Create a child theme. • Add theme support for wide aligned blocks. • Add custom CSS for new block alignments • Test compatibility of all core blocks. What did I do?
from my site. • But you can load a custom CSS file in the admin. • Use this to add custom styles to make the editor interface look more like the actual site. • Best to keep it simple. Fonts, links, colours etc. Make the editor look like the front end of the site.
places by the new editor. e.g. when selecting button background colours. • You can register a custom colour palette to make it easy to select the correct brand/theme colours. • Disable use of custom colours.
type. • Each time a new post is created, it will be pre-populated with the blocks defined in the template. • Lock the template to prevent users moving these blocks and adding or moving blocks. • Or just restrict adding of new blocks. Post type page templates
in JS. • But we already had PHP templates. We wanted to reuse them. • Solution: you can register blocks in PHP, and specify a render callback function.
use in your own custom blocks. ◦ e.g. Rich-Text, MediaUpload etc. • But I really wanted something for selecting posts. • I built a plugin that adds a media-modal-like interface for selecting posts. • Pick single or multiple posts to be included in your block. • • Also includes a few other reusable/helper components ◦ e.g. Sidebar control wrappers for links, posts, media etc. Post Select UI
create custom blocks. • Zac Gordon has an online course on working with gutenberg - he’s offered 40% to all WP leeds attendees. Interested in learning more?
Contact form plugins. • Plugins to add common blocks ◦ e.g. Maps, pricing tables etc. • Plugins for advanced usage ◦ Gutenberg Custom Fields - UI for creating page templates for custom post types. ◦ Reusable blocks widget. • Future plugins might make creating custom blocks easier Plugins
will appear to make your life easier • Gutenberg will become more extensible. • Will open up lots of new possibilities. What will the future look like?