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2022 7 ݄ 1
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͞Βʹ202111݄͔ΒColeman Research Group ͕ࣾؒʹՃΘΓɺ
͕ελϯϑΥʔυେֶଔۀࣜͰߦͬͨ༗໊ͳεϐʔν“ Connecting the dots” ͕͋Γ·͢ɻ ࢲ ͕օͱ
ࣾձશମͰ Connecting the dots Λ࣮ݱ͢ΔϓϥοτϑΥʔϜͰ͢ɻ
͍͔ͭԿ͔ʹͭͳ͕Δͱ৴ͯ͡ઓ͢Δਓ ͕૿͑Δɺ࣍ʑͱੜ·ΕΔDots ͕ݟͱͯ͠୭͔ͷઓʹ
Culture Book
To realize our great vision, to build a better future through a global platform that reduces
barriers and enables the direct exchange of mission-critical knowledge, we form a strong
organization where talented people with diverse skills and backgrounds gather and take
initiatives. We need to share a strong set of values that will never waver, and those values
will become our culture. Through this culture book, we leave in words the thoughts we
value and always communicate with each other.
With the background of drastic social changes such as the work style reform in Japan and
the global Covid-19 pandemic, VISASQ has developed various ways to utilize knowledge
and expand opportunities for individuals. We became the first publicly listed ENS player
globally, have become a good partner of consulting firms and financial institutes, and are
beginning to support our corporate clients for innovation, DX, and others. We will do much
more, because the industry itself has only just begun, compared to the size of the
Coleman Research Group have joined us in November 2021, and we have expanded our
database with over 450,000 experts globally, providing immediate access to the
knowledge supporting from Japan, Singapore, the US, UK, and Hong Kong with
multi-language and 24-hour coverage. So, all, wherever you locate, let’s take full
advantage of our strengths to connect diverse knowledge with outstanding speed and
accuracy to clients around the world. Let’s build a database that accumulates knowledge
with unprecedented depth and frequency and leverage it at maximum potential. Let’s grow
higher in this growing industry.
One of my influences when I started VISASQ was the famous “ Connecting the
dots” speech given by Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, at the Stanford University
commencement. With all of you, I want to create a platform that connects the dots in
entire society, beyond the individual. Let’s create a society where more and more people
take on challenges believing that one day it will lead to something, and where the dots will
lead to someone else's challenge as knowledge and support their success!
Letter from Eiko
July 1st, 2022
Eiko Hashiba
Culture Book