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Frontendless Rails Frontend Vladimir Dementyev Evil Martians

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palkan_tula palkan 2

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palkan_tula palkan Web development today 3 This is me 😎

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palkan_tula palkan Back in 2010s 4 Full-stack developer It's me again 🙂

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palkan_tula palkan 5 Full-stack Ruby on Rails development in 202😷s — is that a thing? The question

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Once upon a time...

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palkan_tula palkan Full-stack Rails 7 HTML-over-the-Wire

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HTML (Haml/Slim) Helpers

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palkan_tula palkan Helpers 🙀 9

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HTML (Haml/Slim) CoffeeScript jquery Helpers jquery-ujs

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palkan_tula palkan jquery-ujs 11 # show.html.slim = link_to "Delete", post_path(post), remote: true # destroy.js.erb $("#<%= dom_id(post) %>").remove();

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HTML (Haml/Slim) Asset Pipeline CoffeeScript jquery Helpers jquery-ujs Turbolinks Sass Bootstrap Bundler (asset gems) vendor/assets

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The evolution of frontend

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HTML (Haml/Slim) Asset Pipeline CoffeeScript jquery Helpers jquery-ujs Turbolinks Sass Bootstrap Bundler (asset gems) vendor/assets npm / yarn ES6 Webpack PostCSS React SPA API

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palkan_tula palkan Frontend Invasion Leads to separation (now we have back-end and front-end engineers) Makes Rails to serve only as an API provider Increases development costs* 15 *Opinions expressed are my own, but I'm fine if you borrow them

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palkan_tula palkan 16 Is it possible to develop modern web application without stepping out of the Ruby and Rails comfort zone 🤔

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palkan_tula palkan 17 Living classics

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palkan_tula palkan 18 Neoclassical

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palkan_tula palkan NEW MAGIC 19

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palkan_tula palkan 20 ?

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palkan_tula palkan 21 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering

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palkan_tula palkan 22 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering SPA Turbo Drive / Frames

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palkan_tula palkan Turbo Drive Poor man's SPA Intercepts navigation / forms submission, performs AJAX requests, replaces HTML body contents Keeps track of visited pages (cache) to provide smooth experience 23 ex-Turbolinks

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palkan_tula palkan Turbo Frames Turbolinks for page fragments (frames) Lazy loading of page parts (plays well with HTTP cache) 24

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palkan_tula palkan Example 25

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palkan_tula palkan Example 26 # app/controllers/items_controller.rb class ItemsController < ApplicationController def update item.update!(item_params) render partial: "item", locals: {item} end def destroy item.destroy! render partial: "item", locals: {item} end end

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palkan_tula palkan Example 27 <% unless item.destroyed? %>
"> <%= form_for item do |f| %> <%= f.check_box :completed, class: item.completed? ? "hidden checked" : "hidden", onchange: "this.form.requestSubmit();" %> <% end %>

<%= item.desc %>

<%= button_to item_path(item), method: :delete do %> ... <% end %>
<% end %>

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palkan_tula palkan Architecture Reactivity rails-ujs 28 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering Interactivity JS framework SPA Turbo Drive / Frames JS sprinkles

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palkan_tula palkan Architecture Reactivity rails-ujs Stimulus 29 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering Interactivity JS framework JS sprinkles SPA Turbo Drive / Frames

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palkan_tula palkan Stimulus 30

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palkan_tula palkan Example 31 Hide-able banners

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palkan_tula palkan Example: jQuery 32 function initBannerClose(){
 // Oops, leaking CSS $('.banner --close').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); const banner = $(this).parent(); banner.remove(); }); }); $(document).on('load', initBannerClose); // And don't forget about Turbolinks $(document).on('turbolinks:load', initBannerClose); // ...or jquery-ujs $(document).on('ajax:success', initBannerClose); 🍜

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palkan_tula palkan Example: Stimulus 33

AnyWork ...

import { Controller } from "stimulus"; export class BannerController extends Controller { hide() { this.element.remove(); } }

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palkan_tula palkan Stimulus Stimuli are activated/deactivated automatically (MutationObserver API) Turbo(links) just works without any hacks 34

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palkan_tula palkan Stimulus Turns static HTML into a component ...which should be implemented manually (in JS) ...or not 😎 35

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palkan_tula palkan Stimulus + Vue 36

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palkan_tula palkan More examples 37

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Okay, okay, no more JavaScript!

