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Translation community Yakst doublemarket (@dblmkt)

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Do you know the amount of each language on the internet? 2

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Amount of each language From Wikipedia "Languages used on the Internet" 3

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I'm Japanese. How can I read articles written in ? 4

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Ways to read articles in English 1. Learn and read them in 2. (Someone) Translate them and read them in 5

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OK, I'll translate them and publish them on the internet. 6

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Yakst - 7

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Yakst - Translation community Want to read? You can: Request translating an article in to Read it in Japanese Want to translate? You can: Translate it into Japanese Review it Publish it 8

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Yakst - Published post 9

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Yakst - How popular it is 10

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Let's translate with us on Yakst! To increase the amount of information in Japanese To train your English skill To learn translation To contribute communities Contact @dblmkt if you have an interest 11