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A short introduction to dplyr Juan Natera Los Angeles R Meetup 09/04/2014

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A bit about me • Software Engineer • Interested in R and its use for gaining insights about data • Open Source enthusiast • Baseball fanatic

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About dplyr • Developed by Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist @ Rstudio. • Part of a suite of packages meant to facilitate working on the “data pipeline”.

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Why? • People spend a lot of time getting data ready for analysis • Almost no learning curve (just need to learn 5 verbs) • Improves readability • It's FAST

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The data pipeline Tidy Transform Model Visualize

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The 5 verbs • flter: remove rows • select: choose columns • arrange: reorder rows • mutate: change data • summarize: guess...

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No learning curve, how? • First parameter is always a data.frame • Other parameters describe what you want to do with it. • Always returns a new data.frame

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It's Fast

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Let's see some code!

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A great book I picked up at useR 2014

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