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palkan_tula palkan Architecture Reactivity rails-ujs Stimulus 39 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering Interactivity JS framework SPA Turbo Drive / Frames JS sprinkles HTML-over-WebSocket

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palkan_tula palkan Phoenix LiveView 40

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palkan_tula palkan “A new way to craft modern, reactive web interfaces with Ruby on Rails.” 41

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palkan_tula palkan 42 Stimulus Reflex creator CableReady 🤔

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palkan_tula palkan CableReady A library to broadcast DOM modification commands from server to browsers Uses Action Cable as a transport Uses morphdom to update HTML 43

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palkan_tula palkan Example 44
... <%= button_to item_path(item), method: :delete, remote: true do %> ... <% end %>

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palkan_tula palkan Example 45 # items_controller.rb def destroy item.destroy! stream = ListChannel.broadcasting_for(item.list) cable_ready[stream].remove(selector: dom_id(item)) head :no_content end

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palkan_tula palkan # items_controller.rb def destroy item.destroy! stream = ListChannel.broadcasting_for(item.list) cable_ready[stream].remove(selector: dom_id(item)) head :no_content end Example 46 $(" ##{dom_id(item)}").remove()

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palkan_tula palkan CableReady 47

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palkan_tula palkan CableReady v5.0 Custom operations stream_from helper (like in Hotwire, see further) 48

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palkan_tula palkan StimulusReflex Reflexes react on user actions and render HTML responses CableReady is use to send HTML to clients and to update DOM 49

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No content

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palkan_tula palkan Example 51

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palkan_tula palkan Example 52
data-reflex="change ->List#toggle_item_completion" data-item-id="<%= %> > ...

<%= item.desc %>


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palkan_tula palkan Example 53 class ListReflex < ApplicationReflex def toggle_item_completion item = find_item item.toggle!(:completed) html = render_partial("items/item", {item}) selector = dom_id(item) cable_ready[ ListChannel.broadcasting_for(item.list) ].outer_html(selector:, html:) cable_ready.broadcast morph_flash :notice, "Item has been updated" end private def find_item Item.find element.dataset["item-id"] end end

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palkan_tula palkan Example 54 class ListReflex < ApplicationReflex def toggle_item_completion item = find_item item.toggle!(:completed) html = render_partial("items/item", {item}) selector = dom_id(item) cable_ready[ ListChannel.broadcasting_for(item.list) ].outer_html(selector:, html:) cable_ready.broadcast morph_flash :notice, "Item has been updated" end private def find_item Item.find element.dataset["item-id"] end end Broadcast DOM to all connected clients Show flash-notification to the current user Object representing the current element data attributes

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palkan_tula palkan Example 55 class ApplicationReflex < StimulusReflex ::Reflex private def morph_flash(type, message) morph "#flash", render_partial( "shared/alerts", {flash: {type => message}} ) end end

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palkan_tula palkan StimulusReflex Stable & Mature (v3.4) Comprehensive documentation Active Discord community (>1k members) Works with AnyCable out-of-the-box 😉 56

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palkan_tula palkan StimulusReflex v4.0 Transport-agnostic (cables, SSE, message_bus, AJAX) Reliable data flow 57

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palkan_tula palkan More reflexions futurism—lazy-load HTML parts only when they become visible optimism—real-time remote form validations 58

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palkan_tula palkan More HTML-over-WS Turbo Streams Motion Live 59

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palkan_tula palkan Turbo Streams Minimalistic CableReady (only 5 actions) Transport-agnostic Zero JavaScript 60

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palkan_tula palkan Turbo Streams 61
<%= turbo_stream_from workspace %>

<%= %>

# app/controllers/chat/messages_controller.rb class MessagesController < ApplicationController def create Turbo ::StreamsChannel.broadcast_append_to( workspace, target: ActionView ::RecordIdentifier.dom_id(workspace, :chat_messages), partial: "chats/message", locals: {message: params[:message], name:} ) head :ok end end

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palkan_tula palkan 62

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palkan_tula palkan Motion 63

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palkan_tula palkan Live *copyright / url caption 64

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palkan_tula palkan 65 Everything is HTML. How to keep it under control?

