Slide 39
Slide 39 text
What about an Applicative instance for the List ADT? Here is
how it looks in Haskell, followed by some examples of its usage.
instance Applicative [] where
pure x = [x]
fs <*> xs = [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs]
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
λ (+) <$> [1,2,3] <*> [10,20,30]
λ (+) <$> [1,2,3] <*> [10]
λ (+) <$> [1,2,3] <*> []
λ max3 x y z = max x (max y z)
λ max3 <$> [6,2] <*> [3,5] <*> [4,9]
λ max3 <$> [6,2] <*> [3] <*> [4,9]
λ max3 <$> [6,2] <*> [] <*> [4,9]
λ max3 <$> [] <*> [3,5] <*> [4,9]
λ inc n = n + 1
λ twice n = n + n
λ square n = n * n
λ [inc, twice, square] <*> [1,2,3]
λ [inc, twice, square] <*> [3]
λ [inc, twice, square] <*> []
λ [inc] <*> [1,2,3]
λ [] <*> [1,2,3]
λ :type (,)
(,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
λ (,) <$> ['a','b'] <*> [1,2]
λ [(+),(*)] <*> [10,20,30] <*> [1,2]
λ [(+),(*)] <*> [10,20,30] <*> [2]
λ [(+),(*)] <*> [10] <*> [1,2]
λ [(+),(*)] <*> [] <*> [1,2]
λ [(+),(*)] <*> [10,20,30] <*> []
λ [(+)] <*> [10,20,30] <*> [1,2]
λ [] <*> [10,20,30] <*> [1,2]