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@talraviv more constraints please

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@talraviv here’s america

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@talraviv my bad, michigan

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@talraviv I grew up here

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@talraviv I made a bunch of close friends

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@talraviv then we all went to college

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@talraviv several hours’ flights away from each other

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@talraviv I studied here

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@talraviv I made a bunch of close friends

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@talraviv then we got jobs

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@talraviv several hours’ flights away from each other

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@talraviv eventually I got a job here

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@talraviv made a few close friends

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@talraviv and reconnected with some old friends

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@talraviv over the years some left

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@talraviv while other friends moved in

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@talraviv you get the picture

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@talraviv and while I have friends all over the country

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@talraviv this continues year after year

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@talraviv this continues year after year

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@talraviv this continues year after year

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@talraviv this continues year after year

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@talraviv this continues year after year

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@talraviv this continues year after year

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@talraviv not to mention distance from my parents and sisters

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@talraviv not even mentioning extended family, who are on a totally different continent

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@talraviv it’s exhausting

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@talraviv I got good at making friends fast

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@talraviv while staying in touch with old friends tapered off with once-a-year phone calls at best

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@talraviv sigh

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@talraviv now a story

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@talraviv A couple years back I visited home on Jewish new year (rosh hashana)

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@talraviv A couple years back I visited home on Jewish new year (rosh hashana) even though we’re not observant, my dad wanted to go to synagogue

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@talraviv A couple years back I visited home on Jewish new year (rosh hashana) even though we’re not observant, my dad wanted to go to synagogue I really didn’t feel like it, but I could tell he really wanted to

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@talraviv I hadn’t been in what felt like a decade

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@talraviv I hadn’t been in what felt like a decade and I didn’t have the energy that day to see ALL these people from way back

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@talraviv We arrived mid-service (as a family we’ve never arrived on time to anything related to Judaism)

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@talraviv We arrived mid-service (as a family we’ve never arrived on time to anything related to Judaism) And I looked around and felt something really really strong

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@talraviv We arrived mid-service (as a family we’ve never arrived on time to anything related to Judaism) And I looked around and felt something really really strong (No, it wasn’t the almighty, relax)

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@talraviv It was the feeling of seeing people I’d known for decades, all standing in the same places.

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@talraviv It was the feeling of seeing people I’d known for decades, all standing in the same places. Just a little greyer, a little more hunched over, a little taller, a little skinnier, a little chubbier.

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@talraviv It was the feeling of seeing people I’d known for decades, all standing in the same places. Just a little greyer, a little more hunched over, a little taller, a little skinnier, a little chubbier. The same people. Standing in the same places.

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@talraviv It really touched me that I could experience seeing something like that. It felt very… human.

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@talraviv And here’s the thing… These aren’t people I’d necessarily pick as my friends.

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@talraviv And here’s the thing… These aren’t people I’d necessarily pick as my friends. These definitely aren’t my parents’ best friends.

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@talraviv And here’s the thing… These aren’t people I’d necessarily pick as my friends. These definitely aren’t my parents’ best friends. All we all had in common was that our homes were within walking distance of a particular synagogue.

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@talraviv For my family, it was total coincidence we found ourselves living there in the 90s and 00s.

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@talraviv For my family, it was total coincidence we found ourselves living there in the 90s and 00s. My (secular Israeli) parents bought their first home, and two weeks later the (orthodox) Rabbi and his family moved in literally across the street and started a synagogue nearby.

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@talraviv For my family, it was total coincidence we found ourselves living there in the 90s and 00s. My (secular Israeli) parents bought their first home, and two weeks later the (orthodox) Rabbi and his family moved in literally across the street and started a synagogue nearby.

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@talraviv And that’s how we became part of a community.

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@talraviv And that’s how we became part of a community. When something happened we all knew and helped.

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@talraviv And that’s how we became part of a community. When something happened we all knew and helped. When the rabbi had too many guests visiting town and not enough beds, people stayed at our house.

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@talraviv And that’s how we became part of a community. When something happened we all knew and helped. When the rabbi had too many guests visiting town and not enough beds, people stayed at our house. The same kids I played with and fought with in the neighborhood were the ones I’d see on Saturday or eat dinner with Friday night.

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@talraviv community

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@talraviv …is the most overused word among techies.

