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Flowing in the Deep Exploring Event Streams in Kotlin

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Hannes Dorfmann sockeqwe Gabriel Ittner gabrielittner

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Flowing in the Deep • Introduction • Operators • Threading • Useful APIs

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fun doHttpRequest() : X { // A long running operation ... return X }

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class MyActivity : Activity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle) { doHttpRequest() } }

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class MyActivity : Activity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle) { doHttpRequest() } }

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class MyActivity : Activity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle) { thread { doHttpRequest() } } }

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class MyActivity : Activity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle) { thread { val x = doHttpRequest() ??? } } }

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fun doHttpRequest() : X { // A long running operation ... return X }

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fun doHttpRequest( callback: (X) -> Unit ){ // A long running operation ... callback(X) }

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fun doHttpRequest( callback: (X) -> Unit ){ thread { // A long running operation ... callback(X) } }

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class MyActivity : Activity() { override fun onCreate(b: Bundle) { doHttpRequest { result -> // do something with the result } } }

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doHttpRequest { ... }

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doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { ... } }

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doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { ... } } }

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doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { ... } } } }

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doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { ... } } } } }

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doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { ... } } } } } }

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doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { doHttpRequest { ... } } } } } } }

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Callback Hell

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fun doHttpRequest( callback: (X) -> Unit ) { // A long running operation ... callback(X) }

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suspend fun doHttpRequest(): X { // A long running operation ... return X }

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launch { val a = doHttpRequest() val b = doHttpRequest() val c = doHttpRequest() val d = doHttpRequest() val e = doHttpRequest() val f = doHttpRequest() val g = doHttpRequest() }

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suspend fun doHttpRequest(): X { // A long running operation ... return X }

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fun doHttpRequest(continuation : Continuation) { // A long running operation ... }

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fun doHttpRequest(continuation : Continuation) { // A long running operation ... contination.resume(X) }

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fun doHttpRequest( callback: (X) -> Unit ){ // A long running operation ... callback(X) }

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fun doHttpRequest( observer: (X) -> Unit ){ // A long running operation ... observer(X) }

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Observer Pattern

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fun doHttpRequest( observer: (X) -> Unit ){ // A long running operation ... observer(X) }

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fun downloadVideo( observer: (progress) -> Unit ) { }

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fun downloadVideo( observer: (progress) -> Unit ) { // A long running operation ... observer(0.1) ... observer(0.2) ... observer(1.0) }

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suspend fun downloadVideo() : ??? { // A long running operation ... ??? } With Coroutines?

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fun downloadVideo( observer: (progress) -> Unit )

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interface Downloader { fun downloadVideo( observer: (progress) -> Unit ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( observer: (progress) -> Unit ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( observer: (T) -> Unit ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( observer: (T) -> Unit ) } interface DownloadObserver

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interface Downloader { fun download( observer: (T) -> Unit ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) } interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) } interface Downloader { fun collect( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) } interface Downloader { fun collect( c: Collector ) } interface Collector { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) } interface Flow { fun collect( c: Collector ) } interface Collector { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Downloader { fun download( o: DownloadObserver ) } interface DownloadObserver { fun emit( value: T ) } interface Flow { fun collect( c: FlowCollector ) } interface FlowCollector { fun emit( value: T ) }

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interface Flow { fun collect( c: FlowCollector ) } interface FlowCollector { fun emit( value: T ) } Flow

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interface Flow { suspend fun collect( c: FlowCollector ) } interface FlowCollector { suspend fun emit( value: T ) } Flow

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fun downloadVideo(): ??? { ... ??? }

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fun downloadVideo(): Flow { ... ??? }

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fun flow(block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow fun downloadVideo(): Flow { ... ??? }

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fun flow(block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow fun downloadVideo(): Flow = flow { ... ??? }

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fun flow(block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow fun downloadVideo(): Flow = flow { // this: FlowCollector ... ??? }

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fun flow(block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow fun downloadVideo(): Flow = flow { // this: FlowCollector ... emit(0.1) }

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fun flow(block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow fun downloadVideo(): Flow = flow { // this is FlowCollector ... emit(0.1) ... emit(0.2) ... emit(1.0) }

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Let it Flow!

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }

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class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { init { viewModelScope.launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } } } } }

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class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { init { viewModelScope.launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } } } } } Launch new coroutine

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class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { init { viewModelScope.launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } } } } } Launch new coroutine 2.1.0-beta01

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class MyViewModel : ViewModel() { init { viewModelScope.launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } } } } } Suspending block
 executed in coroutine

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launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } } }

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launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.collect { value -> println(value) } }

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launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.collect { value -> println(value) } } Observes flow

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launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.collect { value -> println(value) } } notify observer about value

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launch { flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.collect { value -> println(value) } }

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What about errors?

