: $count".PHP_EOL; }

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Wordcount%example $"cat"wordcount.txt" Italy"Thijs Thijs Italy Thijs"PHPDAY Thijs Italy $"cat"wordcount.txt""|"php"wordcount.php" PHPDAY:"1 Thijs:"4 Italy:"3 $

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Mixing%STDOUT%&%STDERR $"php"stdmix.php">"/dev/null" STDERR"output $ $"php"stdmix.php"&>""/dev/null $

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Mixing%STDOUT%&%STDERR $"php"stdmix.php">"/dev/null" STDERR"output $ $"php"stdmix.php"&>""/dev/null $ STDOUT% is%caught STDOUT% &%STDERR%are% caught

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Piping $"php":r"'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)"echo"$i.PHP_EOL;' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $"php":r"'for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)"echo"$i.PHP_EOL;'"|"wc":l """"""10 $

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Shebang%! #!/usr/bin/php

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Process%Control%should%not%be%enabled% within%a%web%server%environment%and% unexpected%results%may%happen%if%any% Process%Control%funcWons%are%used%within% a%web%server%environment.

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Jeroen%Keppens:%@jkeppens Talk% dedicated%to% process%control% in%PHP Check%this% guy%out%!

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