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What to do before the first
Project team meeting
Project / Team Leader Learning ::
If you hear about a project in your area and want to get involved, don’t
wait to be asked. Volunteer!
If you have been selected to participate in a project team, and you do
not know why, don’t wait until the first meeting to find out. Ask!
If you have not seen a draft agenda or team charter, ask the team leader
if they have one.
If you have ideas for the agenda or comments on a draft, send them to
the team leader before the first meeting.
Discuss with your boss the project time commitments and potential
conflict with your other job responsibilities.
Before the first meeting, make notes on what you might be able to
contribute to the team, the role you might play, your goals and
expectations about this project, and any concerns you may have. Be
ready to share this information with the team.
Come with an open mind and a positive attitude. This will help the team
get off to a good start and make it a better experience for you and
everyone else.