Slide 11
Slide 11 text
Fold right may work on an infinite list. So if I had the list from zero to infinity, and I said, call that heador func@on back
So here is a list, zero to infinity, and I say OK, pass some number in here, say four, I should get back zero, right? Because that
is the first element of the list zero to infinity. OK? Do you want to see some code? This is an infinite list of ones:
You might not believe me, in which case, do you believe me now?
• There is no order specified, however, there is associa9vity.
• foldr may work on an infinite list.
• ?
Tony Morris
heador thedefault list = foldr constant thedefault list
heador thedefault = foldr constant thedefault
heador = foldr constant
$ infinity
etc, etc
$ infinity = 1 : infinity