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flow { throw Exception("Something went wrong") }.collect { println(it) }

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flow { throw Exception("Something went wrong") }.collect { println(it) } re-throws

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try { flow { throw Exception("Something went wrong") }.collect { println(it) } } catch (e: Exception) { // handle error }

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flow { emit(0.1) throw Exception("Something went wrong") }.collect { println(it) }

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flow { emit(0.1) throw Exception("Something went wrong") }.collect { println(it) } sealed class DownloadStatus { }

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flow { emit(0.1) throw Exception("Something went wrong") }.collect { println(it) } sealed class DownloadStatus { data class Progress(val value: Double) : DownloadStatus() object Success : DownloadStatus() data class Error(val message: String) : DownloadStatus() }

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flow { emit(DownloadStatus.Progress(0.1)) try { throw IOException(“Something went wrong”)) } catch (e: IOException) { emit(DownloadStatus.Error(e.message)) } }.collect { println(it) } sealed class DownloadStatus { data class Progress(val value: Double) : DownloadStatus() object Success : DownloadStatus() data class Error(val message: String) : DownloadStatus() }

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And completion?

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } }

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } Flow gets instantiated

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } collect gets called

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } coroutine suspends here

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } executed collect suspends here

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } called for emission collect suspends here

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } executed collect suspends here

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } called for emission collect suspends here

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } } collect suspends here

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } }

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launch { flow { // do stuff }.collect { value -> println(value) } handleCompletion() }

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flow { // do stuff }.onCompletion { handleCompletion() }.collect { value -> println(value) } new in 1.3.0-M 2

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.map { value -> value * 2 }.collect { value -> println(value) }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector } } fun flow(block: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> } } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> } } } Flow.collect

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> } } }

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.map { value -> value * 2 }.collect { value -> println(value) }

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.map { value -> value * 2 }.collect { value -> println(value) } fun…)

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.map { value -> value * 2 }.collect { value -> println(value) }

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.map { value -> value * 2 }.collect { value -> println(value) }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> } } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> } } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> val r = transformer(value) } } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> val r = transformer(value) emit(r) } } }

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fun suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { value -> val r = transformer(value) emit(r) } } } FlowCollector.emit(value)

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.map { value -> value * 2 }.collect { value println(value) }

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Operator Observer Pattern

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.switchMap { value -> flow { emit(“first $value") delay(500) emit(“second $value") } }.collect { value ->
 println(value) }

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.switchMap { value -> flow { emit(“first $value") delay(500) emit(“second $value") } }.collect { value ->
 println(value) } Console output first 0 first 1 first 2 first 3 first 4 first 5

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> } } }

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.switchMap { value flow { emit(“first $value") delay(500) emit(“second $value") } }.collect { value ->
 println(value) }

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flow { for (i in 0..5) { delay(100) emit(i) } }.switchMap { value -> flow { emit(“first $value") delay(500) emit(“second $value") } }.collect { value 
 println(value) }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) inner.collect { value -> } } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) launch { inner.collect { value -> } } } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) launch { inner.collect { value -> emit(value) } } } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { // this: FlowCollector collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) launch { inner.collect { value -> emit(value) } } } } } FlowCollector.emit(value)

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) launch { inner.collect { value -> emit(value) } } } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { var currentJob: Job? = null collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) currentJob = launch { inner.collect { value -> emit(value) } } } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { var currentJob: Job? = null collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) currentJob?.cancelAndJoin() currentJob = launch { inner.collect { value -> emit(value) } } } } }

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fun Flow.switchMap( mapper: suspend (value: T) -> Flow ): Flow { return flow { coroutineScope { var currentJob: Job? = null collect { outerValue -> val inner : Flow = mapper(outerValue) currentJob?.cancelAndJoin() currentJob = launch { inner.collect { value -> emit(value) } } } } } }

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interface CoroutineContext

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interface CoroutineContext interface Job : CoroutineContext { public fun cancel(): Unit // a lot more… }

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interface CoroutineContext interface Job : CoroutineContext { public fun cancel(): Unit // a lot more… } abstract class CoroutineDispatcher

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interface CoroutineContext interface Job : CoroutineContext { public fun cancel(): Unit // a lot more… } abstract class CoroutineDispatcher Dispatchers.Main Dispatchers.Default Dispatchers.IO Dispatchers.Unconfined newSingleThreadContext()

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interface CoroutineContext interface Job : CoroutineContext { public fun cancel(): Unit // a lot more… } abstract class CoroutineDispatcher Dispatchers.Main Dispatchers.Default Dispatchers.IO Dispatchers.Unconfined newSingleThreadContext() val context: CoroutineContext = Job() + Dispatchers.IO

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public interface CoroutineScope { public val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext }

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public interface CoroutineScope { public val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext } public inline fun CoroutineScope.cancel()

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public interface CoroutineScope { public val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext } public inline fun CoroutineScope.cancel() public fun CoroutineScope.launch(...)

