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As Loooonnnngg As Possible

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Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

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Ruby Core Rails Core

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This is my first time to give a talk.

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Twitter: tenderlove GitHub: tenderlove Instagram: tenderlove Yo: tenderlove

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ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ Separation Of Concerns

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Revert Commits Count Too!

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More mistakes == more points!!!!

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Short Stack Engineer

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Dad-Joke Programmer

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Gorbachev Puff Puff Thunderhorse

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SEA-TAC Airport YouTube

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Last Year

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Hawker Centers

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I love food!

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Earth (top)

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Radius at Latitude R = radius of earth! a = equatorial radius! b = polar radius! l = geodetic latitude

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Seattle Singapore Latitude 47.6097° N 1.3667° N Radius 6,373 km 6,357 km

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Durian Fruit!!!

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Closer to the METAL

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Speed up Rails,! Speed up your Code

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Performance! Tradeoffs

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Speed vs! Memory

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Time vs! Space

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Space! isn’t free.

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Time! isn’t free.

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Nothing! is free.

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Find a better algorithm.

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Mystical Unicorn

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Making Tradeoffs

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RAM is cheap. (for web developers) SORRY HEROKU!

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SPEED at the! cost of RAM.

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Time and space are related.

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Performance Tools

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Raw Performance

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benchmark do |x|'some test') { N.times { some_test } } end How big? STD LIB

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Output user system total real some test 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.000098)

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benchmark/ips require 'benchmark/ips' require 'set' ! list = ('a'..'zzzz').to_a set = list ! Benchmark.ips do |x|"set access") { set.include? "foo" } !"ary access") { list.include? "foo" } end G EM

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Output Calculating ------------------------------------- set access 68622 i/100ms ary access 395 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- set access 3047175.3 (±12.7%) i/s - 14959596 in 5.018692s ary access 3899.2 (±7.1%) i/s - 19750 in 5.096118s IPS

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Set Include: 3047175.3 / sec

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Array Include: 3899.2 / sec

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IPS: Higher Is Better

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Output Calculating ------------------------------------- set access 68622 i/100ms ary access 395 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- set access 3047175.3 (±12.7%) i/s - 14959596 in 5.018692s ary access 3899.2 (±7.1%) i/s - 19750 in 5.096118s STDDEV

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benchmark N = 100000 ! list = ('a'..'zzz').to_a hash = list.each_with_object({}) { |x,h| h[x] = true } set = list ! do |x|"set access") { N.times { set.include? "foo" } } !"hash access") { N.times { hash.include? "foo" } } end STD LIB

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Output user system total real set access 0.030000 0.000000 0.030000 ( 0.030044) hash access 0.030000 0.000000 0.030000 ( 0.032125) Set Is Faster? benchm ark

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benchmark/ips list = ('a'..'zzz').to_a hash = list.each_with_object({}) { |x,h| h[x] = true } set = list ! Benchmark.ips do |x|"set access") { set.include? "foo" }"hash access") { hash.include? "foo" } end G EM

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Output Calculating ------------------------------------- set access 73910 i/100ms hash access 73845 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- set access 3081455.6 (±7.6%) i/s - 15299370 in 4.999343s hash access 3772358.3 (±7.2%) i/s - 18756630 in 5.004747s benchm ark/ips

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IPS Graph 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 Iterations / Sec Set access Hash Access

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Blackbox Testing

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Cache Impls cache1 = cache2 = ! cache1["x"] = cache2["x"] = ! Benchmark.ips do |x|"cache1") { cache1["x"] }"cache2") { cache2["x"] } end

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Collect Reports reports = [10, 100, 1000, 100_000].map do |i| cache1 = cache2 = ! (i - 1).times { |z| cache2[z.to_s] = cache1[z.to_s] = } ! cache1["x"] = cache2["x"] = ! report = Benchmark.ips do |x|"cache1") { cache1["x"] }"cache2") { cache2["x"] } end [i, report] end Report

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Compile Data header = nil rows = { |i,report| header ||= [nil] + ["#{i} elements"] + { |r| (1 / r.ips) * 10_000 } } puts header.join ',' rows.each { |r| puts r.join ',' } Seconds Per Iteration Seconds for 10k iters

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Runtime Graph Time for 10,000 iterations (seconds) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Cache Size 10 elements 100 elements 1000 elements 100000 elements Cache 1 Cache 2

