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Slide 1 text How to have a conversation Billie Thompson

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Introductions 2 ● Billie Thompson ● Developer ● Fav. Animal Capybara PurpleBooth ArmakuniHQ Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you

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We’ve worked with these people 4

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5 Return creativity & joy to the world of software engineering

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6 Let’s play a game! The Agile Mexican Wave Todo Done In Progress Story 4 Story 3 Story 1 Story 2

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7 Let’s play a game! The Agile Mexican Wave Todo In Progress Done Todo

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Let’s play a game! The Agile Mexican Wave 8 Todo Done In Progress

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9 Todays Menu ● Back to basics ● Psychology ● Supporting the right story You will read this bit of text last

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10 Back to basics: What is a story?

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11 User stories [...] serve as placeholders for conversations about the users’ detailed needs. Mike Cohn Advantages of User Stories for Requirements

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12 User stories start the process by writing down just two pieces of information: each goal to be satisfied by the system and the rough cost of satisfying that goal. Kent Beck User Stories Applied Foreword

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13 Every story must provide the customer with identifiable business value. This rule helps the customer to invest time and resources in the stories that matter. chromatic Extreme Programming Pocket Guide Photo: David H. Adler -

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14 Concurrent development makes it possible to delay commitment until the last responsible moment, that is, the moment at which failing to make a decision eliminates an important alternative. Mary Poppendieck Lean Software Development

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15 ✨ Three Amigos! ✨

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16 How do we wait till the last responsible moment?

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17 How do we decide what to do in a Hypothesis Driven, High Autonomy Team?

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18 How we engage enough people to reduce bus factor?

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19 How can we improve the effectiveness of our team?

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20 ✨ Three Amigos! ✨

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It’s a conversation 21 Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project

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25 Planning or IPM Oh that boring one I don’t go to?

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27 Automated Test Run

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29 Automated Test Run

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31 Automated Test Run

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32 Feature Delivered

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33 Retro

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34 Three Amigos Shorter meetings? Sign me up!

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39 DEVELOPER What my coworkers think I do What my mom thinks I do What my boss thinks I do What I think I do What society thinks I do What I actually do

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40 TESTER What my coworkers think I do What my mom thinks I do What my boss thinks I do What I think I do What society thinks I do What I actually do

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41 PRODUCT OWNER What my coworkers think I do What my mom thinks I do What my boss thinks I do What I think I do What society thinks I do What I actually do

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42 You are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking khakis. Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

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43 Set the stage for a good meeting

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44 Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute. Fyodor Dostoevsky, Winter Notes on Summer Impressions, 1863

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45 ➰ Iterate ➰

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Slide 46 text Agile Scotland Edinburgh - December 2019 Zenon Hannick & Craig Fotheringham How to be an Evil Scientist

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The individual 47 It allows people individually to be happy

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49 Autonomy Competence Relatedness

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50 You are not your fucking khakis. Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

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The team 53 It allows teams to be high performing

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55 awful eye feeble seed prefer tasteful quizzical silky jazzy bleach hateful women grape rely filthy writer

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56 What was on the previous slide?

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57 awful eye feeble seed prefer tasteful quizzical silky jazzy bleach hateful women grape rely filthy writer

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58 A Trainable Spaced Repetition Model for Language Learning

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59 A Trainable Spaced Repetition Model for Language Learning

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60 We’re training

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61 We’re training to think alike

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64 The Blueprint Like

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65 Example Mapping

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Would you rather break your arm or your leg? 67

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Compliment the person sitting next to you! 68

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Let’s play a game! The Agile Mexican Wave 69 Todo Done In Progress

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Example Mapping Story Rule Rule Rule Question Question Question Example Example Example Example Example 70

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Story Example Mapping Rule Rule Rule Question Question Question Example Example Example Example Example 71

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Story Example Mapping Rule Rule Rule Question Question Question Example Example Example Example Example 72

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Story Example Mapping Question Question Question Example Example Example Example Example 73

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Example Mapping Story Rule Rule Rule Question Question Question Example Example Example Example Example 74

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Example Mapping Story Rule Rule Rule Question Question Question 75

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Example Mapping Story Rule Rule Rule Question Question Question Example Example Example Example Example 76

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Example Mapping Story Rule Rule Rule Example Example Example Example Example 77

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Example Mapping 78 Gather in a circle and start counting...

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Example Mapping Divisible by 3, shout Fizz Divisible by 5, shout Buzz What if it’s divisible by 5 and 3? 79 Gather in a circle and start counting...

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Example Mapping Divisible by 3, shout Fizz Divisible by 5, shout Buzz What if it’s divisible by 5 and 3? What is the range of numbers? 1-100? My number is 6 => “Fizz” My number is 5 => “Buzz” 10 => “Buzz” 80 Gather in a circle and start counting...

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Example Mapping Not Divisible By 5 or 3 Divisible by 3, shout Fizz Divisible by 5, shout Buzz What if it’s divisible by 5 and 3? What is the range of numbers? 1-100? My number is 1 => shout “1” My number is 6 => “Fizz” My number is 5 => “Buzz” My number is 2 => shout “2” 10 => “Buzz” 81 Gather in a circle and start counting...

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Example Mapping Not Divisible By 5 or 3 Divisible by 3, shout Fizz Divisible by 5, shout Buzz What if it’s divisible by 5 and 3? What is the range of numbers? 1-100? If lose count? Or make a mistake? My number is 1 => shout “1” My number is 6 => “Fizz” My number is 5 => “Buzz” My number is 2 => shout “2” 10 => “Buzz” 82 Gather in a circle and start counting...

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84 In one word, describe how you feel about this meeting?

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86 Ice Breaker Ask everyone in the group a silly question!

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87 Example Mapping You work at a publishing house, and revenues are falling, as is circulation. Lots of people are reading your website though...

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88 Checkout Get feedback (It’s not just for Retros)

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89 Invent your own damn session!

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90 Invent your own damn session Yes and...

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91 Today I learned hopefully something I will test that by doing something I will know it works for me when measure shows change in reading

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Slide 92 text Thank you! Billie Thompson