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public interface CoroutineScope { public val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext } public inline fun CoroutineScope.cancel() public fun CoroutineScope.launch(...) val ViewModel.viewModelScope: CoroutineScope val Lifecycle.coroutineScope: LifecycleCoroutineScope

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Threading (actually)

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { GlobalScope.launch { // expensive operation emit(progress) // expensive operation emit(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation emit(progress) // expensive operation emit(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation emit(progress) // expensive operation emit(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } IllegalStateException

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation emit(progress) // expensive operation emit(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { channelFlow { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation emit(progress) // expensive operation emit(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { channelFlow { // this: ProducerScope withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation emit(progress) // expensive operation emit(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { channelFlow { // this: ProducerScope withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation send(progress) // expensive operation send(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { channelFlow { // this: ProducerScope withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation send(progress) // expensive operation send(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { channelFlow { // this: ProducerScope withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // expensive operation send(progress) // expensive operation send(result) } }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 }.map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation }.map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } }

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread Default thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread Default thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread Default thread

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lifecycle.coroutineScope.launchWhenStarted { flow { // expensive operation } .flowOn(Dispatchers.IO) .map { it + 1 } .flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) .map { it.toString() }.collect { println(it) } } main thread IO thread Default thread

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Threading • collect lambda is always called on the initial CoroutineContext

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Threading • collect lambda is always called on the initial CoroutineContext • flowOn does only influence the upstream

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Threading • collect lambda is always called on the initial CoroutineContext • flowOn does only influence the upstream • nothing can change the context of downstream emissions

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Some useful APIs

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flowOf(1, 2, 3, 4)

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flowOf(1, 2, 3, 4) listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).asFlow()

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flowOf(1, 2, 3, 4) listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).asFlow() sequenceOf(1, 2, 3, 4).asFlow()

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val someFunction: (() -> Result) = ...

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val someFunction: (() -> Result) = ... someFunction.asFlow()

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val someFunction: (() -> Result) = ... someFunction.asFlow() val doHttpRequest: (suspend () -> Result) = ...

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val someFunction: (() -> Result) = ... someFunction.asFlow() val doHttpRequest: (suspend () -> Result) = ... doHttpRequest.asFlow()

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val observable: Observable = Observable.just(1)

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val observable: Observable = Observable.just(1) val flow: Flow = observable.toFlowable().asFlow()

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val observable: Observable = Observable.just(1) val flow: Flow = observable.toFlowable().asFlow() val observable2: Observable = flow.asPublisher().toObservable()

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RxJava Subject / Relay flatMap() concatMap() switchMap() Flow channel.asFlow() flatMapMerge() flatMapConcat() switchMap()

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RxJava & Flow map() filter() combineLatest() take() scan() retry() debounce() distinctUntilChanged() zip() takeUntil() reduce()

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interface MyService { @GET(“{user}/books/favorite”) suspend fun getFavoriteBook(@Path(“user") userId: Int): Book }

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new in 2.6.0 interface MyService { @GET(“{user}/books/favorite”) suspend fun getFavoriteBook(@Path(“user") userId: Int): Book }

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flow { emit(userId1) emit(userId2) } interface MyService { @GET("{user}/books/favorite") suspend fun getFavoriteBook(@Path("user") userId: Int): Book }

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flow { emit(userId1) emit(userId2) }.someOperator { userId -> val book = myService.getFavoriteBook(userId) book } interface MyService { @GET("{user}/books/favorite") suspend fun getFavoriteBook(@Path("user") userId: Int): Book }

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flow { emit(userId1) emit(userId2) }.someOperator { userId -> val book = myService.getFavoriteBook(userId) book }.collect { book -> println(book) } interface MyService { @GET("{user}/books/favorite") suspend fun getFavoriteBook(@Path("user") userId: Int): Book }

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flow { emit(userId1) emit(userId2) }.map { userId -> val book = myService.getFavoriteBook(userId) book }.collect { book -> println(book) } interface MyService { @GET("{user}/books/favorite") suspend fun getFavoriteBook(@Path("user") userId: Int): Book }

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Summary • Flow: event stream • Observer Pattern • Backed by Coroutines

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