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For Optimists, our UI is pretty Pessimistic Joe Birch - Android Engineer @ Buffer @hitherejoe

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Talk Outline What are Pessimistic & Optimistic UIs Why Pessimistic UIs are used and the disadvantages An example of where and how Optimism can be applied to UIs Handling errors in Optimistic UIs How Optimistic UI implementations and Offline support meet

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The quality of being full of hope and emphasising the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen. Optimism Confidence, hopefulness, cheerfulness. Synonyms

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Emphasising or thinking of the bad part of a situation rather than the good part, or the feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things. Pessimism Synonyms Distrust, hopelessness, Discouragement.

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Pessimistic UI

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Optimistic UI

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But why so much pessimism? It’s a predictable behaviour for the user It gives us an error proof implementation for interactions It’s easier to implement than other solutions

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Issues with pessimistic approach User has to wait for requests to complete. Removing the ability to multitask while other requests are completing These delays make our application feel like it’s operating slowly, reflecting badly on both our application and business

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Why does this happen? But why even think about optimistic implementations?

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100 milliseconds The delay between depressing the key' and the visual feedback should be no more than 0.1 to 0.2 seconds

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Passive waiting Most people blink around 15 times a minute and a blink lasts on average 100-150 milliseconds

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No content

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Ericsson - Mobile Subscriptions by region

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Failure to think Often a skipped stage in design & development thinking

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But isn’t this cheating? Are we not lying to the users about the result of the request

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Moving on from pessimistic Places in our apps where these implementations could occur

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Finishing Activities Situations where tasks are performed in activities that are finished when the task completes

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Perform action Show Progress Wait for completion Handle Response Show Error Close Activity

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Progress Dialogs…

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R.I.P Progress Dialog

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val progressDialog: ProgressDialog = ProgressDialog(this) progressDialog.setMessage(getString(R.string.dialog_message)) R.I.P Progress Dialog

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Shifting to background tasks Creating a distraction free and simpler UI to streamline experience

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Buffer Update Start Service Finish Activity Handle Result from Service Refresh Updates Show Error

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class SomeIntentService: IntentService { @Override fun onHandleIntent(intent: Intent) { … } return START_REDELIVER_INTENT } Intent Service Launch background service to perform a task

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val jobScheduler = getSystemService(JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE); val componentName = ComponentName(this, SomeJobService); val jobInfo = JobInfo.Builder(12, componentName) .setOverrideDeadline(3 * 1000) .setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_ANY) .build(); jobScheduler.schedule(jobInfo) Job Scheduler Schedule tasks based on given conditions

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But why schedule jobs? System can batch jobs together, reducing power consumption Task may not be critical or required to be ‘posted’ instantly Wait on specific conditions to be satisfied Repeat tasks if required

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Manipulate local data during request Manipulate data locally when a request takes place and have the UI reactively reflect this Database / Adapter

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Buffer Update Update database Finish Activity Make request Handle response Update UI

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someService.createUpdate(update) .onError{ return CreateUpdateError(update) } .startWith{ database.insertUpdate(update) }

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someService.createUpdate(update) .onError{ return CreateUpdateError(update) } .startWith{ database.insertUpdate(update) } updatesDatabaseObserver.subscribe({ updates -> recyclerView.swap(updates) })

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Manipulate local data and sync Manipulate data locally first and have the UI reflect this, sync this with the server Server Database

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Update database Finish Activity Sync with Server Update UI Buffer Update

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Reflecting State The user should be aware of the state our content is in

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No content

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Failed Content Content error states are clearly visible within the queue

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Error Dialog We’re trying to move away from blocking the user, these can be avoided

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Snackbars Useful for providing information throughout your app, but can’t covey too much detail

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Notifications The user should know when something hasn’t gone as planned

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Heads-up Notifications The user should know when something hasn’t gone as planned

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Notification Badges Awareness of errors outside of your app

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Optimistic & Offline The design of these two concepts go hand in hand

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Error states Empty states become cached content

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Progress Bars No need for progress bars in place of content when there’s a cache

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Avoid Stop using using blocking components Cache data where possible and make use of it! If not syncing, react to actions locally and handle response. Otherwise, manipulate data locally and sync with server Design for Optimism, Hope for the best, deal with an error if it happens To conclude…

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Thank you! I’m looking forward to seeing your optimistic UI # @hitherejoe