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AACT - UI Structure - M. Sarashino

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Topics 01 02 03 04 05 Data and Object Function and Emotion AACT is Architecture and Anatomy Component and Token

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Data Oriented Functional? No, it’s “Data Oriented” basically. However, it is also function in math that data in the sense of value in program. So usually “functional” is used as mean of “data oriented”.

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Object Oriented Although, Object Oriented has several variants, its origin is clear: Existentialism. It is the perspective that things’ phisical and temporal existance is core meaning of things.

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Metaphisics vs Phisics Data, or information itself is metaphisic thing, though Object, ofcourse, is thing from phisical perspective.

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Function and Emotion Function including data is basic idea of formal recognition of real world. Emational attributes like color, shape and spacing has artistic and heart moving aspect.

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AACT Architecture Anatomy Component Token

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Architecture Anatomy Component Emotion Segregated Function Integrated Metaphisics Phisics Token

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Architecture data model, environment, infrastructure

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Anatomy layout, not yet modularised components

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Component functional, meaningful chunk

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Token mood, air atmosphere

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Thank you! Questions? Images: Unsplash Fonts: Playfair Display, Roboto Graphics: Freepik M. Sarashino, [email protected],