Design Dictator @ CocoaPods
Head of Mobile @ Artsy
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Design Dictator @ CocoaPods
Head of Mobile @ Artsy
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Programming is social
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Being a jerk
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Normal Person
= Total Jerkface
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relatively Normal Person +
perceived priv
acy +
yes people audience
= Total Jerkface
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Friction is easy
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that’s not as funny/
smart as you think it is
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Nice is HARD
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[…] I spent many hours with this
and I will give up without your help.
an email from a few days ago
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no-one is alw
ays in a
good mood
Let’s not set the wrong expectations
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I’m not alw
ays in a
good mood
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Where can you get
some good advice?
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Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.
Give honest sincere appreciation.
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Avoid at all costs
Never say, “You’re wrong.”
If you are wrong, admit it quickly.
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Being A Leader
Ask questions instead of orders.
Praise every improvement.
Give someone a reputation to live up to.