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Language Server Protocol explained atsushieno

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What is LSP = Language Server Protocol? ● Microsoft's private specification ● It is to enhance text editors to become like IDEs for programmers ● Protocol between editors and (programming) language toolchains

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Who benefits from LSP? ● Text editor developers ○ They don't have to write code to "support for XYZ language" anymore ● Programming language toolchain developers ○ They don't have to write "XYZ editor plugin" anymore ● YOU! ● Microsoft

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[Language Server] Protocol ● Traditional languages: compile souces to libraries or executables ● Modern languages (in certain culture): also provide libraries/tools/features to let developers programmatically compile and query states about the sources and referenced libraries. = works as a language service ● existing language servers (or alike): clang, Roslyn, typescript server

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What to query Language Servers? ● "Which members of this `Foo` are available?" - Completion ● "Where is this `Bar` defined?" - Go To Definition ● "From which source lines is this `Baz` referenced/used?" - Find Usages etc.

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Language Server [Protocol] ● communication between editors and language toolchains ● Why "protocol" ? ○ should not be exclusive to specific programming languages ○ If it is a C library then web-based editors won't support it (wasm? / text encoding?) ● uses JSON-RPC ○ gnome-code-assistance: depends on DBus = GNOME specific ● common subset from many languages

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Language Server and Language Client ● Server: a (service-based) compiler ● Client: basically a text editor ● Available Clients ○ vscode, eclipse, emacs, vim, atom, VS ● Available Servers ○ "some" languages, but already too many to list.

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LSP messages ● Two kinds of roles: ○ source management ■ notify editor buffer changes to language server ○ language features ■ interesting part

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Message showcase disclaimer: those screenshots are not always from LSP-backed editors

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Code completion textDocument/completion to query candidates, and completionItem/resolve to reflect completion onto the source code. textDocument/signatureHelp to get help for method arguments etc. completion triggers are fixed to dot '.' may be specified by server at `initialize` (may also be triggered by CTRL+SPACE etc.) signature help triggers are fixed to comma ',' also customizible.

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Document structure textDocument/documentSymbol to list all the available "symbols" in a source document.

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Global search workspace/symbol could be used to implement "global search" feature. "find anything that matches in the project"

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Coding hints ● textDocument/definition - get locations for the symbol (typically) at cursor. ○ typically for "Go To Definition" ○ It can point to multiple source locations ● textDocument/typeDefinition - similar to `definition`, but for the "type" of the symbol at cursor. ○ for `val` (Kotlin), `var` (C#), `let` (TypeScript) etc. ● textDocument/hover - can be API definitions etc. but not limited to them.

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Too many features to show here (in 30 min.) ● completion, /resolve ● hover ● signatureHelp ● definition ● typeDefinition ● implementation ● references ● documentHighlight ● documentSymbol ● codeAction ● codeLens, /resolve ● documentLink, /resolve ● documentColor ● colorPresentation ● formatting ● rangeFormatting ● onTypeFormatting ● rename ● foldingRange ● symbol ● publishDiagnostics

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And there are messages for editing too They are not interesting, but text editors need to send them to language servers. ● textDocument/didOpen ● textDocument/didChange ● textDocument/willSave ● textDocument/didSave ● textDocument/willClose ● textDocument/didClose ● workspace/applyEdit

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Implementing Language Servers

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It is time to implement your own LS! because it's cool!

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... is it really time to implement my own LS? language server protocol fits with... ● simple-to-mid-level language ○ for too simple languages you wouldn't even need any editor support. ○ If you only need syntax highlighting, just use tmLanguage. ● it should be noted that LSP is a common subset of various languages. ○ "language servers and IDEs" - critical post on LSP (rust rls/KDevelop)

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Dive into VSCode sources This time we only track vscode (because it is kind of normative reference). Microsoft/vscode on github. Language support is usually packaged as a "language extension".

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Language extension types ● Extensions without language service (ignorable) ○ e.g. extension/css (has `css.tmLanguage.json` which works without LS) ● Extensions with language service ○ Direct implementation - uses only vscode API ○ LSP implementation - uses LS (`vscode-languageserver ` package) ■ e.g. extension/css-language-features Language Extension Guidelines - very nice documentation about them.

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How vscode LS extensions are organized editor (host), language client, and language server. Server can be out-of-process. VSCode Language Feature Extension "client" entrypoint (JS) activate() { ... } package.json "main": "src/out/entrypoint" "server" implementation listen and notify on stdio/ipc

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node packages to implement LS ● take a look at `src/extension/css-language-features` (as an example) ○ `client` // extension entrypoint (`activate()`), launches server ○ `server` // actual LS, typically standalone executable ■ import "vscode-languageserver" // LSP for node.js [repo] Microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node ■ import "vscode-css-languageservice" // actual CSS parser/compiler [repo] Microsoft/vscode-css-languageservice Server can be implemented in any language. You can use stdio. Useful example: [repo] Microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node-example

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Implementing language services ● You are going to either implement a compiler, or make changes to existing one ● Compilation phases ○ parsing: build token trees ■ folding parser (#if etc.) ■ tokenizer/lexer and parser (syntax errors) ○ semantic analysis: build semantic trees ■ symbol resolution (check unknown identifiers) ■ validation (inheritance, type checking) ○ code generation - most unlikely relevant to language services

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TIPs on implementing language server ● Implement your parser to always get precise location, and they have to be for both start and end of the tokens. ● Don't try too hard, start implementing from whichever you can. ○ e.g. compile everything whenever language feature is requested. ○ e.g. compile and update symbol locations only when sources are saved.

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TIPs on implementing language server ● EASY: ○ `publishDiagnostics`: just compile and get errors, then report them ○ `documentSymbols`: get source code tree (AST) and return the locations. ● HARD: ○ `definition`: need to get AST, then find where "current token" is, resolve semantic tree, search symbol by identifier from semantic tree. ○ `completion`: similarly get semantic node from "current token", then return list of available members depending on context (e.g. static or instance).

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Summary ● LSP is good for editor developers and language developers and their users. ● LSP provides various features e.g. completion, definition, references... ○ Yet the feature set is limited to common usages. ● You can implement LS in any language, adapt it in a language extension ○ You can use stdio.

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