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Cache Implementation class Cache1 def initialize @cache = {} end def [] k; @cache[k]; end def []= k,v; @cache[k] = v; end end ! class Cache2 def initialize @cache = [] end def [] k; x, = @cache.assoc(k); x; end def []= k,v; @cache << [k, v]; end end Constant Linear

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Real World Example: Routes

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Number Of Routes class MyTest routes = routes.draw { resources(:articles) } end ! article =!) ! Benchmark.ips do |x|"link_to") { test.link_to "zomg", article } end

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Add 10 routes class MyTest routes = routes.draw { resources(:articles) 10.times do |num| resources num.to_s.to_sym end } end

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Add 100 routes class MyTest routes = routes.draw { resources(:articles) 100.times do |num| resources num.to_s.to_sym end } end

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Add 1000 routes class MyTest routes = routes.draw { resources(:articles) 1000.times do |num| resources num.to_s.to_sym end } end

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Sec / 100k calls 9.5 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 link_to

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Size of URL class MyTest routes = link = 'a' ! routes.draw { get "/#{link}/:id", :as => :article, :controller => :articles, :action => :show } end ! test = article =!) ! puts "Model Instance" Benchmark.ips do |x|"link_to") { test.link_to "zomg", article } end

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Length of 1 class MyTest routes = link = '/' ! routes.draw { get "/#{link}/:id", :as => :article, :controller => :articles, :action => :show } end

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Length of 10 class MyTest routes = link = '/' ! routes.draw { get "/#{link}/:id", :as => :article, :controller => :articles, :action => :show } end

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Length of 100 class MyTest routes = link = '/' ! routes.draw { get "/#{link}/:id", :as => :article, :controller => :articles, :action => :show } end

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Sec / 100k calls 9 10.5 12 13.5 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 link_to

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Where is time spent?

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Profiling url_for require 'stackprof' :cpu, out: 'url_for.dump') do 5000.times { test.url_for article } end

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View Results $ stackprof url_for.dump --text

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================================== Mode: cpu(1000) Samples: 218 (0.00% miss rate) GC: 27 (12.39%) ================================== TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 149 (68.3%) 57 (26.1%) ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet#url_for 183 (83.9%) 19 (8.7%) ActionDispatch::::UrlHelper#call 18 (8.3%) 18 (8.3%) #.build_host_url 14 (6.4%) 13 (6.0%) ActionDispatch::UrlHelper#handle_positional_args 68 (31.2%) 12 (5.5%) ActionDispatch::Journey::Formatter#generate 66 (30.3%) 12 (5.5%) ActionDispatch::Formatter#visit_CAT 10 (4.6%) 10 (4.6%) ActionDispatch::Utils::UriEncoder#escape 56 (25.7%) 7 (3.2%) block in ActionDispatch::Formatter#generate 13 (6.0%) 5 (2.3%) ActionDispatch#extract_parameterized_parts

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Total allocations GC.stat(:total_allocated_object)

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Measure Allocations Person.find id before = GC.stat(:total_allocated_object) N.times { Person.find id } after = GC.stat(:total_allocated_object) puts (after - before) / N W arm up Benchmark Objects / Call Count O bjs C ount O bjs

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Real World Example: Views

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Request Benchmark task :allocated_objects do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) before = GC.stat :total_allocated_object TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } after = GC.stat :total_allocated_object puts (after - before) / TEST_CNT end "/books/new"

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Request Benchmark task :allocated_objects do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) before = GC.stat :total_allocated_object TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } after = GC.stat :total_allocated_object puts (after - before) / TEST_CNT end

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Request Benchmark task :allocated_objects do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) before = GC.stat :total_allocated_object TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } after = GC.stat :total_allocated_object puts (after - before) / TEST_CNT end

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Test Results Object Allocations Per Request 2000 2150 2300 2450 2600 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master 2000

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Test Results Object Allocations Per Request 0 650 1300 1950 2600 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master

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~19% reduction since 4-0-stable

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~14% reduction since 4-1-stable

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Example ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.trace do 1000.times { ["foo", {}] } end ! ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.allocated_count_table

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Output {:T_NONE=>0, :T_OBJECT=>0, :T_CLASS=>0, :T_MODULE=>0, :T_FLOAT=>0, :T_STRING=>1000, :T_REGEXP=>0, :T_ARRAY=>1000, :T_HASH=>1000, :T_ZOMBIE=>0}

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Speeding up ActiveRecord

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~3 Years of work

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How! ActiveRecord! works.

