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Rearchitect Ripper May 16, 2024 in RubyKaigi 2024 @yui-knk Yuichiro Kaneko

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan RubyKaigi 2023 was “Great Parser Era”

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RubyKaigi 2023

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7 sessions for Parser Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 LT

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan “Parser Renaissance”

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RubyKaigi 2023 LT Introduced “parse.y” with 3 courses & 15 themes You must completely understood “parse.y”

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Ripper was not covered !!! Ripper parts were ignored as comments !

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan EXTRA STAGE “Ripper” CHALLENGE 19

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About me Yuichiro Kaneko yui-knk (GitHub) / spikeolaf (Twitter) Treasure Data Engineering Manager of Applications Backend CRuby committer, mainly develop parser generator and parser Lrama LALR (1) parser generator (2023, Ruby 3.3) Love LR parser

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan The Bison Slayer The parser monster The world is now in the great age of parsers. People are setting sail into the vast sea of parsers. - RubyKaigi 2023 LT- Yuichiro Kaneko NEW !!!

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I was the weakest of the Big Four

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“parse.y” Who's Who in 2024 3rd contributor for parse.y But I’m still on light side The Creator of Ruby The patch monster Me The Organizer of TRICK

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan What is Ripper?

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S-expression Ripper provides an easy interface for parsing your program into a symbolic expression tree (or S- expression)

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Ripper is … A Ruby script parser You can get information from the parser with event- based style Abstract syntax trees Simple lexical analysis

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Low level interface Ripper provides “on_XXX” methods on_int, on_op, on_binary, on_stmts_new, … Simply count the number of method call

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How low level interface works For example, “1 + 2” is provided on_int(“1”) is called when “1” is scanned 1 2 + 2 + 1 1 (“count 1”) 2 + on_int(“1”) is called and “count 1” is returned 1

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How low level interface works on_int(“2”) is called when “2” is scanned 2 1 (“count 1”) 2 (“count 5”) + 1 (“count 1”) + on_int(“2”) is called and “count 5” is returned 2

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How low level interface works on_binary is called when 1, +, 2 are reduced to arg Arguments are “count 1”, :+ and “count 5” Returned values are passed to another method call 1 (“count 1”) 2 (“count 5”) + arg (“count 6”) 1 (“count 1”) 2 (“count 5”) + on_binary("count 1", :+, "count 5") is called and “count 6” is returned

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan How Ripper is implemented?

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How parse.y is used parse.y is a source of ripper.y parse.y parse.c parse.h Lrama ripper.y tool/id2token.rb tools/preproc.rb Lrama ripper.c

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Comments in parse.y is transformed to C codes in ripper.y Comments are not comments !! parse.y is two-faced parse.y ripper.y

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“dsl.rb” is fantastic “ext/ripper/tools/dsl.rb” “tools/preproc.rb” requires “dsl.rb” This is my favorite script !! Less than 100 lines but very hacky

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Longstanding bugs

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Bug #10436 Ruby parser reports Syntax Error but Ripper doesn’t 9 years old bug

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Jeremy’s challenge “This isn't a very clean way to fix it, but I was not able to figure out a way to fix it by modifying parse.y.”

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Nobu’s challenge Make semantic value stack to manage callback value and parser value by using union. But it’s not a finisher.

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Can we solve this issue if Nobu and Jeremy can not solve ?

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Parser and Stack CRuby’s parser is LR parser LR parser is implemented as pushdown automaton LR parser manages semantic value with stack

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Parser semantic value stack Parser manages Nodes on the stack arg 1 2 + NODE_INTEGER NODE_INTEGER NODE_OPCALL NODE_INTEGER NODE_INTEGER Stack to manage Node

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Ripper semantic value stack Ripper manages Ruby Objects on the stack arg 1 2 + “count 1” “count 5” “count 6” #on_binary Stack to manage Ruby Object Call #on_binary method Return value

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How to do semantic analysis block_dup_check function checks the existence of NODE_BLOCK_PASS and NODE_ITER Ripper can’t do the check because it doesn’t have nodes primary method_call brace_block NODE_FCALL NODE_ITER block_dup_check Stack to manage Node NODE_BLOCK_ PASS

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Think in simple

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan If single stack is not enough, then let use two stacks.

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If tow stacks exist Ripper can manages Nodes and Ruby Objects arg 1 2 + NODE_INTEGE R NODE_INTEGE R NODE_OPCAL L NODE_INTEGE R NODE_INTEGE R Stack to manage Node “count 1” “count 5” “count 6” #on_binary Stack to manage Ruby Object Call #on_binary method Return value

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Bison provides only one stack

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan We use Lrama

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Lrama’s new features 5 callbacks %after-shift %before-reduce %after-reduce %after-shift-error-token %after-pop-stack 1 new syntax $:n

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How to use callbacks New Ripper uses Ruby’s Array as its stack In %after_shift, “rb_ary_push” the object to the stack 1 2 + NODE_INTEGER NODE_INTEGER “count 1” “count 2” rb_ary_push

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How to use callbacks In %after_reduce, “rb_ary_pop” objects then “rb_ary_push” the object to the stack 1 2 + NODE_INTEGER NODE_INTEGER “count 1” “count 2” rb_ary_push

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How to use $:n variable Need to access the Object on the stack, like $1 $:n is expanded to minus index integer 1 2 + NODE_INTEGER NODE_INTEGER “count 1” “count 2” $1 $3 ary[$:1] => ary[-3] ary[$:3] => ary[-1]

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Bug #10436 is fi xed 🎉

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Day 0: Night Cruise at RubyKaigi 2024 by ESM What do you think of recent parse.y ? Best parse.y in the last 10 years

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Fix other bugs Bug #18988 Bug #20055 Unreported bugs, e.g. omitted warning for “if 1 then end”

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Fix other problems Different functions were defined for parser and ripper Because the type of semantic value was different It was too difficult… Parser Ripper NODE NODE VALUE VALUE

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Single name, two implementations Parser's call_bin_op was different from ripper’s call_bin_op Parser Ripper

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Only one call_bin_op is needed Type of $1 is same in both parser and ripper VALUE, Ruby Object, is managed by $:1 Parser / Ripper Ripper NODE NODE VALUE VALUE

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Bene fi ts of the re-architecture Current ripper is super set of parser It’s easy to follow up parser changes, like new syntax We can maintain Ripper Parser Ripper Parser Ripper

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Conclusions If single stack is not enough, then let use two stacks.

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Conclusions It’s fun to hack parser generator !!

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Conclusions We can change the parser. Only on the Lrama.

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Conclusions Best parse.y in the last 10 years

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan See you next time at Lrama

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Thank you !!!

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“dsl.rb” is fantastic “ext/ripper/tools/dsl.rb” “tools/preproc.rb” requires “dsl.rb” This is my favorite script !! Less than 100 lines but very hacky

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“dsl.rb” is fantastic !

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“dsl.rb” is fantastic !!

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“dsl.rb” is fantastic !!!

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References “Ruby Parser։ൃ೔ࢽ (18) - Rearchitect Ripper”, February 2024. https://yui-

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Thank you !!!