Getting started with
Rebecca Franks
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What is MotionLayout?
• Subclass of ConstraintLayout
• With additional ways to animate views on screen
• For complex view animations driven by interactions
• Allows for midway seeking of animations
• Back-ported to API 14
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Example usage
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Get Started
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Get Started
Include gradle dependency
dependencies {
implementation ‘androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.0-beta4'
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Change to use MotionLayout
Change usage of ConstraintLayout to MotionLayout
Link scene.xml to layout
Link the newly created motion_scene.xml to MotionLayout
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Motion Scene
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Motion Scene
• XML file that defines all animations for the scene
• Can be defined programmatically
• Contains: ConstraintSets, Transitions + KeyFrames
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Components of Motion Scene
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Constraint Sets / States
Different “resting” state that the Motion Scene will take
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Defines the way in which two states will be transformed between.
- start / end state