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ActiveRecord::Relation Post.find(10) ARel::SQL::Node Database ActiveRecord::Base SELECT * FROM …

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Part 1

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Bind Parameter Introduction

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Post.find(1) Post.find(3) Post.find(5) SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = 1 SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = 3 SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = 5

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Post.find(1) Post.find(3) Post.find(5) SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ? [id, 1] SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ? [id, 3] SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = ? [id, 5]

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Separate static and dynamic content

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ActiveRecord::Relation Post.find(10) ARel::SQL::Node Database ActiveRecord::Base SELECT * FROM … Cacheable

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Part 2

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Code Decoupling

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def add_constraints(scope) tables = construct_tables ! chain.each_with_index do |reflection, i| table, foreign_table = tables.shift, tables.first ! if reflection.source_macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many join_table = tables.shift ! scope = scope.joins(join( join_table, table[reflection.association_primary_key]. eq(join_table[reflection.association_foreign_key]) )) ! table, foreign_table = join_table, tables.first end ! if reflection.source_macro == :belongs_to if reflection.options[:polymorphic] key = reflection.association_primary_key(klass) else key = reflection.association_primary_key end ! foreign_key = reflection.foreign_key else key = reflection.foreign_key foreign_key = reflection.active_record_primary_key end ! if reflection == chain.last bind_val = bind scope, table.table_name, key.to_s, owner[foreign_key] scope = scope.where(table[key].eq(bind_val)) ! if reflection.type value = bind_val = bind scope, table.table_name, reflection.type.to_s, value scope = scope.where(table[reflection.type].eq(bind_val)) end else constraint = table[key].eq(foreign_table[foreign_key]) ! if reflection.type type = chain[i + 1] constraint = constraint.and(table[reflection.type].eq(type)) end ! scope = scope.joins(join(foreign_table, constraint)) end ! # Exclude the scope of the association itself, because that # was already merged in the #scope method. (scope_chain[i] - [self.reflection.scope]).each do |scope_chain_item| item = eval_scope(reflection.klass, scope_chain_item) ! scope.includes! item.includes_values scope.where_values += item.where_values end end ! scope end

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One Method to Rule Them All, And In Legacy Code Bind Them.

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rm habtm R ails 4.1

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habtm.is_a?(hm:t) #=> true

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commit 88c009377851912c60fd16ec4bfab3001ac2cf9f Author: Aaron Patterson Date: Wed Oct 2 15:53:56 2013 -0700 ! remove HABTM special cases from associations classes ! diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_scope.rb b/activerecord/lib/ active_record/associations/association_scope.rb index 8027acf..d862a5f 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_scope.rb +++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/association_scope.rb @@ -44,18 +44,6 @@ module ActiveRecord chain.each_with_index do |reflection, i| table, foreign_table = tables.shift, tables.first - if reflection.source_macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many - join_table = tables.shift - - scope = scope.joins(join( - join_table, - table[reflection.association_primary_key]. - eq(join_table[reflection.association_foreign_key]) - )) - - table, foreign_table = join_table, tables.first - end - if reflection.source_macro == :belongs_to if reflection.options[:polymorphic] key = reflection.association_primary_key(self.klass) diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/join_dependency.rb b/activerecord/lib/ active_record/associations/join_dependency.rb index 5aa17e5..fa212f3 100644 --- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/join_dependency.rb +++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/join_dependency.rb @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ module ActiveRecord else association = join_part.instantiate(row) unless row[join_part.aliased_primary_key].nil? case macro - when :has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many + when :has_many other = record.association( other.loaded! if association diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/join_dependency/join_association.rb b/ activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/join_dependency/join_association.rb

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Part 3

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Introduce a cache

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Cache Code Example cache = do |params| Person.where(name: params.bind).limit(1) end ! cache.execute ["Aaron"] cache.execute ["Ebi"] AR::Relation Execute

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Binds Cache Object Internals #, #]], @indexes=[0]>, @query_builder= #> C om piled SQ L

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Update Internals, Cache Relation Objects

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Things That Use Relations ❤ Post.find() ❤ Post.find_by_* ❤ has_many ❤ has_many :through ❤ has_and_belongs_to_many ❤ belongs_to All Cacheable

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Example Implementation

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Person.find(id) s = find_by_statement_cache.synchronize { find_by_statement_cache[key] ||= StatementCache.create(connection) { |params| where(primary_key => params.bind).limit(1) } } record = s.execute([id], self, connection).first R elation! (static) Parameter! (dynamic)