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@talraviv community means

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@talraviv community means …

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@talraviv community means ………..

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@talraviv community means well

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@talraviv community means I read a few definitions online and they all suck

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@talraviv community means I’m not gonna try to define for you what community feels like

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@talraviv community means It feels good and human

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@talraviv community means It feels good and human

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@talraviv community means and the stronger the community the good-er and human-er it feels

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@talraviv community means and the stronger the community the good-er and human-er it feels

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@talraviv community means and the stronger the community the good-er and human-er it feels ok fine

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@talraviv community means and the stronger the community the good-er and human-er it feels ok fine to me it means people you truly count on to show up for you

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@talraviv community means and the stronger the community the good-er and human-er it feels ok fine to me it means people you truly count on to show up for you and it wouldn’t be weird

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@talraviv community means and I think that level of showing up comes from knowing the people around you a long time

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@talraviv now an observation

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@talraviv now an observation by the UN UN

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@talraviv this is Israel

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@talraviv scale: roughly New Jersey or New Hampshire

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@talraviv Israel is a pretty constrained place. It’s an island, effectively.

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@talraviv not best friends

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@talraviv not best friends not best friends

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@talraviv not best friends not best friends not best friends

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@talraviv not best friends not best friends not best friends not best friends

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@talraviv not best friends not best friends not best friends not best friends jellyfish

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@talraviv This is an enormous burden on everyone, in so many ways

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@talraviv And yet, Israel is one of the happiest places to live.

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@talraviv like, in the world

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@talraviv The United Nations Happiness Report consistently ranks Israel right after with Finland, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia And consistently ahead of the US, UK, France, etc

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@talraviv Israel’s got toooooons of problems.

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@talraviv And it’s not exactly your homogeneous northern European country.

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@talraviv Prof. Layard is one of the authors of the annual UN report: “It is especially important to mention that the social support measurement in Israel is exceptionally high, Layard has noted. This is because the Israeli family is more resilient and has disintegrated less than the institution of the family in Europe and the United States. It has remained a major system of identity and support because of the geographical closeness and the close ties between parents and children in Israel – at all ages.” happy-1.6391253

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@talraviv Prof. Layard is one of the authors of the annual UN report: “It is especially important to mention that the social support measurement in Israel is exceptionally high, Layard has noted. This is because the Israeli family is more resilient and has disintegrated less than the institution of the family in Europe and the United States. It has remained a major system of identity and support because of the geographical closeness and the close ties between parents and children in Israel – at all ages.” happy-1.6391253

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@talraviv Tel Aviv is the major economic, technological, and cultural hub of Israel. It’s secular and progressive.

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@talraviv And still, every Friday late afternoon, the city empties out.

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@talraviv Whatever stage of life you’re at, you drive out to family for Shabbat dinner.

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@talraviv You might even stay the weekend and return with tupperware full of leftovers. Not only is it normal, people sympathize if you don’t.

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@talraviv so, what gives?

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@talraviv Being a tiny country, stuck between Asia and Africa, surrounded by not-best-friends turns out to have a silver lining.

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@talraviv say I grow up here

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@talraviv and study here

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@talraviv and work here

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@talraviv you end up with this

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@talraviv PS this is ~1 hr drive radius

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@talraviv I found this also is true of friendships: Unlike my life in the US, Israelis can’t really get too far from their close friends from each phase of life. And this changes the meaning of friendship.

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@talraviv Whenever I pass a group of 4, 5, 6, 7 or more friends sitting together around a table at a cafe in Tel Aviv…

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@talraviv Whenever I pass a group of 4, 5, 6, 7 or more friends sitting together around a table at a cafe in Tel Aviv… …I feel sad and jealous.

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@talraviv Whenever I pass a group of 4, 5, 6, 7 or more friends sitting together around a table at a cafe in Tel Aviv… …I feel sad and jealous. I know no matter how many friendships and connections I’ve made in my life, it’ll be a long time before I have that.

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@talraviv Israel is still an individualist place, with lots of tech, and widening wealth gap.

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@talraviv Israel is still an individualist place, with lots of tech, and widening wealth gap. Israelis move to the US/Europe when given the chance.

