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Yuta Miyama, Apr 15th 2022 SRE bridge the gap: Feature development to Core API ػೳ։ൃνʔϜͱίΞAPIνʔϜͷՍ͚ڮͱͯ͠ͷSRE

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Who I am Yuta Miyama Student - Entrepreneur Maker - Self-taught programmer Now - Around-the-world migrants

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Around the world migrants 2010 - Started programming career in Japan 2016 - Moved to Berlin 2020 - Moved to Toronto 2022 - Back to Japan Photo by Amy Humphries on Unsplash

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What I want to talk about Introduce you to Shopify’s production engineering practice ShopifyͷϓϩμΫγϣϯΤϯδχΞ૊৫ͷ঺հ Encourage the cross discipline moves between feature development and production engineering ৬ೳΛ·͙ͨνʔϜସ͑Ͱɺ͍͔ʹ૊৫ͱݸਓͷ੒௕͕ଅ͞ΕΔ͔

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Shopify’s history 2004 - 2006 - Shopify was born on Rails 1.x 2022 - Becoming a “Retail Operating System” Size - $175.4 billion GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) in 2021 Entrepreneurship - $3 billion in “Shopify Capital” funding since 2016 Global - “Shopify Market” Cross border commerce from day one

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Production Engineering at Shopify Problem Misalignments among distinct teams Outcome Self-service toolings for feature dev, esp. monitoring and alerting Infra components ownership centralized 3x deploy speed and frequency (150 / day) 2015 ~ 2016 - Shopify adapted Production Engineering model Feature dev Scale Monitor Maintenance Feature dev Prod Eng Self service Monitoring / Alerting Next-gen Infrastructure

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Incident Manager On Call a.k.a IMOC Core incident handling Follow the sun model Deep dive into “cracks” of distributed systems Edge, Ingress, Routing, Application, … 2020 - The need for specialized team on Resiliency Resiliency at Production Engineering Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

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— Tobi Lütke, CEO in internal essay on why we optimize for lash sales “We learned to absorb these shocks and become stronger as a result. [..] The school of hard knocks has taught us well.”

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Complexities of Shopify Highly dynamic tra ff i c BFCM Flashsales / bots Highly con fi gurable shops Liquid Script API endpoints (Headless, ...

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Semian Load Shedder Toxiproxy / Game day Taming the large distributed systems Photo by Omar Flores on Unsplash

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Culture and process Follow the sun model also applies to Root Cause Analysis Autonomy based on “trust batteries” Lean on ChatOps enabling async learning Photo by Jay Heike on Unsplash

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Developing a “Journey Map” Observing “three di ff erent paths” for ICs 1. Feature dev 2. Core API maker 3. SRE The analogy to “Swordsman” Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

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Feature development teams Deliver high impact product features to the merchants quickly Aim -> Scope -> Execute “How can we iterate quickly, so that we can learn?” ϓϩμΫτ։ൃ͕ओઓ৔ ʮϦʔϯʯ ϚʔέοτϑΟοτ·ͰɺϦιʔε͕ݶఆతͳঢ়ଶͰૣ͘ճ͢ ੒ख़ͭͭ͋͠ΔϓϩμΫτʹରͯ͠ɺ෇ՃՁ஋Λఏڙ͢Δ Photo by Krys Amon on Unsplash

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Core API makers Long term bets on fundamental components 1. Backbones of web application architecture 2. Investing on “Commerce Primitive” components υϝΠϯΤΩεύʔτ ͦͷڵຯ෼໺Ͱ্Γ٧Ίͨਓͨͪ Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

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SRE We connect dots when distributed system fails • IMOC • Investigate on the “seams” of running system • Collaborate / communicate to drive resolution on “cracks” ෼ࢄγεςϜͷࣦഊύλʔϯʹର͢ΔΤΩεύʔτ Photo purchased from iStock

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Multiplication brings value App dev and SRE • Brings the high velocity project scoping • Distributed system 101 Core API dev and App dev • User and Maker feedback Core API dev and SRE • High-level overview v.s. investing on your core interests

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We are all one team Growth brings specialization and operational e ff i ciency Imagine the dysfunctional feedback loop: • Highly scalable system without the user growth • Growing features without resiliency toolkit • Exponential domain onboarding cost without simple interface to Core API Photo by Kier In Sight on Unsplash

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Chaos Engineer your org Hybrid (bridging) developer can disrupt specialization • Early adaption is quicker and better than an afterthought • It's easily adaptable, since the underlying failure is common across multiple applications • Usually IC has appetite for resiliency toolkits More bridging developers leads to organic early planning: a key to both speed and quality Photo by Olivier Guillard on Unsplash

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ྲྀಈੑͷ୲อ͕ɺ ձࣾͱݸਓͷڝ૪ྗʹߩݙ͢Δ Shopify's Jungle Gym Feature Development, Core API architects, SREs

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What’s next? Shopify’s attracting talents from all over the world. • APAC is growing strong! • We embrace fully distributed environment Develop products that changes livelihood of millions of entrepreneurs • Huge potential in the cross border commerce (my former team) Contribute to one of the most powerful web app stack • Ruby, (not only) Rails, MySQL (KateSQL), k8s

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Thank you! @kenzan100 @jp_miyama

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Bonus track - How hard was the transition? Shopify managers accepts its “Jungle Gym” 1. Charge your “trust battery” 2. Look for opportunities 3. Probe with the managers