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palkan_tula palkan Architecture Reactivity 66 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering Interactivity JS framework SPA Turbo Drive / Frames JS sprinkles HTML-over-WebSocket

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palkan_tula palkan 68 Think in components

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palkan_tula palkan Architecture Reactivity 69 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering Interactivity JS framework SPA Turbo Drive / Frames JS sprinkles HTML-over-WebSocket View Components

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palkan_tula palkan View Components 70 partials decorators helpers facades presenters builders view components

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palkan_tula palkan View Component "Ruby objects that output HTML" View Model + template Isolated, testable, reusable Made by GitHub 71

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palkan_tula palkan Example 72 # app/components/button/component.rb class Button ::Component < ViewComponent ::Base attr_reader :label, :icon def initialize(label:, icon: nil) @label = label @icon = icon end alias icon? icon end

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palkan_tula palkan Example 73 # app/components/button/component.html.erb <% if icon? %> <%= icon %> <% end %> <% == label %>

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palkan_tula palkan 74 # some.html.erb
<%= render Button "Like", icon: "❤") %>

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palkan_tula palkan 75 # app/components/like_button.rb class LikeButton < Button ::Component def initialize super(label: I18n.t("like"), icon: "❤") end end # some.html.erb
<%= render %>

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palkan_tula palkan 76 # test/components/button_test.rb class Button ::ComponentTest < ActiveSupport ::TestCase include ViewComponent ::TestHelpers def test_render render_inline Button "Test") assert_selector "button.btn", text: "Test" assert_no_selector "button.btn i" end def test_render_with_icon render_inline Button "Test", icon: "✔") assert_selector "button.btn", text: "Test" assert_selector "button.btn i", text: "✔" end end Example

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palkan_tula palkan View Component Plays nicely with Rails (Rails way) Faster rendering (up to 10x faster than partials) Preview functionality (similarly to mailers) 77

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palkan_tula palkan View Component 78 app/ frontend/ components/ banner/ component.rb component.html.slim component.css component.js Keep HTML, CSS, JS, etc. together

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palkan_tula palkan View Component++ 79 app/ frontend/ components/ chat/ component.rb component.html.slim component.css component.js controller.js preview.rb preview.html.slim reflex.rb Keep HTML, CSS, JS, Stimulus controllers, reflexes, previews, etc. together

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palkan_tula palkan View Component++ 80 A collection of extensions and developer toos for ViewComponent

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palkan_tula palkan Alternatives Cells hanami-view dry-view komponent elemental_components 81

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palkan_tula palkan 82 Client-side rendering Server-side rendering JS framework SPA Turbo Drive / Frames JS sprinkles HTML-over-WebSocket View Components CSS-in-JS / PostCSS

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palkan_tula palkan CSS after Bootstrap Bulma TailwindCSS Shoelace 83

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palkan_tula palkan Mobile-first CSS-only Modular and customizable (via Sass vars) Could be enhanced by Vue components (Buefy) 84

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palkan_tula palkan 85 Bulma + Stimulus + Buefy

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palkan_tula palkan Utility-first (no components, just classes) Components extraction mechanism (@apply) Fast prototyping (+playground) Optimized production and development builds (JIT) 86

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palkan_tula palkan 87

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palkan_tula palkan Web Components Customizable Accessibility 88

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palkan_tula palkan 89 <=%=body%>

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palkan_tula palkan What to choose? Bulma—admin dashboards, or you know some Vue Shoelace—CRUD, admin dashboards TailwindCSS—user-facing interfaces 90

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In the end Or does it even matter?

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palkan_tula palkan HTML-over-WebSocket (StimulusReflex, Turbo Streams, etc) JS sprinkles (Stimulus) Fake SPA (Turbo) Component-based architectures (ViewComponent, komponent, etc.) Modern CSS frameworks and tools (Tailwind, Shoelace, Bulma) 92 Frontendless Rails Way

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palkan_tula palkan Frontendless Rails Way Could be used instead of JS/SPA approach for applications with not-so-tricky UI (dashboards, CRUD-s, etc.) Increases productivity (though not for free) We're just in the beginning of the New Era! 93

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THANKS! @palkan @palkan_tula @evilmartians