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@talraviv Israel is still an individualist place, with lots of tech, and widening wealth gap. Israelis move to the US/Europe when given the chance. People aren’t staying for altruistic principles. It’s simply not easy to pick up and move.

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@talraviv so my theory is

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@talraviv community

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@talraviv community comes from

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@talraviv community comes from constraint

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@talraviv let’s talk about what a constraint is

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@talraviv constraints are real spatial/geographical implications

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@talraviv constraints are real spatial/geographical implications long-term (think decades not years)

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@talraviv constraints are real spatial/geographical implications long-term (think decades not years) not easily modified or gotten around

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@talraviv constraints are real spatial/geographical implications long-term (think decades not years) not easily modified or gotten around …less crossfit or soulcycle or SF co-op house or your startup “family”

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@talraviv constraints are tough

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@talraviv constraints are tough religious beliefs

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@talraviv constraints are tough religious beliefs discrimination (skin color, sexual orientation, etc.)

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@talraviv constraints are tough religious beliefs discrimination (skin color, sexual orientation, etc.) economic (income, resources, obligation)

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@talraviv constraints are tough religious beliefs discrimination (skin color, sexual orientation, etc.) economic (income, resources, obligation) geopolitical (borders, visas, etc.)

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@talraviv constraints are tough religious beliefs discrimination (skin color, sexual orientation, etc.) economic (income, resources, obligation) geopolitical (borders, visas, etc.) security, safety, health

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@talraviv strongest communities and I think that constraints come from pretty strong

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@talraviv weaker ties

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@talraviv shared interests weaker ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like weaker ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life weaker ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years weaker ties shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years weaker ties shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years stronger ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years reasons bigger than you weaker ties shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years stronger ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years reasons bigger than you people you didn’t choose weaker ties shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years stronger ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years reasons bigger than you people you didn’t choose your personal life weaker ties shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years stronger ties

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@talraviv shared interests all people you like your work life measured in years stronger ties reasons bigger than you people you didn’t choose your personal life measured in decades weaker ties

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@talraviv think about, when you start somewhere new, how quickly people befriend and embrace you

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@talraviv think about, when you start somewhere new, how quickly people befriend and embrace you the weaker the constraint, the longer it takes to warm up to you e.g. new jiu jitsu gym or neighbors in a big city

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@talraviv think about, when you start somewhere new, how quickly people befriend and embrace you the weaker the constraint, the longer it takes to warm up to you e.g. new jiu jitsu gym or neighbors in a big city the stronger the constraint, the faster they get to know you e.g. kids preschool, niche religious community

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@talraviv back in America…

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@talraviv I’ve had no real constraints ever: I got a great education I work in a thriving industry where it’s normal to jump around I’m male, white, straight, and I have a US passport I’m atheist/liberal/humanist/millenial bla bla bla

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@talraviv and I found myself having the same conversation

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@talraviv And it appears… The most “successful” people in the world, in the biggest economy, with the best educations, and the most options in front of them

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@talraviv might just be the loneliest

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@talraviv at each juncture

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@talraviv we all do what’s right for us

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@talraviv usually professionally

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@talraviv it’s called

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@talraviv individualism

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@talraviv and combined with a huge country with tons of opportunities and big cities, it’s lonely AF

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@talraviv “But I’m not lonely, my schedule is packed!

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@talraviv “But I’m not lonely, my schedule is packed! I have work happy hour,

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@talraviv “But I’m not lonely, my schedule is packed! I have work happy hour, then soul cycle,

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@talraviv “But I’m not lonely, my schedule is packed! I have work happy hour, then soul cycle, then burning man camp meetings,

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@talraviv “But I’m not lonely, my schedule is packed! I have work happy hour, then soul cycle, then burning man camp meetings, then like five birthdays this weekend,

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@talraviv “But I’m not lonely, my schedule is packed! I have work happy hour, then soul cycle, then burning man camp meetings, then like five birthdays this weekend, and I’m in charge of co-op dinner this week.”

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@talraviv Ask yourself, how many of those people in your surroundings can you count on being there for you if you had a vulnerable, life-altering event and needed major, inconvenient help and support?

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@talraviv Ask yourself, how many of those people in your surroundings can you count on being there for you if you had a vulnerable, life-altering event and needed major, inconvenient help and support? Or simpler, how many of those people can you count on to be there for you in 20 years?

