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Conductor Architecture and Alternatives @chris_h_codes

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Navigation is hard

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Navigation is hard • Picking the difference between up and back

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Navigation is hard • Picking the difference between up and back • Sometimes up is… not up?

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Navigation is hard • Picking the difference between up and back • Sometimes up is… not up? • What happens when we deep link?

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Navigation is hard • Picking the difference between up and back • Sometimes up is… not up? • What happens when we deep link? • Bottom navigation gets involved

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Navigation is hard • Picking the difference between up and back • Sometimes up is… not up? • What happens when we deep link? • Bottom navigation gets involved

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Google’s making it worse “The bottom navigation bar remains in view when navigating through an app’s hierarchy.” - Google’s new design guidelines

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There’s a term for this

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No content

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Single Activity apps

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Single Activity apps • Control over UI elements remaining on screen

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Single Activity apps • Control over UI elements remaining on screen • Easier shared element transitions

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Single Activity apps • Control over UI elements remaining on screen • Easier shared element transitions • Single and stable entry point for your UI

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Single Activity apps • Control over UI elements remaining on screen • Easier shared element transitions • Single and stable entry point for your UI
 - Kind of like main() with lifecycle callbacks

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Fragment transactions

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Fragment transactions val newFragment = NextFragment() val transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() transaction.replace(, newFragment) transaction.addToBackStack(null) transaction.commit()

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Fragment transactions val newFragment = NextFragment() val transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() transaction.replace(, newFragment) transaction.addToBackStack(null) transaction.commitAllowingStateLoss()

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Fragment transactions val newFragment = NextFragment() val transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() transaction.replace(, newFragment) transaction.addToBackStack(null) transaction.commitNow()

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Fragment transactions val newFragment = NextFragment() val transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() transaction.replace(, newFragment) transaction.addToBackStack(null) transaction.commitNowAllowingStateLoss()

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Fragment lifecyle

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Fragment lifecyle

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Fragment lifecyle

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Fragment identity crisis

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Fragment identity crisis

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Fragment identity crisis class MyFragment : Fragment() { }}

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Fragment identity crisis class MyFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) }} }}

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Fragment identity crisis class MyFragment : Fragment() { @Inject lateinit var ... override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // Do some dependency injection... }} }}

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Fragment identity crisis class MyFragment : Fragment() { @Inject lateinit var ... override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // Do some dependency injection... }} override fun onStart() { super.onStart() // Use your injected dependencies to modify sub-views. }} }}

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Applying your MV-Whatever

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Applying your MV-Whatever • Maybe a Fragment is a presenter? A controller? A view?

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Applying your MV-Whatever • Maybe a Fragment is a presenter? A controller? A view? • Whatever it is, it does a lot!

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Applying your MV-Whatever • Maybe a Fragment is a presenter? A controller? A view? • Whatever it is, it does a lot! • Receive lifecycle events • Manage view hierarchies • Save instance state • Deal with non-configuration instance object passing • Handle a back stack

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So what’s Conductor?

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How Conductor works Fragment Controller

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How Conductor works Fragment Controller “Think of it as a lighter-weight and more predictable Fragment alternative with an easier to manage lifecycle.” - The Conductor documentation

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How Conductor works • Represents a screen; a node in your navigation graph • Must have a View; cannot be headless • Cannot be declared in XML • Survives orientation changes by default • Permits passing arguments in a constructor* abstract class Controller

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Declaring a Controller class MyController : Controller() { }}

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Declaring a Controller class MyController : Controller() { override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup): View { return inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, container, false) } }}

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Declaring a Controller class MyController : Controller() { override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup): View { return inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_layout, container, false) }} override fun onAttach(view: View) { … } override fun onDetach(view: View) { … } }}

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Navigating Controllers

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Navigating Controllers class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { }}

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Navigating Controllers class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.main) } }}