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WHAT DO THESE EVEN MEAN??? Ways to call `Post.find` ❤ Post.find(1) ❤ Post.find([1]) ❤ Post.find([[1]]) ❤ Post.find({1 => 1}) ❤ Post.find(post) ❤ Post.find(1) { … } ❤ scoping { Post.find(1) } Cachea wtf

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Rejection Code def find(*ids) # We don't have cache keys for this stuff yet return super unless ids.length == 1 return super if block_given? || primary_key.nil? || default_scopes.any? || columns_hash.include?(inheritance_column) || ids.first.kind_of?(Array)

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Performance of ActiveRecord

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Post.find() Post.find_by_name()

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`Post.find` Calls Per Second over Time Calls Per Second (higher is better) 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 3-1-stable 3-2-stable 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequaterecord SQLite3 MySQL2 MySQL PostgreSQL

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`Post.find_by_name` Calls Per Second over Time Calls Per Second (higher is better) 0 3500 7000 10500 14000 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 3-1-stable 3-2-stable 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequaterecord SQLite3 MySQL2 MySQL PostgreSQL

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Calls Per Second (MySQL) Calls Per Second (higher is better) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 3-1-stable 3-2-stable 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequaterecord find by id find by name

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% Faster than 4-1-stable 0.00% 45.00% 90.00% 135.00% 180.00% SQLite3 MySQL2 MySQL PostgreSQL find by id find by name

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% Faster than 2-3-stable 0.00% 35.00% 70.00% 105.00% 140.00% SQLite3 MySQL PostgreSQL find by id find by name

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Objects Allocated Per Call (find by id) Objects Allocated (lower is better) 0 75 150 225 300 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 3-1-stable 3-2-stable 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequate SQLite3 MySQL2 MySQL PostgreSQL

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Object Allocated Per Call (find by name) Objects Allocated (lower is better) 0 75 150 225 300 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 3-1-stable 3-2-stable 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequate SQLite3 MySQL2 MySQL PostgreSQL

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70% Fewer Objects Compared to 4-1-stable

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55% Fewer Objects Compared to 2-3-stable

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belongs_to calls per second Calls Per Second (higher is better) 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 3-1-stable 3-2-stable 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequaterecord SQLite3 MySQL MySQL2 PostgreSQL

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belongs_to Percent Faster 0.00% 45.00% 90.00% 135.00% 180.00% SQLite3 MySQL MySQL2 PostgreSQL 2-3-stable 4-1-stable

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has_many has_many :through

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`has_many` Call Speed Over Time Calls Per Second (higher is better) 0 2750 5500 8250 11000 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequaterecord SQlite3 MySQL MySQL2 PostgreSQL

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`hm:t` Call Speed Over Time Calls Per Second (higher is better) 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 2-3-stable 3-0-stable 4-1-stable master adequaterecord SQLite3 MySQL MySQL2 PostgreSQL

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Percent Faster than 2-3-stable 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% SQLite3 MySQL PostgreSQL has_many hm:t

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Percent Faster than 4-1-stable 0% 65% 130% 195% 260% SQLite3 MySQL MySQL2 PostgreSQL has_many hm:t

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has_many :through growth

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Growth Test class A < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bs has_many :cs, :through => :bs end ! class B < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :a has_many :cs end ! class C < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :b end

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Growth Test class A < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bs has_many :cs, :through => :bs has_many :ds, :through => :cs end ! class B < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :a has_many :cs end ! class C < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :b has_many :ds end ! class D < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :b end as we add more,! what’s the speed?

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Time Taken to Call hm:t 100k times Seconds Taken (lower is better) 0 40 80 120 160 Nuber of hm:t associations 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 y = 0.5783x + 5.9815 R² = 0.9971 y = 7.448x + 16.506 R² = 0.9974 4-1-stable adequate AWWWWW YEAH, CONSTANT TIME!

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TL;DR: ~100% faster

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TL;DR: 9001% better

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Trade Memory For Speed

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Total Cache Size = count(find_by_*) * Size

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Raw Relations

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Example Controller class PeopleController def index @people = Person.where(name: params[:name]).to_a end end

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Can we cache it?