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@talraviv To paraphrase a friend who grew up in India before moving to the US: “I have the busiest social life, and I’ve never been lonelier.”

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@talraviv remember this?

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@talraviv this is freedom, opportunity, mobility…

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@talraviv but it’s also weak ties and isolation

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@talraviv By implicitly acting with individualism as my top value in life, I’ve implicitly given up one of the most human of experiences: being surrounded by people I’ve known for a very long time.

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@talraviv But how the hell do I let go of my optionality?

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@talraviv But how the hell do I let go of my optionality? As someone who’s grown up with strong implicit individualism, and constantly processing how do I keep all options open…

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@talraviv But how the hell do I let go of my optionality? As someone who’s grown up with strong implicit individualism, and constantly processing how do I keep all options open… …how do I do this?

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@talraviv here’s some advice to myself

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@talraviv find a nice jewish girl and settle down already

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@talraviv uh, thanks mom. can I have my laptop back?

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@talraviv ok, ahem

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@talraviv commit to a constraint

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@talraviv Spoiler alert: So, I personally moved to the island in the mideast,

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@talraviv Spoiler alert: So, I personally moved to the island in the mideast, took a ~30% salary cut,

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@talraviv Spoiler alert: So, I personally moved to the island in the mideast, took a ~30% salary cut, pay SF-level taxes and prices,

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@talraviv Spoiler alert: So, I personally moved to the island in the mideast, took a ~30% salary cut, pay SF-level taxes and prices, and deal with new types of shit.

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@talraviv Spoiler alert: So, I personally moved to the island in the mideast, took a ~30% salary cut, pay SF-level taxes and prices, and deal with new types of shit. omg the internet here is slow

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@talraviv Spoiler alert: So, I personally moved to the island in the mideast, took a ~30% salary cut, pay SF-level taxes and prices, and deal with new types of shit. omg the internet here is slow also, politics, security, and inequalities…

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@talraviv Sure, I didn’t grow up here, so I don’t immediately get to enjoy all the benefits of this:

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@talraviv Sure, I didn’t grow up here, so I don’t immediately get to enjoy all the benefits of this:

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@talraviv Sure, I didn’t grow up here, so I don’t immediately get to enjoy all the benefits of this: But I do immediately get to experience this:

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@talraviv Sure, I didn’t grow up here, so I don’t immediately get to enjoy all the benefits of this: But I do immediately get to experience this:

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@talraviv But I have far more family here

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@talraviv But I have far more family here as many close friends as anywhere else

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@talraviv But I have far more family here as many close friends as anywhere else and long term, it’ll pay off

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@talraviv but please,

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@talraviv don’t move to another country

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@talraviv thx.

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@talraviv first look at your life now

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@talraviv Ask yourself whether your current community is going to last decades - or just a few years’ cycle. first look at your life now

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@talraviv Ask yourself whether your current community is going to last decades - or just a few years’ cycle. Is your community defined by a constraint that’s not simple to get out of? first look at your life now

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@talraviv Ask yourself whether your current community is going to last decades - or just a few years’ cycle. Is your community defined by a constraint that’s not simple to get out of? If by choice, has your community been around for decades before you came along? Have individuals been dedicating themselves for decades? first look at your life now

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@talraviv start looking for constraints

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@talraviv Do something that’s got clear positives for you Revisit those changes you’ve wanted to make but were held back by the sacrifices it would entail. start looking for constraints

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@talraviv Do something that’s got clear positives for you Revisit those changes you’ve wanted to make but were held back by the sacrifices it would entail. Like moving closer to family. Or leaving a major economic hub. start looking for constraints

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@talraviv Do something that’s got clear positives for you Revisit those changes you’ve wanted to make but were held back by the sacrifices it would entail. Like moving closer to family. Or leaving a major economic hub. Be okay with closing some doors and sacrificing options. State out loud what you’re giving up. Is it money? Is it career heights? Potential career paths? start looking for constraints

