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In the age of ‘peak TV’ How to really connect with your audience @kimlovesstuff /

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Fandom & community Expanding storyworlds Social execution Leveraging celebrity There are 4 components of great social TV.

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Peak TV…

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PEAK TV Is stressing people out…

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Social TV is not the same

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People love TV shows!

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Social TV keeps getting more popular

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Identifying your audience

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Always start with the fandom

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© Red Bee 2016 In 2017 everything has a fandom, it’s not just for nerds anymore!

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Fandometrics is my go- to of what’s cool on the internet. (And what the rest of the world will like 2 years from now)

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Fandom Social Influencers Bloggers Potential mainstream audience

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Different content for different platforms

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No content

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Community management is key !

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Paid Organic

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@kimlovesstuff / Thank you!