Slide 51
Slide 51 text
Wassersein distance for image assimilation
A symmetric alternative to previous optical flow-based approaches
Images seen as densities, but can be generalized [Maitre and Lombardi, 2013]
Example: Estimation of velocity (Non realistic application of the
Kalman Filter...)
Groundtruth scenario: a 1D density is translated with a constant speed wc
Model state: a density Z(x, t) and its velocity w(x, t)
Dynamics: Z(x + w(x, t), t + 1) = Z(x, t)
Observations: snapshots Y(x, t) of the groundtruth density
Kalman filtering of (Z, w) using Y to recover the velocity value wc:
L2 distance ||Y − Z||2
OT distance W(Y, Z)2
Assimilation of image structures (N. Papadakis, V. Chabot, A. Makris, M. Nodet, A. Vidard) 16/1