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Experimental Branch Person.where(name: params[:name]).to_a Iterations Per Second (higher is better) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 where(:name) Master Experimental Branch

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~30% faster

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Key Calculation def cached_query if [joins_values, having_values, group_values, order_values, select_values, ].any?(&:any?) return yield end ! if limit_value || offset_value || distinct_value || from_value || lock_value return yield end ! if where_values.length != bind_values.length return yield end ! key = if bind_values.any? "bv_#{ { |bv| }.join}" else :find_all_stuff end ! connection = @klass.connection cache = @klass.find_by_statement_cache ! s = cache[key] || cache.synchronize { cache[key] ||= begin bvs = { |bv| bv = bv.dup bv[1] = bv } StatementCache.create_with_binds(connection, arel, bvs) end } s.execute, @klass, connection end Key Calculation Query Execution

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Over 11 variables impact the key

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This code only handles two types of queries

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One more experiment

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Finder Comparison Benchmark.ips do |x|'Person.where') { Person.where(name: 'Aaron').first }'Person.find_by') { Person.find_by_name('Aaron') } end

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Finder Comparison Calls Per Second 0 3500 7000 10500 14000 Finder .where() .find_by_name

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find_by_name is 3x faster

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Finder Comparison Benchmark.ips do |x|'Person.where') { Person.where(name: 'Aaron').first }'Person.find_by') { Person.find_by_name('Aaron') } end New AR::Relation Allocation

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Should we cache all relations?

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I’m not sure.

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I want a new API.

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New API class Person < ActiveRecord::Base cached_query(:find_all_by_name) do |name| where(name: name) end end ! Person.find_all_by_name("foo") Person.find_all_by_name("bar")

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Cache Key is Easy

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Relation API maintained

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Speeding up Helpers

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Object Allocation Reduction

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Profiling Request / Response

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Test Code task :view_stack do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance ! env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) require 'stackprof' puts "#" * 90 :cpu, out: 'req-res.dump') do 1800.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } end end

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Test Code task :view_stack do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance ! env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) require 'stackprof' puts "#" * 90 :cpu, out: 'req-res.dump') do 1800.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } end end

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Test Code task :view_stack do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance ! env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) require 'stackprof' puts "#" * 90 :cpu, out: 'req-res.dump') do 1800.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } end end

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TOTAL (pct) SAMPLES (pct) FRAME 813 (9.5%) 813 (9.5%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#initialize 699 (8.1%) 350 (4.1%) block in ActiveRecord::Read#read_attribute 486 (5.7%) 298 (3.5%) ActionController::UrlFor#url_options 670 (7.8%) 274 (3.2%) ActionDispatch::Journey::Format#evaluate 773 (9.0%) 253 (2.9%) ActionDispatch#parameterize_args 1172 (13.6%) 220 (2.6%) ActiveRecord::Persistence#instantiate 213 (2.5%) 213 (2.5%) block in SQLite3::Statement#each 208 (2.4%) 208 (2.4%) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#html_safe? 204 (2.4%) 204 (2.4%) ActionDispatch::UrlFor#routes_generation? 245 (2.9%) 191 (2.2%) block (2 levels) in Class#class_attribute

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ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer #initialize

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Finding Calls require 'active_support/all' ! trace =, :call) { |tp| if tp.defined_class == ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer && tp.method_id == :initialize puts "#" * 90 puts tp.binding.eval "caller" end } ! trace.enable "asdfadsf".html_safe "omgee" Callstack

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Output ##################################################################### t1.rb:7:in `eval' t1.rb:7:in `block in ' lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:166:in `initialize' lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:251:in `new' lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:251:in `html_safe' t1.rb:12:in `' ##################################################################### t1.rb:7:in `eval' t1.rb:7:in `block in ' lib/active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety.rb:166:in `initialize' t1.rb:13:in `new' t1.rb:13:in `'

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In Rails

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Tag Options def tag_option(key, value, escape) if value.is_a?(Array) value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ") : value.join(" ") else value = escape ? ERB::Util.h(value) : value end %(#{key}="#{value}") end

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HTML Sanitization in Rails

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ActiveSupport:: SafeBuffer

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Ordinary String >> x = "foo" => "foo" >> x.class => String >> x.html_safe? => false

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SafeBuffer >> x = "foo" => "foo" >> y = x.html_safe => "foo" >> y.class => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer >> y.html_safe? => true

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`html_safe` just tags the string.

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ERB::Utils.h def html_escape(s) s = s.to_s if s.html_safe? s else s.gsub(HTML_ESCAPE_REGEXP, HTML_ESCAPE).html_safe end end

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Creates 2 Strings.

