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Monads you are already using in prod Tejas Dinkar nilenso

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Serious Pony

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Online Abuse

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Trouble at the Koolaid Point kathy-sierra-left-t

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If you think you understand Monads, you don't understand Monads.

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This talk is inaccurate and will make a mathematician cry

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Goal of this talk For you to say “Oh yeah, I’ve used that hack”

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Monads • Programmable Semicolons • Used to hide plumbing away from you • You can say Monads in almost any sentence and people will think you are smart

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Values Value

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Monads Value Box

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Mysore Masala Monad M onad Value

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Monads Value Box

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Monads • Monads define two functions • return takes a value and puts it in a box • bind takes a box & function f, returning f(value) • it is expected that the function returns a box

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Value Value Another Value Value Function return bind

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Our Function Signatures Value f(value)

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Some math (√4) + 5

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Some math (√4) + 5 3 or 7!

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Value 4

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Monad [4]

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[alive, dead]

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ruby! x = [1, 2, 3] y = { |x| x + 1 } # y = [2, 3, 4]

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return Value Value return

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return def m_return(x) [x] end # m_return(4) => [4]

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The functions Value f(value)

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Square Root fn def sqrt(x) s = Math.sqrt(x) [s, -s] end # sqrt(4) => [2, -2]

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Increment Fn def inc_5(x) [x + 5] end # inc_5(1) => [6]

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Bind Functions Another Value Value Function bind

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Bind Function x = m_return(4) y = x.????? { |p| sqrt(p) } # I want [-2, 2]

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Bind Function x = m_return(4) y = {|p| sqrt(p) } # y => [[2, -2]] # ^—— Box in a box?

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Bind Function x = m_return(4) y = x.mapcat {|p| sqrt(p) } # y => [2, -2]

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Putting it together m_return(4) .mapcat {|p| sqrt(p)} .mapcat {|p| inc_5(p)} # => [3, 7]

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You have invented the List Monad, used to model non-determinism Congrats

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Turtles all the way down

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A small constraint • Let’s do a bit of a self imposed constraint on this • Functions must return either 0 or 1 elements • (we’ll only model positive integers here)

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return - stays the same

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bind - stays the same x = m_return(4) y = x.mapcat { |p| inc_5(p) } # y => 9

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Square Root Fn def sqrt(x) if (x < 0) return [] #error else [Math.sqrt(x)] end end # sqrt(4) => [2] # sqrt(-1) => []

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Describe in English There is a list passed to each step Maybe this list has just one element, or Maybe it has none

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The Maybe Monad • The intent is to short circuit computation • The value of the `box’ is None, or Just(Value) • You can think of it as a type-safe nil / null

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try def try(x, f) if x == nil return f(x) else return nil end end # 4.try { |x| x + 5 } => 9 # nil.try {|x| x + 5 } => nil

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Let’s start over • The Monad Laws • Left Identity • Right Identity • Associativity

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Left Identity m_return(a).bind(f) == f(a)

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Right Identity m.bind(m_return) == m

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Associativity m.bind(f).bind(g) == m.bind(x -> f(x).bind(g))

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Store Computation

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The State Monad • Rest of the world - State Machine (sorta) • The value inside the box f(state) => [r new-state] • Particularly useful in pure languages like Haskell • Let’s build a stack

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The functions Value f(value)

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The functions (f(value) state) [new-value, new-state]

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push def push(val) lambda { |state| new_state = state.push(val) [value, new_state] } end

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pop def pop() lambda { |state| val = state.pop() [val, state] } end

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def double_top() lambda { |state| top = state.pop() [2 * top, state.push(2*top)] } end double_top

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return def m_return(x) lambda { |state| [x, state] } end

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bind def bind(mv, f) lambda { |state| v, temp_state = mv(state) state_fn = f(v) state_fn(temp_state) } end

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example # Not working code ! m_return(4) .bind(a -> push(a)) .bind(b -> push(b + 1)) .bind(c -> double_top()) .bind(d -> sum_top2()) .bind(e -> pop())

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Associativity m.bind(f).bind(g) == m.bind(x => f(x).bind(g))

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turn this # Not working code ! m_return(4) .bind(a -> push(a)) .bind(b -> push(b + 1)) .bind(c -> double_top()) .bind(d -> sum_top2()) .bind(e -> pop())

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into this m_return(4) .bind(a -> push(a) .bind(b -> push(b + 1) .bind(c -> double_top() .bind(d -> sum_top() .bind(e -> pop())))))

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done with ruby

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imagine # Not working code state_monad { a <- m_return(4) b <- push(a) c <- push(b + 1) d <- double_top() e <- sum_top2() pop() }

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Back to List m_return(4) .mapcat {|p| sqrt(p)} .mapcat {|p| inc_5(p)} # => [3, 7]

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Back to List m_return(4) .mapcat {|a| sqrt(a) .mapcat {|b| inc_5(b)}} # => [3, 7]

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Back to List list_monad { a <- m_return(4) b <- sqrt(a) c <- inc_5(b) c }

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On to Clojure • this is an example from • the state is a vector containing every function we’ve called so far

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(defn inc-s [x] (fn [state] [(inc x) (conj state :inc)]))

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in clojure (defn inc-s [x] (fn [state] [(inc x) (conj state :inc)])) (defn do-things [x] (domonad state-m [a (inc-s x) b (double-s a) c (dec-s b) d (dec-s c)] d)) ! ((do-things 7) []) => [14 [:inc :double :dec :dec]]

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state monad in Clojure (defmonad state-m "Monad describing stateful computations. The monadic values have the structure (fn [old-state] [result new-state])." [m-result (fn m-result-state [v] (fn [s] [v s])) m-bind (fn m-bind-state [mv f] (fn [s] (let [[v ss] (mv s)] ((f v) ss)))) ])

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state monad in Haskell inc = state (\st -> let st' = st +1 in (st’,st')) inc3 = do x <- inc y <- inc z <- inc return z

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Finally, IO

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IOMonad • rand-int(100) is non deterministic !

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IOMonad • rand-int(100) is non deterministic • rand-int(100, seed = 42) is deterministic • monadic value: f(world) => [value, world-after-io]

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IOMonad • puts() just `appends to a buffer’ in the real world • How does gets() return different strings? • gets() returns a fixed value based on the `world’

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Image Credits dosa.html +no_place_like_home_ruby_slippers_3x5_area_rug, 796646161 upgrades.html.htm box.html

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