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How Collaboration Works … Or Doesn’t 1 This session examines interactions with another person and within your team Becky Winant, Thursday October 6, 2016, 12: 25 PM

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What Happens Inside As We Communicate? We will be simulating a typical agile meeting. Some of you will play roles and will be given a persona. Those not in the meeting will be observers making their own sense of what is going on. This is a meeting about new Whale migration features for the Ocean Simulator App requested by the Product Owner 2 Becky Winant, Thursday October 6, 2016, 12: 25 PM

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Ingredients Of An Interaction* Intake Meaning Significance Response What did I Hear? See? Sensory Information What does that Mean? Are there other meanings? What Feeling do I have about that? Am I OK or not OK? What rules do I have? What defenses do I use? External Response * Virginia Satir’s model of internal process and used to dissect communication problems Your Internal Process 3 Becky Winant, Thursday October 6, 2016, 12: 25 PM

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Each Person Processes Individually Intake Meaning Significance Response Intake Meaning Significance Response Experience Rules Experience Rules 4 Becky Winant, Thursday October 6, 2016, 12: 25 PM

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Listen Without Prejudice Time to process varies with individuals Slow down to connect with what is here and now Verify your recollection of the intake Verify with others - Did I hear you correctly. Did you say …? Remember intent can be invisible Experiences and rules color our interactions. Expand your self-awareness to increase options Ask what can I do differently to change this interaction? 5 What people say is often more about them - than about the subject of discussion Becky Winant, Thursday October 6, 2016, 12: 25 PM