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Navigating Controllers class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.main) }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.main) val container: ViewGroup = findViewById( val router = Conductor.attachRouter(this, container, savedInstanceState) }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.main) val container: ViewGroup = findViewById( val router = Conductor.attachRouter(this, container, savedInstanceState) if (!router.hasRootController()) { router.setRoot(RouterTransaction.with(HomeController())) } }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MyController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MyController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MyController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { { }} }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MyController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { { val transaction = RouterTransaction.with(NextController()) }} }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MyController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { { val transaction = RouterTransaction.with(NextController()) router.pushController(transaction) }} }} }}

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Navigating Controllers class MyController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { { val transaction = RouterTransaction.with(NextController()) .pushChangeHandler(HorizontalChangeHandler()) .popChangeHandler(HorizontalChangeHandler()) router.pushController(transaction) }} }} }}

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Handling change

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Handling change • Swaps the View of one Controller out for another • …or not! You’re in control • Your opportunity to provide custom animations / transitions • Comes in a variety of built in flavours abstract class ControllerChangeHandler

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Handling change • Comes in a variety of built in flavours class FadeChangeHandler : AnimatorChangeHandler class HorizontalChangeHandler : AnimatorChangeHandler class VerticalChangeHandler : AnimatorChangeHandler

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Handling change abstract class AnimatorChangeHandler

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Handling change class FadeAndScaleChangeHandler : AnimatorChangeHandler() { }}

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Handling change class FadeAndScaleChangeHandler : AnimatorChangeHandler() { override fun getAnimator(container: ViewGroup, from: View?, to: View?, isPush: Boolean, toAddedToContainer: Boolean): Animator { } }}

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Handling change class FadeAndScaleChangeHandler : AnimatorChangeHandler() { override fun getAnimator(container: ViewGroup, from: View, to: View, isPush: Boolean, toAddedToContainer: Boolean): Animator { val set = AnimatorSet() set.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(to, View.SCALE_X, 0.9f, 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(to, View.SCALE_Y, 0.9f, 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(to, View.ALPHA, 0f, 1f)) return set

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set.playTogether( ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(to, View.SCALE_X, 0.9f, 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(to, View.SCALE_Y, 0.9f, 1f), ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(to, View.ALPHA, 0f, 1f)) return set Handling change

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Handling change abstract class TransitionChangeHandler

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Handling change class ListToDetailsChangeHandler : TransitionChangeHandler() { override fun getTransition(container: ViewGroup, from: View?, to: View?, isPush: Boolean): Transition { } }

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Serious customisation override fun getTransition(container: ViewGroup, from: View?, to: View?, isPush: Boolean): Transition { return TransitionSet() // Slide the Alarm content on screen. .addTransition(Slide() .addTarget(to.container) .setInterpolator(LinearOutSlowInInterpolator())) // Slide bottom nav bar off screen. .addTransition(BottomViewSlide() .addTarget(from.bottomNav) .setDuration(270) .setInterpolator(sharpCurveInterpolator()))

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Where do I bind my views?

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Where do I bind my views? • A Controller is not the V in your MV-Whatever • A good place to initialise the wiring between model and view • Don’t make a Controller do too much

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Fragments were never a good V in your MV-Whatever

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Fragment A

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Fragment A onCreate()

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Fragment A View A onCreate() onCreateView()

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Fragment A View A onCreate() onCreateView() onStart() onResume()

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Fragment A View A onCreate() onCreateView() onStart() onResume() Navigate!

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Fragment A View A onCreate() onCreateView() onStart() onResume() onPause() onStop()

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Fragment A onCreate() onCreateView() onStart() onResume() onPause() onStop() onDestroyView()

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Fragment A Fragment B

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Fragment A Fragment B onCreate()

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Fragment A Fragment B onCreate() View B onCreateView() onStart() onResume()

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Fragment A Fragment B onCreate() View B onCreateView() onStart() onResume() Go back!

