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Graph of Colorado COVID cases as of October 7th, 2020. In comparison to other states, Colorado is fairly flat, although there has been a rise in cases from beginning of September. As of October 7th, there was a 9% increase in cases at 44,800+ cases in the state of Colorado. Source: New York Times, "Colorado Covid Map and Case Count". Retrieved October 5, 2020. COVID RESPONSE Due to COVID, the need to move most of our CCCS courses to online instruction had to happen quickly while maintaining quality student- learning experiences. Faculty are central to the collective success in this daunting task. A faculty workshop for essentials of online teaching was necessary.

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REQUEST 10-hour workshop for CCCS instructors to intentionally and rapidly transition to online learning with sustainable course design. DAYS UNTIL DELIVERY 1

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ESSENTIALS OF ONLINE TEACHING From the CCCOnline Instructional Design Team

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AUDIENCE CCCS Faculty (13 Colleges) Minimal or little experience teaching online or remote Diverse in experience, expertise, exposure, and technology comfort. Many experienced with teaching in classroom or in real-time. 2 FACULTY PARTICIPANTS 500+

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DESIGN 4 Modules Elements, Assessment, Management, Implement Backwards Course Design Starting with the end in mind writing outcomes and working backwards through assessment, activities, and materials 2 Substantial Participant Deliverables Module 1 Blueprint or Map D2L Walk-Through Video 3 WEEK WORKSHOP

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DELIVERY Center for Academic Excellence for Content, Recruitment and Enrollment Frong Range Faculty Creations Active Learning Desire2Learn (D2L) LMS Course Template CCCOnline Master Course Template (MCT) Articulate Rise for Content Collaboration 4 AVG HOURS LEARNING 16.2

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THANK YOU by Lee Tran, MA and Sophia Strickfaden, MA eLearning Technology

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1:30-1:50PM GOING REMOTE OVERNIGHT: PART 2 - FACILITATION AND EVALUATION D e s i g n i n g a n d d e v e l o p m e n t a r e m u c h d i f f e r e n t f r o m f a c i l i t a t i n g a n d t e a c h i n g t h e s a m e w o r k s h o p . S t a y t u n e d f o r o u r c o l l e a g u e s , G r a c e W h i t e a k e r a n d K a t h y S i n d t , f o r e x p a n s i o n o n t h e f a c i l i t a t i o n , l e s s o n s l e a r n e d , a n d f a c u l t y o u t c o m e s o f t h i s w o r k s h o p .