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Cloud-Native vNext WebAssembly in Azure & AKS Thorsten Hans @ThorstenHans Cloud-Native Consultant

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Consultant @ Thinktecture #Azure #Kubernetes #CloudNative #Docker [email protected] @ThorstenHans Microsoft MVP | Docker Captain Thorsten Hans

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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Key Concepts • WebAssembly (Wasm) • WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) • WebAssembly Gateway Interface (WAGI) Introduction

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WebAssembly (Wasm) WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications. Introduction

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WebAssembly (Wasm) Introduction fast Near native execution performance, leveraging available hardware capabilities safe Wasm is a memory-safe and sandboxed execution environment portable All major browsers support Wasm & multiple server runtimes are available open WebAssembly Text Format .wat can be used to learn, read ,debug Wasm

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WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) • A standard engine-independent non-web system-oriented API for WebAssembly • WASI is here to standardize how Wasm is executed outside of the browser • Wasm uses platform agnostic APIs provided by WASI • WASI interacts with platform specific APIs • WASI aligns with the Wasm promise of being a secure sandbox • As developer, WASI is your compilation target cargo build --target wasm32-wasi Introduction

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Portability Introduction

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Security – Before WASI Introduction

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Security – Before WASI Introduction

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Security – Before WASI Introduction

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Security – With WASI Introduction

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WebAssembly Gateway Interface (WAGI) • Use WebAssembly modules as HTTP handlers • Think of a hyper-focused microservices runtime • Comman Gateway Interface (CGI) implementation • HTTP headers become environment variables • HTTP payloads are piped to stdin • HTTP responses must be written to stdout Introduction

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• Fermyon Technologies (founded in November 2021) • • ”Pioneering the next wave of cloud computing” • Many familiar faces that you may know from Deis Labs (aquired by Microsoft in April 2017) • Fermyon is all about WebAssembly on the server and in the cloud Who is Fermyon

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• Spin is a runtime that hosts and instantiates Wasm modules when triggers are invoked • It leverages the WebAsssembly Component Model • Spin is an SDK • That provides APIs for common scenarios like outbound HTTP, Redis, PostgreSQL • Spin is a developer toolchain • For crafting, running, and deploying your applications • Spin is language agnostic • You can use any language that compiles to wasm32_wasi What is Spin

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Hands-On Fermyon Spin - Let’s get started with Spin Demo

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• Microsoft (especially the OSS team in the Azure Division) is already adopting it in AKS • • Previously Krustlet (Kubelet written in Rust 🦀) was used to run WebAssembly workloads • Microsoft announced the preview of their new WASM story at Ignite 2022 • Dedicated AKS Node Pools support wasm32_wasi leveraging runwasi • runwasi is used in conjunction with containerd-shims for SpiderLightning (slight) and Spin 🎉 WebAssembly in Azure and AKS

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• TBH: its still early • Plain Container Image is used for distribution • As of today, only simple workloads are supported WebAssembly in Azure and AKS

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WebAssembly in AKS with Spin - Distributing your Spin applications - Run a Spin application in AKS Demo

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• Introduction • Let’s meet Fermyon Spin • WebAssembly in Azure with AKS • Conclusion Agenda

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• The combination of Containers & WASM will become the default • The imapact of Wasm will be way bigger for backend devs compared to frontend devs • Running Wasm workloads in the cloud will allow better resource utilization • Strict sandboxing (WASI) will enahnce overall platform security and robustness • It’s still early – especially in managed Kubernetes (where we’ve limited control) • Spin and Fermyon Cloud (or Platform) currently drive developer adoption Conclusion

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Thanks for your attention @ThorstenHans