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Slide 1 text | @foolabca API Tips From the Frontline CakeFest, Amsterdam - May 29, 2016

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What you will learn • Don't repeat my mistakes. • Overcome common obstacles. • Build elegant & pragmatic APIs. 2

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Anna Filina • Developer • Problem solver • Teacher • Advisor • FooLab + ConFoo 3

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Endpoints What URL to call when

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Lists • /products • /products?category=games,movies&lang=fr • /products?include=platforms • /products?sort=-date • /products?pageNumber=2&pageSize=100 • /products?lang=fr 5

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Details • /products/1 • /products/1?include=photos,reviews 6

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Response example: list { "data": [ {"name": "Skyrim"}, {"name": "Civilization V"} ], "meta": { "pages": 50, "count": 100 } } 7

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Write • POST /products • PUT or PATCH /products/1 • DELETE /products/1 • Version your APIs: ◦ ◦ Headers also an option. 8

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Request/Response How to format stuff

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Multiple formats • xml, json, html, etc. • Can use 1 endpoint with Accept header. • Can send version, pagination & language info using headers too. 10

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Request • Bad: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded • Content-Type: application/json • Send content (POST) in body, not headers. 11

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Request example: add POST /products HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "data": { "name": "Overwatch", "price": 49.99 } } 12

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3 queries • Count query with same filters but no pagination. • Query with filters, pagination & sorting, but only select DISTINCT IDs ◦ Because JOIN + LIMIT = wrong number of root records. • Query all the data (with joins) by IDs and apply sorting. 13

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LIMIT SELECT * FROM game LEFT JOIN rating ON rating.game_id = WHERE game.price < 20 LIMIT 2; 14 id name price game_id score 1 Skyrim 19.99 1 9.1 1 Skyrim 19.99 1 8.9 2 Diablo 3 17.89 2 8.5

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Upload • Use tools, don't DIY (do it yourself). • Client-side: Plupload ◦ Step 1: upload temp file. ◦ Step 2: give file path to next API request. • Server-side: Guzzle. 15

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Plupload var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes: 'html5,html4', max_file_size: '5mb', url: '/api/upload', filters: [{extensions: 'jpg,png,jpeg'}] }); uploader.init(); 16

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Guzzle createRequest('PATCH', $url); $reqBody = $request->getBody(); $reqBody->setField('data', ['first_name':'Anna']); $file = new PostFile('i.jpg', fopen('/path', 'r')); $reqBody->addFile($file); $response = $client->send($request); 17

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Status codes • Don't confuse API & HTTP codes. • 2xx success. • 3xx redirect. • 4xx client error. • 5xx server error. • Send API-specific code in body. 18

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Example of error Status: 400 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "errors": {[ "code": 1001, "message": "Price must be greater than 0." ]} } 19

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Testing Simpler than you think

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HTTP • Use Guzzle or built-in framework tools. • Generate HTTP request , compare output. 21

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Guzzle test // tests/ApiProductTest.php public function test_GetOneProduct_ReturnsSuccess() { $client = new Client(); $response = $client->get('', [ 'exceptions' => false, 'headers' => ['Accept' => 'application/json'] ]); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); // ... } 22

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Guzzle test // ... $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); $this->assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString('{ "data": { "id": "1", "name": "Overwatch", "price": 49.99 } }', $body); 23

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Testing tips • Create separate database for tests. • Write tests before you code: ◦ TDD. ◦ Contract between you and client dev. 24

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Authentication Nooo, I hate that part! Someone else code it plz.

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Multiple methods • Don't send username/password in each request. ◦ Especially with untrusted 3rd parties. ◦ Especially if no SSL. • You can have multiple auth methods for one API. • Sessions similar to tokens. 26

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OAuth2 • SSL required (can be risky). • Advanced features like access scope. • Can be overkill if you need basic features. • Private credentials. 27

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OAuth2 - conceptual diagram 28 User Client app
 (php/js/mobile) API Request Forward Validate Create token Store token Login form Login token user/pass

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Digest • Its own encryption. • Easy to implement. • No replay (nonce). • Comes out-of-the-box with some frameworks. 29

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Digest - conceptual diagram 30 Request User/client app API Unauthorized Validate digest (nonce,pass) Request nonce

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Refactoring to API Don't rewrite all the legacy at once

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Progressive rewrite • Rewrite one component/module at a time. • Start with whatever has fewer dependencies (or critical). • Delete dead code. • Copy production data for dev environment. 32

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Services vs libraries • Services: GET /products?id=1,5 • Libraries /classes: • Bypass HTTP • $table->getApiList( ["id" => "1,5"] ); • Can fetch without pagination. • Can hydrate to models. 33

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Implementation tips Is this a good way to code it?

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Libraries • I use MVC frameworks & ORMs. • Aside from frameworks, I prefer small tools that don't do too much magic. 35

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Reuse & standardize • Goal: streamline endpoint creation. • Automate request parameters extraction. • Automate query generation based on parameters. • Keep things fully customizable. • Decouple from framework. 36

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Performance Make things faster. Much faster.

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Benchmark • Give Tideways or Blackfire a spin. • Make performance part of your test suite. • In dev/test mode, use a meta block. 38

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Example { "meta": { "perf": { "db_time": 0.00367, "total_time": 0.3120, "memory": 19661 } } } 39

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Performance tips • Don't use lazy loading. Example: $product->getPhotos(). • Craft your own joins and carefully select fields. • Avoid ORM built-in hydration for read operations. 40

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Performance tips • Use API keys even for public endpoints (DDoS mitigation). • Put stuff in Memcached/Redis (especially blocked keys). • HTTP server can check headers. 41

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Useful links • Standard API format • Digest implementation • Book "Build APIs You Won't Hate" 42

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Anna Filina • Development. • Fix bugs & performance issues. • Workshops on testing, frameworks & APIs. • Advisor on testing strategy, legacy code. 43

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