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Building a modern SaaS in 2020 Nikolay Stoitsev, Engineering Manager @ Halo DX

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Language evaluation Python JavaScript/Node.js Java C#/.NET Core

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Domain Specifics FIPS 140-2

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Node.js Can build with special OpenSSL

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Java Package with verified implementation of cryptographic algorithms

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Imaging Center

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Imaging Center Hospital

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HL7 Imaging Center Hospital

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Java and Spring Boot

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Microservices Discovery

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Microservices Discovery Load Balancing

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Microservices Discovery Load Balancing Circuit Breaking

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Microservices Discovery Load Balancing Circuit Breaking Testing

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Microservices Discovery Load Balancing Circuit Breaking Testing Debugging

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Failure Isolation

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6 services

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Hexagonal Architecture Web Adapter Messaging Adapter Input Port Input Port Biz Logic Output Port Output Port Persistence Adapter Messaging

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Multi Repo vs Mono Repo

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Mono Repo Easily introduce and refactor global features Ease code sharing and reuse Simple dependency management Flexible team boundaries and code ownership Collaboration across teams Atomic commits across services

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Build System Bazel ● Fast and incremental builds ● One tool to build multiple languages ● Extensible ● Google, Pinterest, Uber, Stripe Buck ● Fast and incremental builds ● One tool to build multiple languages ● Helps you better understand your dependencies ● Facebook, Airbnb

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Multi-Project Builds in Gradle

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Multi-Project Builds in Gradle ● One root project ● One subproject for each service ● One subproject for shared libs ●

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Multi-Project Builds in Gradle

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Nx for front-end monorepo

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Gradle wrapper for front-end builds and running tests

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Separate Dockerfile for each service

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Can have one Docker Compose for everything

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Why Nexus? Can store and distribute Maven/Java, npm, Helm, Docker Widely adopted Single source of truth for every component Easy to work with

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Build Process CI Code

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Build Process CI CD Code

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Build Process CI CD Build Docker Image Code

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Build Process CI CD Nexus Build Docker Image Code Docker Image

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Why Kubernetes? Deployment Scaling Self-healing Inter-service communication Storage orchestration Scalable and battle tested

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Great for engineers ● Each service is accessed via a single domain ● Logs are easy to read ● A lot of materials on how to learn it

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Monitoring and Grafana out of the box

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Configuring a service in Kubernetes ● Deployment ● Service ● Config Map ● Service Account ● RBAC ● Pod disruption budget ● ....

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Helm ● Abstraction over k8s that simplifies working with it ● The building block in helm is called a helm chart ● Help you define, install, and upgrade applications in k8s

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How to work with Helm ● Search for “{technology} helm chart” ● Download helm chart ● Update values.yaml ● $ helm install {release-name} {chart-name} --set {var}={val}

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Deploy Process CI CD Nexus Build Docker Image Docker Image

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Deploy Process CI CD Nexus Kubernetes Kubernetes Kubernetes

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Deploy Process CI CD Nexus Helm Update Kubernetes Kubernetes Kubernetes

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Deploy Process CI CD Nexus Helm Update Kubernetes Kubernetes Kubernetes Pull Image

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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SLF4J backed by Log4j2

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Backend logging EFK - Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana Pod Pod Pod

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Backend logging EFK - Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana Pod Pod Pod Fluentd Fluentd Fluentd

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Backend logging EFK - Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana Pod Pod Pod Fluentd Fluentd Fluentd Elasticsearch

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Backend logging EFK - Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana Pod Pod Pod Fluentd Fluentd Fluentd Elasticsearch Kibana

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Front-end logging

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Front End Logging Library

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Front End Logging Library

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Front End Logging front end lib front end lib

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Front End Logging Backend Service Backend Service front end lib front end lib

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Front End Logging Backend Service Backend Service Fluentd Fluentd front end lib front end lib

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Front End Logging Backend Service Backend Service Fluentd Fluentd Elasticsearch Kibana front end lib front end lib

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy

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Subtenancy Org East West Sales Front Desk Sales Front Desk

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Materialized path (1) Org (2) East (3) West (4) Sales (5) Front Desk (6) Sales (7) Front Desk ID Path Name 1 1/ Org 2 1/2/ East 3 1/3/ West 4 1/2/4 Sales East 5 1/2/5 Front Desk East 6 1/3/6 Sales West 7 1/3/7 Front Desk West

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Closure table (1) Org (2) East (3) West (4) Sales (5) Front Desk (6) Sales (7) Front Desk ID Name 1 Org 2 East 3 West 4 Sales East 5 Front Desk East 6 Sales West 7 Front Desk West Ancestor Descendant 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 2 4 2 5 3 6 3 7 4 Null

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Keeping hierarchy and data separated (1) Org (2) East (3) West (4) Sales (5) Front Desk (6) Sales (7) Front Desk ● Each records get a tag - 1, 2, 3, etc. ● Each tag points to a node in the tree ● Tag hierarchy is loaded separately ● Queries are decorated with OR statements to match by tag

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Language Java and Spring Boot

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Language Architecture Java and Spring Boot Microservices

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Java and Spring Boot Microservices Monorepo

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Java and Spring Boot Microservices Monorepo Gradle and Docker

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Java and Spring Boot Microservices Monorepo Gradle and Docker Kubernetes

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Java and Spring Boot Microservices Monorepo Gradle and Docker Kubernetes EFK stack

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Language Architecture Repo Structure Builds Running in Production Observability Multitenancy Java and Spring Boot Microservices Monorepo Gradle and Docker Kubernetes EFK stack Separate hierarchy and data

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Thank you! Q&A Nikolay Stoitsev Engineering Manager at Halo DX