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Testing a hiring hypothesis. 
 Matt Jukes

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These are my lessons learned.

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@jukesie In 2015/16 I personally interviewed 
 60+ people and hired six.

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@jukesie On five occasions advertised jobs led to zero candidates.

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The biggest digital transformation challenge is people not technology. Me.

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@jukesie Research your job titles. Don’t get cute. Don’t be clever. 
 Do be clear. Do be honest.

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@jukesie A/B test the job titles. Use free job boards, social media and mailing lists and track which work best.

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@jukesie Write real job descriptions. Get people doing the jobs to help. It is OK to be 
 aspirational but don’t ask for the world.

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@jukesie Ask the community for help. Draft job descriptions on Hackpad. Twitter polls on 
 job titles. Feedback on interview processes.

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@jukesie Make the case for joining. Job descriptions are not enough. Write blogposts, 
 speak at meetups, sponsor unconferences.

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@jukesie Play to your strengths. If you can’t compete on salary talk about other benefits.
 Not the foosball or the game nights. 
 The challenge. The mission. The team.

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@jukesie Tap into your network. You are probably only one or two degrees of seperation
 from the best candidate. Build and nurture networks.

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@jukesie Take interviews seriously. Use consistent questions. Never interview alone. Agree with 
 other interviewer what you are looking for in a successful
 candidate. Specialist interviewers for specialist roles.

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@jukesie Be willing to wait. There is often pressure to fill a vacancy. Waiting for the
 right candidate rather than the available candidate saves
 time in the long run.

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@jukesie It doesn’t end at the interview. Give useful feedback to unsuccessful candidates. 
 Keep communicating with the successful candidate.
 Just sending an offer email and a start date is not enough.

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@jukesie Introductions over induction. Plan the first week or two for any new hire carefully with a 
 mix of the mundane and the interesting. 
 Don’t overwhelm them but get them involved asap. 
 Make them feel welcome and wanted.

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Thanks. Matt Jukes