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Delightful Swift CLI apps @polpielladev

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Hi! I’m Pol Senior software engineer at the BBC

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Tooling + Swift ❤ • Familiar language • Low memory footprint • Type safety • Mature ecosystem • Great open-source community • Build for multiple platforms

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🤩 The beauty of Swift

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Some great examples built with Swift of course! ❤ • Sourcery - • SwiftLint - • Tuist - • SwiftGen - • Publish CLI - • Vapor toolbox -

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import ArgumentParser @main struct Repeat: AsyncParsableCommand { @Flag(help: "Include a counter with each repetition.") var includeCounter = false @Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "The number of times to repeat 'phrase'.") var count: Int? = nil @Argument(help: "The phrase to repeat.") var phrase: String func run() async throws { let repeatCount = count ?? 2 for i in 1 ... repeatCount { if includeCounter { await someAsyncOperation() } else { print(phrase) } } } }

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import ArgumentParser @main struct Repeat: AsyncParsableCommand { @Flag(help: "Include a counter with each repetition.") var includeCounter = false @Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "The number of times to repeat 'phrase'.") var count: Int? = nil @Argument(help: "The phrase to repeat.") var phrase: String func run() async throws { let repeatCount = count ?? 2 for i in 1 ... repeatCount { if includeCounter { await someAsyncOperation() } else { print(phrase) } } } }

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import ArgumentParser @main struct Repeat: AsyncParsableCommand { @Flag(help: "Include a counter with each repetition.") var includeCounter = false @Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "The number of times to repeat 'phrase'.") var count: Int? = nil @Argument(help: "The phrase to repeat.") var phrase: String func run() async throws { let repeatCount = count ?? 2 for i in 1 ... repeatCount { if includeCounter { await someAsyncOperation() } else { print(phrase) } } } }

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✨ Swift on Linux!

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🤩 Now easier?

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🚀 Automating releases!

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What is missing though?

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Making tooling that looks great is hard… • UX Developer experience is not great • Other languages and ecosystems are more advanced • Javascript is a great example! • We need to aim for delightful! ✨

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The ecosystem allows for delightful • Ora - • Chalk - • Prompts - • Commander - • Clack -

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Swift has some tools like that… • Chalk - • Commander - • TermKit - • ANSITerminal -

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But how do you do this?

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ANSI escape sequences • String sequences • Perform operations in the terminal • Control the cursor’s position, change colour of text, etc. • Supported by Unix operating systems • Support from Windows 10

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Modifying text print("Hello, world!") "Hello, world!" Output

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Modifying text print("\u{1B}[31mHello, world!") "Hello, world!" Output Start Sequence Red colour

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Modifying text print("\u{1B}[1;31mHello, world!") "Hello, world!" Output

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Don’t give up just yet…

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Modifying text print("Hello, world!") "Hello, world!" Output

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Modifying text import ANSITerminal print("Hello, world!") "Hello, world!" Output

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Modifying text "Hello, world!" Output import ANSITerminal print("Hello, world!".red)

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Modifying text "Hello, world!" Output import ANSITerminal print("Hello, world!".red.bold)

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"Hello, world!" ▋ Output Moving the cursor print("Hello World!")

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"Hello, world!"▋ Output Moving the cursor import ANSITerminal write("Hello World!")

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"Hello, world!"▋ Output Moving the cursor import ANSITerminal let startPosition = readCursorPos() write("Hello World!")

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▋"Hello, world!" Output Moving the cursor import ANSITerminal let startPosition = readCursorPos() write("Hello World!")

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▋"Hello, world!" Output Moving the cursor import ANSITerminal let startPosition = readCursorPos() write("Hello World!") moveTo(startPosition.row, startPosition.col)

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▋"Hello, world!" Output Moving the cursor import ANSITerminal let startPosition = readCursorPos() write("Hello World!".foreColor(244)) moveTo(startPosition.row, startPosition.col)

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"Hello▋ world!" Output Moving the cursor import ANSITerminal let startPosition = readCursorPos() write("Hello World!".foreColor(244)) moveTo(startPosition.row, startPosition.col) write("Hello")

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⚠ Something to consider

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Someone, probably all the time! “It’s not you, it’s Xcode!”

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🤩 The terminal is your BFF

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An interactive component

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I’ve been porting Clack to Swift

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Let’s build a Text Input component • Custom text entry • Placeholder • Validation • Support for secure text entry • Headless + UI

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Headless first

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import Foundation import ANSITerminal func readTextInput( validate: (String) -> Bool = { _ in true }, validationFailed: () -> Void = {}, onNewCharacter: (Character) -> Void, onDelete: (Int, Int) -> Void, removePlaceholder: () -> Void, showPlaceholder: () -> Void ) - > String { }

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import Foundation import ANSITerminal func readTextInput( validate: (String) -> Bool = { _ in true }, validationFailed: () -> Void = {}, onNewCharacter: (Character) -> Void, onDelete: (Int, Int) -> Void, removePlaceholder: () -> Void, showPlaceholder: () -> Void ) - > String { }