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Fragment A Fragment B onCreate() onCreateView() onStart() onResume() onPause() onStop() onDestroyView()

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Fragment A

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Fragment A View A onCreateView()

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Fragment A View A onCreateView() onCreate()

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Fragment A View A

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A pattern I don’t mind

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A pattern I don’t mind View Controller

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A pattern I don’t mind View Controller State

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A pattern I don’t mind View Controller State Event

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A pattern I don’t mind View Controller Observable Observable

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A pattern I don’t mind View Controller Observable Observable

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sealed class State { object Idle : State() object Loading : State() data class Error(val message: String) : State() data class Success(val items: List) : State() }

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fun display(state: State) { when (state) { is Idle -> is Loading -> is Error -> is Success -> }} }}

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class HomeView(...) : FrameLayout(...) { fun display(state: State) { when (state) { is Idle -> is Loading -> is Error -> is Success -> }} }} }

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class HomeView(...) : FrameLayout(...) { fun display(state: State) {

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class HomeView(...) : FrameLayout(...) { fun display(state: State) { when (state) { is Idle -> is Loading -> is Error -> is Success -> }} }} }}

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class HomeView(context: Context, ...) : FrameLayout(...) { fun display(state: State) { when (state) { is Idle -> is Loading -> is Error -> is Success -> }} }} }}

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class HomeView(context: Context, ...) : FrameLayout(...) { // RxBinding helps a lot here val events: Observable = ... fun display(state: State) { when (state) { is Idle -> is Loading -> is Error -> is Success -> }} }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { }} override fun onDetach(view: View) { }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { override fun onAttach(view: View) { states.subscribe { view.display(it) } { .. } }} override fun onDetach(view: View) { }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { private val disposables = CompositeDisposable() override fun onAttach(view: View) { disposables += states.subscribe { view.display(it) } disposables += { .. } }} override fun onDetach(view: View) { }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { private val disposables = CompositeDisposable() override fun onAttach(view: View) { disposables += states.subscribe { view.display(it) } disposables += { .. } }} override fun onDetach(view: View) { disposables.clear() }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { private val disposables = CompositeDisposable() override fun onAttach(view: View) { disposables += states.subscribe { view.display(it) } disposables += { .. } }} override fun onDetach(view: View) { disposables.clear() }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { private val disposables = CompositeDisposable() override fun onAttach(view: View) { if (view !is HomeView) throw IllegalArgumentException() disposables += states.subscribe { view.display(it) } disposables += { .. } }} override fun onDetach(view: View) { disposables.clear() }} }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { }}

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class HomeController : Controller() { override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup): View { return inflater.inflate(R.layout.home, container, false) }} }}

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What’s to like? • Simple “states go in, events come out” way of thinking • Test output of view states, rather than interactions with methods • Clear separation of concerns

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More on streams… Managing State with RxJava by Jake Wharton https:/ / <> Observable Observable Observable Observable

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What about Architecture Components?

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What about Architecture Components • LifecycleOwners • LiveData • ViewModel • Room • Paging • Navigation • WorkManager

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What about Architecture Components • LifecycleOwners • LiveData • ViewModel

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ViewModel class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity { fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { val model = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class) model.getUsers().observe(this, { users -> // Update UI. }) } } LiveData

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ViewModel class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity { fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle) { val model = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class) model.getUsers().observe(this, { users -> // Update UI. }) } } LifecycleOwner

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Activity created Activity rotated finish() Finished onCreate onStart onResume onPause onStop onDestroy onCleared() ViewModel scope onCreate onStart onResume onPause onStop onDestroy

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Does Controller replace ViewModel?

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dependencies { implementation 'com.bluelinelabs:conductor-archlifecycle:0.1.1' } abstract class LifecycleController : Controller, LifecycleOwner

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What about the new Navigation component?

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Out of the box advantages android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment

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Out of the box advantages • Avoid touching FragmentTransaction with your bear hands • Simplified deep linking • Type safe passing of arguments between destinations • Visualise and edit your navigation graph

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No content

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Can we combine them?

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Can we combine them? Navigating Conductor and the Navigation Architecture Component Tiven Jeffery https:/ / (long medium link) GitHub repo https:/ /

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Limitations • Navigator feels like the simple cousin of Router • No transitions; only R.anim or R.animator resources • Strange having both Router and NavController hold back stack

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Summary • Simple in the right ways; configurable when you need it • Good starting point to play with different architectures • An alternative to many architecture components; or an addition

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Conductor Architecture and Alternatives chris_h_codes chris-horner