Roadmap to Data Maturity
How to become a data-driven organization
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My Dream Data Organization
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Hire Data Scientists until it works!
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The Wild West
Everybody is an admin
Fast deployment
Manual work
Test in production
Sell yourself in trouble
It works on my pc
Dead by DevOps
Minimal permissions
Never touch production
Multiple rounds of testing
Everything as code
Monitor every movement
Encryption and masking policies
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Data is central to business
Data is NOT a cost
Well-defined KPI's
Strong CIO, CTO, CDO
Clear business domains
Business Strategy
✔ Documented strategy
✔ Holistic budget (not just license costs)
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Create data products
Data infrastructure
Delivering insights
Automating with data
Data security and access
Data Roles
✔ Monitoring and audit
✔ Data leaders
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Popular tool stack
SQL as lingua franca
Focus on robustness
Automated testing
Version control
Way of working
✔ Clear ownership
✔ Containers and environments
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Custom-made training
Video documentation
Certify to keep your license
Internal user groups
Wiki or Slack
✔ No-consequence sandboxes
✔ Code reviews