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import Foundation import ANSITerminal func readTextInput( validate: (String) -> Bool = { _ in true }, validationFailed: () -> Void = {}, onNewCharacter: (Character) -> Void, onDelete: (Int, Int) -> Void, removePlaceholder: () -> Void, showPlaceholder: () -> Void ) - > String { }

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import Foundation import ANSITerminal func readTextInput( validate: (String) -> Bool = { _ in true }, validationFailed: () -> Void = {}, onNewCharacter: (Character) -> Void, onDelete: (Int, Int) -> Void, removePlaceholder: () -> Void, showPlaceholder: () -> Void ) - > String { }

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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var output = "" while true { clearBuffer() if keyPressed() { let char = readChar() if char == NonPrintableChar.enter.char() { if validate(output) { break } else { validationFailed() } } else if char == NonPrintableChar.del.char() { let cursorPosition = readCursorPos() if output.count > 0 { onDelete(cursorPosition.row, cursorPosition.col - 1) _ = output.removeLast() } if output.count == 0 { showPlaceholder() } } if !isNonPrintable(char: char) { if output.isEmpty { removePlaceholder() } onNewCharacter(char) output.append(char) } } } return output

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Adding the head!

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write(placeholder.foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write(placeholder.foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write(placeholder.foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write(placeholder.foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write(placeholder.foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write(placeholder.foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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let textInput = readTextInput(validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, validationFailed: { validationFailed = true let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, ANSIChar.warn) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 11) writeAt(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1, validator ?. failureString ?? "") moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) }, onNewCharacter: { char in if validationFailed { let currentPosition = readCursorPos() writeAt(promptStartLine, 0, "◆".foreColor(81).bold) updateBracketColor(fromLine: promptStartLine, toLine: bottomPos.row, withColor: 81) moveTo(bottomPos.row, bottomPos.col + 1) clearToEndOfLine() moveTo(currentPosition.row, currentPosition.col) validationFailed = false } write("\(isSecureEntry ? "▪" : char)") }, onDelete: { row, col in moveTo(row, col); deleteChar() }, removePlaceholder: { moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) clearToEndOfLine() }, showPlaceholder: { write("sk- ... ".foreColor(244)) moveTo(initialCursorPosition.row, initialCursorPosition.col) })

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🤯 That’s literally it!

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💪 Leverage the power of Unicode!

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Ora’s spinners are made of braille pattern characters

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clack-swift is open source!

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An example

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struct Auth: AsyncParsableCommand { func run() async throws { intro(title: "Hi! Set your token to use Chatty!") let validator = Validator( validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, failureString: "The OpenAI API token can not be empty ... " ) let token = text( question: "Enter your OpenAPI token", placeholder: "sk- ... ", validator: validator, isSecureEntry: true ) let keychain = Keychain(service: "dev.polpiella.chatty") keychain["openaitoken"] = token outro( text: "You're all set! You can now run " + "`chatty`".magenta.onWhite + " to converse ... " ) } }

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struct Auth: AsyncParsableCommand { func run() async throws { intro(title: "Hi! 👋 Set your token to use Chatty!") let validator = Validator( validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, failureString: "The OpenAI API token can not be empty ... " ) let token = text( question: "Enter your OpenAPI token", placeholder: "sk- ... ", validator: validator, isSecureEntry: true ) let keychain = Keychain(service: "dev.polpiella.chatty") keychain["openaitoken"] = token outro( text: "You're all set! You can now run " + "`chatty`".magenta.onWhite + " to converse ... " ) } }

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struct Auth: AsyncParsableCommand { func run() async throws { intro(title: "Hi! 👋 Set your token to use Chatty!") let validator = Validator( validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, failureString: "The OpenAI API token can not be empty ... " ) let token = text( question: "Enter your OpenAPI token", placeholder: "sk- ... ", validator: validator, isSecureEntry: true ) let keychain = Keychain(service: "dev.polpiella.chatty") keychain["openaitoken"] = token outro( text: "You're all set! You can now run " + "`chatty`".magenta.onWhite + " to converse ... " ) } }

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struct Auth: AsyncParsableCommand { func run() async throws { intro(title: "Hi! 👋 Set your token to use Chatty!") let validator = Validator( validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, failureString: "The OpenAI API token can not be empty ... " ) let token = text( question: "Enter your OpenAPI token", placeholder: "sk- ... ", validator: validator, isSecureEntry: true ) let keychain = Keychain(service: "dev.polpiella.chatty") keychain["openaitoken"] = token outro( text: "You're all set! You can now run " + "`chatty`".magenta.onWhite + " to converse ... " ) } }

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struct Auth: AsyncParsableCommand { func run() async throws { intro(title: "Hi! 👋 Set your token to use Chatty!") let validator = Validator( validate: { !$0.isEmpty }, failureString: "The OpenAI API token can not be empty ... " ) let token = text( question: "Enter your OpenAPI token", placeholder: "sk- ... ", validator: validator, isSecureEntry: true ) let keychain = Keychain(service: "dev.polpiella.chatty") keychain["openaitoken"] = token outro( text: "✅ You're all set! You can now run " + "`chatty`".magenta.onWhite + " to converse ... " ) } }

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intro() text() outro()

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🤩 Chatty-cli is open source!

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Say hi!