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Tag Options def tag_option(key, value, escape) if value.is_a?(Array) value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ") : value.join(" ") else value = escape ? ERB::Util.h(value) : value end %(#{key}="#{value}") end

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String -> String -> SafeBuffer -> String

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String -> String -> String

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Extract Method def unwrapped_html_escape(s) # :nodoc: s = s.to_s if s.html_safe? s else s.gsub(HTML_ESCAPE_REGEXP, HTML_ESCAPE) end end ! def html_escape(s) unwrapped_html_escape(s).html_safe end

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Update Callers def tag_option(key, value, escape) if value.is_a?(Array) value = escape ? safe_join(value, " ") : value.join(" ") else value = escape ? ERB::Util.unwrapped_html_escape(value) : value end %(#{key}="#{value}") end

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String -> String -> String

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~200 Allocations Per Request for /books/new

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Request Benchmark task :allocation_tracer do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.trace do TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } end p ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.allocated_count_table end "/books/new"

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Request Benchmark task :allocation_tracer do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.trace do TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } end p ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.allocated_count_table end

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Request Benchmark task :allocation_tracer do app = Ko1TestApp::Application.instance do_test_task(app) env = rackenv "/books/new" do_test_task(app, env.dup) ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.trace do TEST_CNT.times { do_test_task(app, env.dup) } end p ObjectSpace::AllocationTracer.allocated_count_table end

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Allocations Per Request 0 275 550 825 1100 T_STRING T_ARRAY T_HASH T_NODE T_DATA OTHER 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master

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~19% reduction since 4-0-stable

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~14% reduction since 4-1-stable

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YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary)

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String Object Reduction

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Mutable Strings irb(main):007:0> 5.times { irb(main):008:1* p "foo".object_id irb(main):009:1> } 70344882872020 70344882871920 70344882871840 70344882871720 70344882871540 => 5 irb(main):010:0>

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Frozen Strings irb(main):010:0> 5.times { irb(main):011:1* p "foo".freeze.object_id irb(main):012:1> } 70344870307760 70344870307760 70344870307760 70344870307760 70344870307760 => 5

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ERB Template <% books.each do |book| %> <%= %> <% end %>

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Compiled Template @output_buffer = output_buffer ||;@output_buffer.safe_append='

Listing books

! Name ! '.freeze; @books.each do |book| @output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( link_to 'Show', book );@output_buffer.safe_append=' td> '.freeze; end @output_buffer.safe_append=' !

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Compiled Template @output_buffer = @output_buffer.safe_append=' ' @output_buffer.append=( ) HTML Literal

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Template Literals Can’t Change

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Add `freeze` @output_buffer = @output_buffer.safe_append=' ’.freeze @output_buffer.append=( ) HTML Literal

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Allocations Per Request 0 275 550 825 1100 T_STRING T_ARRAY T_HASH T_NODE T_DATA OTHER 4-0-stable 4-1-stable master

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Speeding up Output

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WARNING:! Work in Progress

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Law of Demeter

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Suggestion of Demeter

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No content

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Arrested Developer?

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It’s not about dots, it’s about types.

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Fewer Types == Faster / Easier code

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Compiled Template @output_buffer = output_buffer ||;@output_buffer.safe_append='

Listing books

! Name ! '.freeze; @books.each do |book| @output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( );@output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze;@output_buffer.append=( link_to 'Show', book );@output_buffer.safe_append=' td> '.freeze; end @output_buffer.safe_append=' !

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Compiled Template @output_buffer = @output_buffer.safe_append=' '.freeze @output_buffer.append=( ) HTML Literal

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer def safe_append=(value) return self if value.nil? super(value.to_s) end end W hy?

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safe_append= class OutputBuffer def safe_append=(value) super(value.to_s) end end

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Law of Demeter

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Defensive Programming

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superclass def safe_append=(value) (!html_safe? || arg.html_safe?) ? arg : ERB::Utils.h(arg) end Only on m utations

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How can you get the Output Buffer?

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Who Mutates the OutputBuffer?

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I think no one.

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superclass def safe_append=(value) arg.html_safe? ? arg : ERB::Utils.h(arg) end

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Cache Invariants

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Eliminate Objects

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"No code is faster than no code"

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Limit Types

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Fewer Types = Less Code

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Less Code = Faster Code

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Report Performance Issues

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Rails 4.2 will be the fastest ever!

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append= def append=(value) (!html_safe? || arg.html_safe?) ? arg : escape(arg) end