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Building sites with Gutenberg Matthew Haines-Young

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How do I add support for Gutenberg to my themes?

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You don’t really need to do anything! Most things will work as before.

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Opt-in Features Some new features require you to register support in your theme code.

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Case study: Matthews Food Blog.

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● Theme from - McLuhan by Anders Noren ● Create a child theme. ● Add theme support for wide aligned blocks. ● Add custom CSS for new block alignments ● Test compatibility of all core blocks. What did I do?

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Create child theme functions.php style.css

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functions.php ● Add theme support for wide aligned blocks. ● Load a custom CSS file.

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● Full width for content area. ● Max width and center align all child elements. ● Wider max-width for full and wide aligned blocks. style.css

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● Setting the widths for left/right aligned images was a bit tricky! style.css

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style.css ● Add some styles for videos. I stole these styles from those Gutenberg uses in the admin.

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Case study: Human Made Website

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● The style of Gutenberg is nice, but quite different from my site. ● But you can load a custom CSS file in the admin. ● Use this to add custom styles to make the editor interface look more like the actual site. ● Best to keep it simple. Fonts, links, colours etc. Make the editor look like the front end of the site.

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● Load a custom CSS file. ● Use wp_enqueue_style exactly as you would normally. ● Hook in on correction action. ● Set wp-editor as dependency to ensure correct load order. functions.php

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● Add custom styles to this file. ● Note your styles affect the whole page! ● Target the visual editor element to restrict your custom styles to the editor only. gutenberg.css

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Add theme colour palette. ● Colour palette used in various places by the new editor. e.g. when selecting button background colours. ● You can register a custom colour palette to make it easy to select the correct brand/theme colours. ● Disable use of custom colours.

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● Disable support for custom colours. ● Add colour palette for brand colours. functions.php

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● You can register a block template for a post type. ● Each time a new post is created, it will be pre-populated with the blocks defined in the template. ● Lock the template to prevent users moving these blocks and adding or moving blocks. ● Or just restrict adding of new blocks. Post type page templates

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● Get post type object ● Add template property ● Set blocks ● Optionally set template_lock to all or insert ● You can also do this when registering you post type. functions.php

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● You can register completely custom blocks ● These are defined in JavaScript. ● Gutenberg uses React. Add Custom Blocks

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● Register a block. ● Title, desc, icon, category. ● Define attributes supported ● Edit component ● Save component gutenberg.js

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We already had PHP templates. ● Core blocks render everything in JS. ● But we already had PHP templates. We wanted to reuse them. ● Solution: you can register blocks in PHP, and specify a render callback function.

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● Register a block in PHP ● Register attributes. ● Specify a render callback function. functions.php

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● Render callback should return HTML string. ● Receives array of registered block attributes. functions.php

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● If you render in PHP, your save component can just return null Gutenberg.js

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● Gutenberg includes a lot of reusable components you can use in your own custom blocks. ○ e.g. Rich-Text, MediaUpload etc. ● But I really wanted something for selecting posts. ● I built a plugin that adds a media-modal-like interface for selecting posts. ● Pick single or multiple posts to be included in your block. ● ● Also includes a few other reusable/helper components ○ e.g. Sidebar control wrappers for links, posts, media etc. Post Select UI

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● WP CLI has added a command to generate basic block code wp scaffold block ● Create-guten-block is a Create React App like project for working developing Gutenberg blocks. Other Tools

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● Great tutorials on the Gutenberg handbook cover how to create custom blocks. ● Zac Gordon has an online course on working with gutenberg - he’s offered 40% to all WP leeds attendees. Interested in learning more?

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● Custom blocks are not trivial! ● Are they portable between themes? ● Maybe plugins can offer the functionality that I need without having to build custom blocks! Do I really need custom blocks?

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● Popular plugins will add their own blocks. ○ e.g. Contact form plugins. ● Plugins to add common blocks ○ e.g. Maps, pricing tables etc. ● Plugins for advanced usage ○ Gutenberg Custom Fields - UI for creating page templates for custom post types. ○ Reusable blocks widget. ● Future plugins might make creating custom blocks easier Plugins

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The Future

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● Think in “blocks” rather than “pages”. ● New tools will appear to make your life easier ● Gutenberg will become more extensible. ● Will open up lots of new possibilities. What will the future look like?