Getting to 100% Kotlin: A practical guide
Dan Kim
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Getting to 100% Kotlin: A practical guide
[email protected]
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Why was Kotlin important to us?
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It made me happy!
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Running headfirst into the unknown
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Learn the language (and ship)
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Convert our backlog of Java (and ship)
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What pitfalls should we watch out for?
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✅ Practical, low-stress strategies
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Get real with production code
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Start with small conversions
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No tests!
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Getting excited is important!
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Start with small conversions
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Start with small conversions ✅ POJOs / Models
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Start with small conversions ✅ POJOs / Models ✅ Util methods
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Start with small conversions ✅ Adapters ✅ POJOs / Models ✅ Util methods
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Start with small conversions ✅ Adapters ✅ POJOs / Models ✅ Util methods Entire Retrofit implementation
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Forget about being perfect
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✌Idiomatic Kotlin✌
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Don’t get too caught up in it
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Find yourself in some serious rabbit holes
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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fun processAccounts(accounts: List?) { for (account in accounts!!) { if ( { ... } else if (account.trial) { ... } else { ... } } }
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Find a few key concepts that click *for you*
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Find a few key concepts that click *for you*
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Find a few key concepts that click *for you* ✅ Flow control
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Find a few key concepts that click *for you* ✅ Flow control ✅ Collections
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Find a few key concepts that click *for you* ✅ Flow control ✅ Collections ✅ Extension functions
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The auto converter is your friend
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Side by side learning
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You’re only ~60% done (don’t ship it)
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Take it to the finish line
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❄ Use cool downs for Kotlin
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Leave the campsite cleaner than you found it
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Things might get ugly
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Curb your enthusiasm
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No content
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) = with(inboxItems.withoutPings()) { doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, this@with) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) = with(inboxItems.withoutPings()) { doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, this@with) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) = with(inboxItems.withoutPings()) { doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, this@with) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) = with(inboxItems.withoutPings()) { doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, this@with) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) = with(inboxItems.withoutPings()) { doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, this@with) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) { val items = inboxItems.filterNot { ... } doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, items) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) { val items = inboxItems.filterNot { ... } doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, items) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) { val items = inboxItems.filterNot { ... } doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, items) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) { val items = inboxItems.filterNot { ... } doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, items) } }
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fun success(inboxItems: InboxItems) { val items = inboxItems.filterNot { ... } doAsync { CachePrefs.setInboxCache(context, items) } }
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Keep an eye on your code organization
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Don’t forget about your customers
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Programmer happiness is crucial!
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Your customers don’t care
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Take your time
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430 days!
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It’s just a number
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Thank you!
[email protected]