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@talraviv Do something that’s got clear positives for you Revisit those changes you’ve wanted to make but were held back by the sacrifices it would entail. Like moving closer to family. Or leaving a major economic hub. Be okay with closing some doors and sacrificing options. State out loud what you’re giving up. Is it money? Is it career heights? Potential career paths? Don’t overhaul your life. Make small changes over time. In my case of moving to Tel Aviv, I work in the same industry, fluent in the language, have extended family, and my parents visit them a ton, so it’s less dramatic than it might seem. Maybe from here I should start going to synagogue? Or have kids so they can go to preschool? Or move to a smaller town in the desert/up north? People in my family have done both. But not all at once. start looking for constraints

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@talraviv A close friend wrote: “Imagine something bad happened to my parents health-wise. It would be awful. But it would give me the easiest decision as far as where to move. And where to settle.” “And then I wonder: why am I waiting for a tragedy?”

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@talraviv Giving up things like money and success is hard. Another close friend who left SF framed it: “By moving to [new city] I’m gonna have fewer business opportunities than before.”

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@talraviv Giving up things like money and success is hard. Another close friend who left SF framed it: “By moving to [new region] I’m gonna have fewer business opportunities than before.” “So I ask myself, how much money would someone have to pay me to undo the decision and move back to SF?”

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@talraviv Giving up things like money and success is hard. Another close friend who left SF framed it: “By moving to [new region] I’m gonna have fewer business opportunities than before.” “So I ask myself, how much money would someone have to pay me to undo the decision and move back to SF?” “…it would have to be a lot of money. Like 10x more than I’m giving up.”

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@talraviv Of course, being stuck somewhere thanks to constraints you don’t control, can be really bad. I know plenty of people who’ve rightfully worked hard to escape too much constraint.

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@talraviv What I wanna say here is simply that maybe we can peel back our individualism a little bit.

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc.

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc. they also thrive on limitations,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc. they also thrive on limitations, difficulties,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc. they also thrive on limitations, difficulties, collective crisis,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc. they also thrive on limitations, difficulties, collective crisis, times of need,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc. they also thrive on limitations, difficulties, collective crisis, times of need, disasters,

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@talraviv If you think about some of the most human and beautiful parts of life, art, creativity, family, love, relationships, identity… etc. they also thrive on limitations, difficulties, collective crisis, times of need, disasters, lack of resources, etc.

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@talraviv We were born to deal with constraints - that’s nature, and that’s humanity.

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@talraviv We were born to deal with constraints - that’s nature, and that’s humanity.

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@talraviv We were born to deal with constraints - that’s nature, and that’s humanity.

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@talraviv We were born to deal with constraints - that’s nature, and that’s humanity.

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@talraviv We were born to deal with constraints - that’s nature, and that’s humanity.

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@talraviv And airplanes,

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@talraviv And airplanes, the internet,

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@talraviv And airplanes, the internet, big cities,

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@talraviv And airplanes, the internet, big cities, liberalism* *The worldview, not the politics

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@talraviv All great things.

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@talraviv helped a lot of humans on earth overcome their constraints

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@talraviv but also gave us the burden of freedom

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@talraviv so I’ll leave you with the thought

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@talraviv that it’s not just community,

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@talraviv rather that our

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@talraviv humanity rather that our

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@talraviv humanity comes from rather that our

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@talraviv humanity comes from constraint rather that our

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@talraviv PS

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@talraviv so I live in Tel Aviv now

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@talraviv chances are, (given the diagrams above)

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@talraviv chances are, (given the diagrams above)

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@talraviv …that you don’t.

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@talraviv so,

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@talraviv come visit me!

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@talraviv I have a couch for you.

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@talraviv and as you know, I like hanging out with people I’ve known for a while

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@talraviv the best months to visit are April/May/June

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@talraviv the best months to visit are April/May/June and October/November

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@talraviv take Austin level arts and music,

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@talraviv take Austin level arts and music, combine with beachside SoCal,

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@talraviv take Austin level arts and music, combine with beachside SoCal, fill it with NY people,

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@talraviv take Austin level arts and music, combine with beachside SoCal, fill it with NY people, and give it a European vibe,

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@talraviv take Austin level arts and music, combine with beachside SoCal, fill it with NY people, and give it a European vibe, that’s Tel Aviv

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@talraviv take Austin level arts and music, combine with beachside SoCal, fill it with NY people, and give it a European vibe, that’s Tel Aviv plus a free place to crash

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@talraviv see you soon!