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Project Bicep vs Terraform Thorsten Hans @ThorstenHans Consultant

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Cloud-Native Consultant @ Thinktecture #Azure #Kubernetes #Cloud-Native #Infrastructure-as-Code [email protected] @ThorstenHans Thorsten Hans

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Project Bicep vs Terraform • Introduction • Comparing Bicep and Terraform • Capabilities and differences • Developer Tooling • Language / Syntax • Comparing a sample architecture • Conclusion Talking Points

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Introduction • Management of Infrastructure (services, servers, virtual networks,…) using source code • Address the problem of configuration drift • Infrastructure becomes reproducible and version controlled • Dev(Ops) teams can collaborate on infrastructural changes usign established / familiar tools like GitHub or Azure DevOps Infrastructure as Code

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Introduction • Individual devs can spin up production-like environments in no time • Infrastructure knowledge will be shared across Dev(Ops) teams • Organizations can automate infrastructure provisioning • Dev(Ops) teams can rollback in the case of misconfiguration Infrastructure as Code P

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Introduction • Infrastructure as Code toolset • Cloud-vendor agnostic (single language to manage Azure, AWS, GCP, Hetzner Cloud, …) • Open-source (additional paid offerings available, but not mandatory) • Fullfledged Infrastructure as Code lifecycle Terraform in a nutshell Write Plan Validate Apply Consume

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Introduction • Domain Specific Language (DSL) for deploying Azure resources • Built for Azure – However, extension points are baked in for future integrations • Open-Source • Bicep compiles down to Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates Project Bicep in a nutshell Write Plan with az Validate with az Apply with az Consume

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Project Bicep vs Terraform • Introduction • Comparing Bicep and Terraform • Capabilities and differences • Developer Tooling • Language / Syntax • Comparing a sample architecture • Conclusion Talking Points

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Comparing Bicep and Terraform • Bicep and Terraform serve one purpose • Provision and mutate cloud infrastructures using code • Both can preview infrastructure modifications before mutating the cloud environment • Both use declarative approach • You describe the desired state Capabilities and differences

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Comparing Bicep and Terraform With both, we can • read existing information (Services that your actual infrastructure depends on) • build re-usable components • automate infrastructure deployment and mutation in the context of Azure Capabilities and differences

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Comparing Bicep and Terraform So if both tools exist to address the needs of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), where is the difference and which should I choose? Capabilities and differences

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Project Bicep • Communicates directly with Azure ARM APIs • Projects have a scope (Resource Group, Subscription. Management Group, or Tenant) • The CLI is just repsonsible for source code specific stuff (decompile, publish, build) • Actual deployment is done using existing tools (Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell modules, or Azure Portal) • There are two deployment modes Complete or Incremental (incremental by default) Capabilities and differences

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Terraform • It can provision all necessary infrastructure components (also in multi- and hybrid-cloud scenarios) by using so called providers • The AzureRM provider is an abstraction of Azure’s ARM API • The CLI addresses all needs (deployment, mutation, formatting, validating, removal, …) • Tracks infrastructure state using a “state file” that must be accessible from within CI • Terraform workspaces allow per environment modifications and are tracked independantly Capabilities and differences

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Comparing Bicep and Terraform • Visual Studio Code has best experience for Terraform and Bicep • For both choices, first class extensions are available • Vast amount of community extensions for Terraform Developer Tooling

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Developer Tooling - Visual Studio Code Extensions for - Terraform - Project Bicep Demo

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Comparing Bicep and Terraform Both languages are • declarative • easy to read and learn • equipped with functions and expressions and fundamental control flow capabilities Language / Syntax

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Project Bicep vs Terraform • Introduction • Comparing Bicep and Terraform • Capabilities and differences • Developer Tooling • Language / Syntax • Comparing a sample architecture • Conclusion Talking Points

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Comparing a sample architecture - Comparing a sample architecture that consists of three commonly used services in Azure - Azure Key Vault - Azure SQL Database - Azure App Service Demo

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Project Bicep vs Terraform • Introduction • Comparing Bicep and Terraform • Capabilities and differences • Developer Tooling • Language / Syntax • Comparing a sample architecture • Conclusion Talking Points P

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Should I pick Terraform or Project Bicep • Terraform addresses multi- and hybrid cloud scenarios • IMO Terraform is a bit more compact than Project Bicep • Anyways you will find yourself writing a lot of code when doing IaC • Terraform addresses all the needs using a single CLI Conclusion

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Should I pick Terraform or Project Bicep • Are you working only with Azure -> use Project Bicep • Project Bicep is an Azure 1st class citizen • If a service or changes are released in preview, you can use them from day 1 • Project Bicep developer tooling is superior Conclusion

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Q&A If you have further questions: shoot me a mail at [email protected] / [email protected] or tweet at @ThorstenHans